France – Community Mobilizer (M/F) – Atlantique At Solidarities International

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More Information

Since 1980, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL (SI) has been helping people affected by crises around the world and has established itself as a major player in the fight for universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and in the fight against waterborne diseases worldwide.
SI began its interventions in France in March 2020 to respond to the consequences of the health crisis. Designed as an emergency intervention, the mission has developed to respond to the challenges of access to water and sanitation for “unconnected” populations in situations of great precariousness on French territory, particularly those living in precarious housing sites (shanty towns, squats, etc.).

The mission

Solidarités International began its interventions in France in March 2020 to respond to the consequences of the health crisis. Designed as an emergency intervention, the mission was developed to respond to the challenges of access to water and sanitation for “unconnected” populations in situations of great precariousness on French territory, particularly those living in precarious housing sites (shanty towns, squats, etc.).

General objective:

The community mobilizer implements, in tandem with the Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) Project Manager, projects to improve living conditions on precarious housing sites, from the perspective of beneficiary participation and accountability to them.
He/she participates in coordination, representation and advocacy activities in the area. More specifically, he/she will be responsible for collective animation (RAC) on a stabilized site and other community mobilization activities in the area.
The community mobilizer is required to take part in WASH diagnostic, intervention and distribution activities in the area. His/her mission is to mobilize the beneficiaries of our interventions, to analyze the social dynamics within the site, and to propose risk mitigation solutions regarding the risks of privatization, monetization or any other form of influence. He/she fully contributes to the action research, evaluation and capitalization approach of the stabilized site support project. The mobilizer may also be required to mediate between institutional and technical services and residents of precarious housing areas on issues related to living conditions (town hall services, metropolitan area services, waste collection, water services, etc.).

Main Challenges:

– Strong interpersonal skills, with fluid communication and a sense of pedagogy.
– Knowledge of working in squats and shanty towns.
– Knowledge of mediation work with precarious audiences.
– Non-French speaking audience (in particular knowledge of Romanian is mandatory).

Priorities for the first 2/3 months:

– Understanding the Loire context (partners and community network) and the dynamics of the intervention sites.
– Intervention within the framework of the installation of sanitary infrastructure – showers/toilets – (mobilization of residents, facilitation of appropriation and collective use).

A salaried position: Based on experience, starting at EUR 2,865 gross per month for full-time, the position is offered here at 80%, or 4 days per week.


BAC +2 or similar

Experience and technical skills:

– Animation of workshops related to hygiene promotion / health prevention.

– Animation and development of networks.

– Project management in the health sector.

– Autonomous, able to make suggestions.

– Affinity with field work and knowledge of the issues of positioning in the outward journey.

– Class B license and ability to drive utility vehicles.


French and Romanian required.

Do you recognize yourself in this description?

If yes, send us your CV and cover letter.

Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.

Solidarités International reserves the right to close a recruitment before the deadline of the announcement. Thank you for your understanding.

And to find out more about Solidarités International:

Solidarités International (SI) is committed to preventing and combating any type of abuse – any act of sexual exploitation, abuse and/or harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or its collaborators, harm to persons and/or property, fraud, corruption, undeclared conflict of interest, financing of activities that violate human rights – that could be perpetrated in the context of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to any type of abuse, particularly acts of SEAH.

Solidarités International is a fair employer that fights all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any remuneration in order to participate in a recruitment process.

How to apply

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