General consultant At World University Service of Canada


The Field Support Services Project (FSSP) – Mali is an initiative of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) of Canada aimed at providing effective, efficient and relevant international assistance in response to the complex challenges, needs and priorities of recipient countries in the areas of development, security and humanitarian assistance. It is implemented by the Canadian international organization, EUMC (World University Service of Canada).

The objective of PSAT-Mali is to provide technical, administrative, financial, logistical and procurement services to Global Affairs Canada (GAC), primarily in Mali, but also in Niger and Chad, as needed.

It is in this context that PSAT-Mali seeks to recruit one (01) Generalist Consultant who will support Canada’s development assistance program in Chad. This Generalist Consultant will have the main task of contributing to the implementation of projects in all aspects (planning, management, monitoring and evaluation, etc.).


Under the supervision of the PSAT contractor, in collaboration with the sector leaders and the DFATD team, the consultant will have the main task of helping to support the team of projects funded by Canada in Chad in all aspects of planning, management, monitoring and evaluation.


The consultant will provide technical, analytical and strategic support to MAECD in order to advance projects. In this context, the consultant’s main function will be to contribute to the planning, implementation and monitoring of activities related to the development of the inclusive governance sector.

More specifically, the consultant must, without limitation, provide the following services:

Advice, analyses, studies and meetings

  • Establish and maintain contacts with appropriate structures of the Chadian government, Chadian civil society and technical and financial partners;
  • Analyze on request any documentation produced by the Ministries or organizations responsible for the sectors of intervention of projects financed by AMC;
  • Upon request, support the cooperation section in meetings relating to projects financed by AMC and produce reports on these meetings;
  • Keep abreast of the priorities of the main organizations operating in the same areas as Canada;
  • Analyze the broad strategic guidelines for future programming in the areas of intervention chosen by Canada;
  • Participate in the sector thematic group within AMC, as well as in the resulting dialogue groups.
  • Provide advice and analysis on current issues relating to Canada’s areas of intervention in Chad.
  • Provide information and analysis in support of the Chad program for the production of briefing notes in preparation for high-level Canadian missions;
  • Provide comments or prepare documents for any planning initiative;
  • Provide analyses and opinions on subjects of interest and on certain laws and decrees;
  • Significantly integrate the dimension of EHF into all its activities, in particular through the mastery and implementation of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy.

Project monitoring

  • Comment on the documents produced by the projects and, in particular: (i) work plans, (ii) annual financial and narrative reports, (iii) half-yearly financial and narrative reports, (iv) mission reports of the monitoring agent; and (v) any other document produced within the framework of the project;
  • Participate as an observer in the various meetings of thematic and dialogue groups so that partners implement activities harmonized with other technical and financial partners and so that the activities are aligned with the priorities of the Government of Chad;
  • Carry out, as required, field visits to observe the progress of the project and carry out a certain number of technical checks;
  • Maintain links with the authorities of the Ministries responsible for the sectors in which Canada’s development program intervenes, in order to involve them in monitoring projects and obtain their assessment of its evolution;
  • Contribute to the preparation and implementation of monitoring missions;
  • Participate in the preparation of joint committees, their running and, if necessary, in the drafting of minutes;
  • Support the development program in the analysis and evaluation of all project proposals coming from across DFATD (including the Partnerships for Innovation in Development Sector, multilateral, pan-African, Program for Stabilization and peace operations) and concerning an issue linked to the sector of intervention of projects financed by Canada in general and support their monitoring;
  • Review work plans and reports from local monitoring agents, and provide support if necessary.

Other tasks for the program

  • Prepare working meetings for field missions;
  • Keep informed of developments in the country’s situation in areas covered by Canada’s development program and provide advice on this issue;
  • Submit any documentation produced by the Ministries responsible for the sectors in which Canada’s development program operates and donors that could be a contribution to the projects;
  • Ensure monitoring of missions concerning programming in the sectors of intervention of Canada’s development program and actively participate in the development of strategic documents in these sectors;
  • Contribute to the writing of PSAT activity reports;
  • With the approval of the PSAT manager, respond to requests from the Ministries responsible for the sectors of intervention of the Canadian development program and/or other donors.
  • Any other relevant service.
  1. Deliverables

The consultant will provide MAECD with the following deliverables, within the prescribed timeframes and according to the details provided by MAECD, in electronic format:

Description of deliverables a

  • Analysis reports on relevant issues in the areas of intervention of Canada’s development program
  • Mission terms of reference
  • Reports and minutes following participation in work meetings and missions
  • Report on participation in thematic group meetings
  • Comments on Implementation Plans (IMPs), Work Plans and reports proposed by DFATD’s partners with respect to its funded projects

Effort level (days)/month: 10

NB: The description of deliverables and the number of days in the table above are indicative and could be modified depending on the operational needs of the Canadian Cooperation Program in Chad.

For more details on the position please follow the link: [**** ](** ](**]( ))

How to apply

  • Applications must contain:
  • An updated copy of the detailed CV demonstrating that the candidate has the essential qualities required and
  • A cover letter of two pages maximum.
  • Application files must be sent by email with the mandatory mention of the position in the subject of the email: “Application for the position of general consultant Chad, PSAT-Mali”
  • Application files must be sent by e-mail to the following address: no later than July 15, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. GMT time.

Any file received after this deadline will be rejected.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged.
NB: Only pre-selected candidates will be invited to send their financial proposals.

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