Concern Worldwide Bangladesh is inviting Expression of Interests (EOIs) from reputed and experienced consultants/firms to conduct the Final Evaluation of “Collective Responsibility, Action and Accountability for Improved Nutrition” (CRAAIN) project.
Objective of the Consultancy: The objectives of the consultancy is to conduct the project Final Evaluation. The main aim of the final evaluation is to assess the extent to which the project has achieved its expected outputs and outcomes, identify contextual challenges and areas where there have been gaps and the degree of success in addressing them. This evaluation will inform the results of the project based on six criteria (relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and crosscutting issues) recommended by OECD-DAC.
Collective Responsibility, Action and Accountability for Improved Nutrition (CRAAIN**)** is a three year (2020-2022) project that directly addresses the overall objective of the EU funded “Food and Nutrition Security Programme for Bangladesh 2015” which is to improve maternal and child nutrition. CRAAIN is aligned to the Government of Bangladesh’s (GoB) policies specifically the 8th Five Year Plan, the national Food Security Plan 2008-2015 and its related Country Investment Plan 2 (CIP2) 2016-2020 and the second National Plan of Action for Nutrition (NPAN2). The project is establishing innovative, resilient and scalable local level pro-poor Nutrition Governance model by adopting a multi-sectoral approach to improve nutrition in 4 Upazilas (Kachua, Mollahat, Mongla, Sharanklhola) in Bagerhat District.
CRAAIN is implemented by a Coastal Consortium led by Concern Worldwide with WaterAid and two local NGO partners, Rupantar and Jagrata Juba Shangha (JJS). The project collaborates with Bangladesh National Nutrition Council (BNNC) and the National Nutrition Services (NNS), Institute of Public Health Nutrition (IPHN) for technical assistance and to ensure complementarity between the action and implementation of NPAN2. The table below outlines the overall objective, outcome and outputs of CRAAIN.
Based on the findings and conclusions from Endline, the final evaluation will provide recommendations, lessons learned and best practices. The findings, recommendations, lesson learned will be part of Concerns reporting to the EU and inform future project development and advocacy, along with supporting donors and implementing partners in the design and implementation and of similar development initiatives in Bangladesh or any other country.
The consultant should deliver the following product/deliverables:
CRAAIN Final Evaluation:
- Inception Report: The consultant is expected to submit an inception report. This will provide a detailed plan of how the assignment will be carried out. The required structure of the inception report is outlined in Annexe 1. Including FGD/KII tools.
- Questionnaire, KII and FGD guides: Concern will share the baseline, endline, mid-term review reports, alongside any other relevant data and reports. The consultant will review these, and supplement them to ensure all data needs are meet. All draft tools will be shared with CRAAIN Project Steering Committee for technical review, inputs, and comments. The KII, FGD can be designed/planned as per necessary for a better understanding of the result/impacts. The consultant will incorporate concern comments into the final version and field test tools before carrying out the assessment.
- Logistics: The consultant(s) will be fully responsible for organising transport, accommodation and any other logistical requirements. Where support from Concern or Partners are required, this needs to be clearly outlined in the Inception Report and will be discussed and agreed upon by all parties.
- Verification Workshop: Following data analysis and submission of the first draft, a verification workshop will be organized involving partners and Concern staff to examine & validate findings against DAC, identify deviation and capture learning and initial advocacy recommendations.
- Final Report: A report on the findings of the analysis of the programme will produce with no more than 40 pages in length without annexes. It is important that the report will contain clear, specific and prioritised findings and recommendations.
- Soft copies of the final report (in Word and PDF formats).
- Presentation (Power point) slides.
- All cleaned datasets in agreed format/KII findings/FGD findings
- All tools used in data collection