Finance Coordinator – M/F – Integration Roster At French Red Cross

A major player in the social and solidarity economy, the French Red Cross manages a network of more than 600 establishments and services in the health, medico-social and training sectors. It also heads 12 regional health and social training institutes.

Internationally, the CRF operates in 16 countries alongside National Societies and 2 regional platforms (PIRAC and PIROI), on the following themes: Health and Disaster Risk Management.

Just as in the professions it develops and implements in France, the French Red Cross internationally places all its missions in a sustainable humanitarian action plan. This translates into an articulation of emergency, post-emergency, crisis exit and reconstruction activities aimed at the greatest efficiency. The objective is to carry out actions with lasting effects and to allow populations to regain their full autonomy.

Our association also aims to strengthen its presence and promote its priority commitments within the international Movement.

By joining us, you will share our commitment and ethics and develop your skills.


Working environment:

The French Red Cross now works in around fifteen countries located on several continents.

As part of our missions, we are looking for administrative and financial coordinators to work in various countries.

By applying for this offer, you are entering a Roster process.

The roster is the creation of a reserve list of candidates to contact as soon as an administrative and financial coordinator position opens.

In general, the French Red Cross is looking for around 6 or 7 administrative and financial coordinators per year.

Being on the Red Cross roster means you can quickly go on a mission.

So you will no longer need to be on standby for our positions. By applying for this offer, you will be sure to be on our lists as soon as a position opens. You thus increase your chances of being contacted quickly by our services.

General mission of the DMI:

Under the direct responsibility of the Head of Delegation and in conjunction with the management control department at headquarters, the Finance Coordinator is responsible for:

  • Ensure control of the accounting and treasury of the CRF in the country of intervention;
  • Ensure budget management and monitoring as well as have a consolidated budgetary vision;
  • Assess risks in financial, accounting and budgetary management;
  • Ensure compliance with financial procedures;
  • Ensure the necessary support for programs;
  • Train and strengthen the capacities of the financial teams of each CRF base in the country of intervention.


  • Hierarchical link : Provided by the head of delegation.
  • Operational link : Ensures the management of

Collaborates internally with:

  • The admin/fin delegate(s) and the head(s) of sub-delegation(s)
  • The management control, accounting and donors department of the CRF headquarters
  • Logistics coordination
  • HR/Admin coordination
  • Project managers, Bangui program managers, and the operations coordinator

Collaborates externally with:

  • The bank
  • Administrators of other partner organizations
  • Financial counterparts specific to lessors

Join us

You want to join a large association that works daily with vulnerable people!

You are looking for meaning and want to flourish within a committed company that upholds values.

You give importance to the principles and values ​​defended and carried by the French Red Cross (Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Volunteering, Unity, Universality)


Qualifications and experience

Bac +4/5 training in financial management/accounting, and with between 3 and 5 years (at least) of confirmed professional experience in the field of administration (finance, HR, admin) and in coordination of administrative and financial services.

Mandatory job requirements

  • 2-3 years of experience in multicultural team management.
  • 5 years of experience in a developing country.
  • Mastery of the office suite.
  • Knowledge of the procedures of the main donors (EUROPEAID, AFD, GLOBAL FUND, ECHO, BHA, UNHCR, UNICEF, etc.).
  • Good autonomy and ability to work under pressure.

Skills valued

  • Proficiency in the Office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), networking (G-Suite/Google Workspace)
  • Knowledge of the context of the country of intervention
  • Knowledge of CRF procedures.
  • Experience in degraded security contexts.
  • Proficiency in SAGA software.

Skills related to the specific environment of the mission:

  • Experience or knowledge of the Red Cross movement desired.
  • Propensity for teamwork and listening.
  • Flexibility, creativity, initiative and adaptability.
  • Ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • Rigor


  • French, read, written, spoken, compulsory
  • Knowledge of English is appreciated

How to apply


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