France – Consultance : « Developpement D’Un Pack Agroecologie Pour Les Equipes Terrain De Solidarites International » (H/F) – Paris/Clichy At Solidarités International

Date de rédaction : 05/03/2024

Date limite de réponse : 26/03/2024

Localisation : France

Référence de la Consultance : AODOAPSRV001PAR24


SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) est une ONG française, indépendante de tout groupe politique, économique, ethnique et religieux. Depuis plus de 40 ans, elle contribue à apporter une aide humanitaire aux populations victimes de conflits armés et de catastrophes naturelles en répondant à leurs besoins vitaux (eau, nourriture et abri) et en renforçant leurs capacités de résilience. Concernant le secteur SAME (Sécurité Alimentaire & Moyens d’Existence), SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL a pour objectif d’appuyer les populations les plus vulnérables à assurer une sécurité alimentaire et économique durable face aux chocs. C’est un combat quotidien pour l’accès à une alimentation nutritive et culturellement adaptée ainsi qu’à des revenus pour vivre dignement. Les projets SAME de SI incluent, entre autres, des activités d’appui à l’agriculture et à l’élevage. Les équipes de SI sont présentes dans environ 24 pays – soit un total de 2 500 personnes, dont des expatriés, du personnel national, du personnel permanent au siège et quelques volontaires.


Les conflits, la variabilité du climat et les phénomènes climatiques extrêmes ainsi que les chocs économiques ont des effets cumulatifs multiples sur les systèmes agricoles et pastoraux, notamment dans les zones les plus vulnérables à ces chocs. SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL a finalisé sa politique Environnement et Climat fin 2023 et s’est engagé depuis plusieurs années dans différents réseaux de réflexion sur l’intégration de ces thématiques dans les interventions humanitaires. L’axe agroécologie s’est imposé pour le secteur SAME afin de répondre aux enjeux à la fois climatiques et environnementaux auxquels font face les populations, notamment en zones rurales.

This is why SI is looking for a consultant specializing in agroecology to help us better integrate this approach into our interventions supporting populations living from agriculture and livestock. Agroecology is a key approach to support them in facing different issues: climate change, dependence on expensive inputs (fertilizer, etc.), degradation of natural resources and the environment, among others. However, many barriers stand in the way of SI supporting these populations in the agroecological transition, in particular the great vulnerability of these people, the short time frame of humanitarian interventions as well as the instability of the intervention contexts. We are therefore looking in this consultancy for an analysis of our current capabilities regarding this subject, the potential for improvement and the turnkey tools so that teams in the field can best integrate this approach throughout the cycle of their projects.


Primary objective :

Contribute to developing and adapting the Agroecology approach of Solidarités International as part of its interventions in Food Security and Livelihoods in the context of humanitarian crises.

Specific objectives :

  1. Analyze the way in which the Agroecology approach is currently integrated into the projects of SI and other peer NGOs and draw lessons learned on the barriers and levers (technical, socio-cultural, organizational, etc.) to this integration
  2. Formulate operational recommendations through a technical note for the integration of agroecology in SAME projects in a humanitarian context, for each stage of the project cycle
  3. Develop a theory of change to show how the agroecology approach can be integrated into an IS agriculture-livestock support project and how this leads to positive impacts at the environmental, economic and social levels
  4. Develop an Agroecology pack intended for IS field teams, including a technical note, a theory of change, operational tools and training modules


The budget for the proposed consultancy is 20,000 euros, all taxes included.


The consultation is expected to take place between April and July 2024.


  • Bac+5 training in agronomy, environment, geography, and/or rural development
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in the SAME sector in humanitarian and/or development contexts, particularly on agriculture/livestock support projects integrating agroecology and/or adaptation to climate change approaches;
  • Demonstrated experience with the agroecology approach;
  • Experience in the design of operational tools and the development of strategic documents;
  • Rigor and attention to detail;
  • Autonomous work ;
  • Fluent French and English;

How to apply


Interested candidates are invited to request the application file from the address, specifying in the following subject: AODOAPSRV001PAR24 – Name of the bidder.

The publication is open until March 26, 2024, 6 p.m. Paris time, the deadline for submission of offers by Bidders. Any offer submitted after the submission deadline will be automatically disqualified.

The bidder is asked to guarantee that the characteristics of the services it offers:

  • Allows us to meet the needs described,
  • Comply with the requirements and constraints of Solidarités International

Any discrepancy between the requirements formulated in the consultation and the content of its offer must be explicitly indicated by the tenderer.

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