GIS Specialist for South Sudan At IMPACT Initiatives


IMPACT Initiatives is a humanitarian NGO, based in Geneva, Switzerland. The organisation manages several initiatives, including the REACH Initiative. The IMPACT team comprises of specialists in data collection, information management, data analysis, and GIS. IMPACT was launched at the initiative of ACTED, an international NGO whose headquarters is based in Paris and is present in thirty countries. The two organizations have a strong complementarity formalized in a global partnership, enabling IMPACT to benefit from ACTED’s operational support on its fields of intervention.

ACTED is a French humanitarian NGO, founded in 1993, which supports vulnerable populations, affected by humanitarian crises worldwide. ACTED provides continued support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and engaging long-term challenges facing our target populations, in order to break the poverty cycle, foster development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Their 3,300 staff are committed in responding to emergencies worldwide, in supporting recovery and rehabilitation, and working towards sustainable development.

We are currently looking for a GIS Specialist to support our South Sudan team.

Supervisor: IMPACT Country Coordinator

Title: GIS Specialist

Location: Juba, South Sudan

Contract duration: 1 year

Start date: November 2021


IMPACT, through REACH, has been implementing programming in South Sudan since 2012. Responding to the Sudan Border Crisis, REACH initially engaged through coordinated information management support – in the form of refugee camp mapping and service provision analyses, thematic assessments, and multi-sectoral needs assessments – in Maban County, Upper Nile State and Pariang County, Unity State. IMPACT was engaged by DFID to provide a series of impact evaluations of their BRACE programming across Greater Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile States in 2013; a programme with run for two years, included 5 total assessments, and reached a total of more than 20,000 households. Immediately following the conflict of December 2013, REACH expanded its programming to include the IDP response, participating in Initial Rapid Needs Assessments of conflict affected areas, providing mapping and monthly service provision analyses for major IDP sites around the country, and running large-scale IDP return intentions assessments.

2018 saw the expansions of both IMPACT and REACH programming to 10 of 10 states, spanning the refugee, IDP and development responses, and covering diverse activities such as cross-border port monitoring, assessments of hard to reach areas, flood mapping and vulnerability analysis, market monitoring and supply chain analysis, analysis of tensions and conflicts over access to natural resources, and third party monitoring

of humanitarian and development programming. In 2019, REACH expanded its role within the technical space, increasing involvement in Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), Needs Analysis Working Group, UN technical agencies, and academics. In response, REACH has also expanded into multiple new research cycle streams beyond humanitarian needs monitoring, including sector specific, population movement, and AAP research.

Broadly, REACH South Sudan implements assessments across three core units:

· Monitoring of the humanitarian situation in South Sudan, through monthly assessments covering over 2,000 settlements in South Sudan, conducting an annual representative Multi Sector Needs Assessment to provide a snapshot of needs, and ad hoc rapid assessments in times of sudden escalations in conflict or natural disasters.

· Monitoring population movement trends in South Sudan, including tracking and analyzing large-scale displacement, returns and seasonal movements, through port and road monitoring, ad-hoc assessments, and a population movement baseline; assessing the perceptions of affected populations of the humanitarian response; engaging with the protection cluster in identifying and filling major information gaps; and mainstreaming a context sensitive approach within REACH South Sudan.

· Providing direct technical support to humanitarian clusters through active engagement with coordination bodies, dedicated assessments and information products, and strategic engagement to promote innovative methods towards understanding sector-related needs in South Sudan.


Under the direct supervision of the IMPACT South Sudan Country Coordinator and IMPACT’s HQ in Geneva, the GIS Specialist will be responsible for managing all processes and outputs related to REACH GIS, products and data, as well as information management systems, including web applications, in country. He/she will ensure regular communication with REACH aassessment teams in country and with IMPACT HQ. He/she directly supervises all GIS staff and contributes to the development and implementation of REACH strategy in South Sudan.

During his/her mission, the GIS Specialist will be hosted by ACTED and will fall under the direct responsibility and management of ACTED’s Country Director and his/her delegates for all Administrative, Security, Logistics and Finance issues. S/he will therefore fully abide to ACTED’s Security, HR, Administration and Logistics rules and regulations.


In coordination with the IMPACT Country Coordinator, the GIS Specialist is responsible for (1) the management of GIS and data-related functions in the REACH research cycles, (2) for the management of the GIS/data team, as well as supporting (3) external relations and (4) the development and implementation of REACH strategy in South Sudan. More specifically:

1. Management of GIS functions within Research Cycles

1.1 Assessment Preparation and Planning:

· In coordination with the assessment manager/focal point(s), ensuring that assessments are planned in line with project and program objectives and with REACH’s research cycle and other relevant guidelines;

· Identification of available GIS data to inform secondary data review, in coordination with the assessment team;

· For each assessment, ensure contribution to and review of draft ToRs with a specific focus on the analysis plan, and related mapping, as well as data management plan;

· In coordination with Assessment team, co-construct qualitative and quantitative data collection tools, ensuring GIS requirements of research cycle/assessment are met;

· Develop geo-spatial analysis of assessment areas to be used, as relevant, in developing daily assessment plans, field movement plans and accompanying operational maps for field teams;

· In coordination with relevant assessment officer(s), support construction of quantitative sample;

· Keep track of progress and delays of all GIS and relevant data- and information-management tasks throughout the research cycle. Ensure that delays or identified problems are reported by writing and orally in a timely manner.

1.2 Data Collection

· When relevant, ensure that support is provided by the GIS team for the identification and training of enumerators for primary data collection;

· When relevant, ensure that support is provided by GIS teams in overseeing data collection, in line with agreed TORs (including their Annexes), including spatial verification and validation as part of daily assessment checks;

· Ensure that collected data is geo-referenced, enabling the production of maps and related products;

· In coordination with the assessment team, ensure that all changes in data collection that lead to a modification in the agreed TORs are documented; and that the IMPACT Country Focal Point and IMPACT HQ are informed and agree on the modifications.

1.3 Data Management & Analysis

· Ensure that all collected data is stored in line with IMPACT’s Data Management Guidelines, and with the ToRs (data management plan Annex);

· Facilitate data cleaning and analysis automation process for the ongoing long term projects / assessments. Providing technical guidelines and capacity building support to the team on the automated systems and workflows.

· Ensure that data is revised and cleaned, and that all revisions are recorded;

· Ensure spatial analysis conducted on collected data as per ToRs;

· Ensure that data and its spatial analysis are validated by IMPACT HQ before product drafting stage;

· Ensure that data and its analysis do not contain personal information and are validated by IMPACT HQ before sharing to external parties;

· Ensure the quality and accuracy of technical information provided as well as the confidentiality and protection of collected information.

· Ensure regular update and maintenance of REACH South Sudan Web products

1.4 GIS Products (including maps and web-products)

· Ensure accurate linkages between spatial databases and assessment data;

· Ensures that the produced maps meet the requirements of IMPACT and concerned partners;

· Ensure regular communication maintained with IMPACT HQ on progress and deadlines for GIS products;

· Ensure the drafting of timely and accurate GIS products, which comply with IMPACT’s guidelines;

· Review all products before they are sent to IMPACT HQ for validation;

· Ensure that all GIS products are validated by IMPACT HQ before external release;

· When relevant, in close coordination with IMPACT HQ, ensure regular maintenance and update of web GIS products;

· In coordination with the IMPACT Country Focal Point, manage the identification of satellite imagery and analysis needs in country X, and liaise with IMPACT HQ on the procurement of UNOSAT services and satellite imagery.

1.5 Product dissemination and evaluation

· In coordination with IMPACT’s Country Focal Point, promote the dissemination of GIS products in line with IMPACT Guidelines and Research ToRs;

· Ensure the strictest confidentiality of data and data processes. He/she will actively take measures to prevent the unauthorized sharing of information and data;

· In coordination with IMPACT HQ, ensure that GIS products are uploaded in relevant data portals, as specified in Research ToRs;

· In coordination with IMPACT’s Country Focal Point and with the assessment team, ensure that lessons learned are gathered and documented at the end of each research cycle.

2. Functional Management of GIS Team

· Conduct regular meetings with all international and senior national GIS Team members to assess progress in all research cycles and to review work plan;

· In coordination with the relevant Research Manager, functional management of international and senior national GIS team members, including (in consultation with IMPACT country focal point) the conduct of appraisals, as well as participation in staff career management;

· In coordination with Country Coordinator, conduct induction for new staff members, including training in basic GIS, data and IM competencies;

· Support to the IMPACT Country Coordinator in the development and implementation of capacity training plans for GIS team members;

· Be available to provide regular support and technical backstopping;

· When relevant, support Country Coordinator in staff appraisal and recruitment process.

3. External relations

· Under the coordination of the IMPACT Country Coordinator, ensure that relevant partners are consulted and involved in the preparation of GIS products;

· In coordination with the IMPACT Country Coordinator, engage in relevant technical fora in country (e.g. IM/GIS working groups);

· In support of the IMPACT Country Coordinator, engage with other organisations engaged with the maintenance of spatial data in country X, ensuring IMPACT Geodatabases are up-to-date and in line with Common Operational Datasets (CODs) and Fundamental Operational Datasets (FODs)

relevant third parties, to enhance their use and impact;

· Ensure that external communications with technical GIS/IM partners and key stakeholders, including relevant UN agencies, local and national government, and NGOs has been conducted and documented as appropriate;

4. Strategy Development and Implementation. The GIS Specialist will participate and actively contribute to the development of the REACH strategy in South Sudan, in support to the Country Focal Point. In particular s/he will support in identifying and concretising:

· GIS gaps in country

· Synergies with other GIS and IM actors

· Dissemination strategies to strengthen the impact of our GIS and IM work

· Support in the preparation and follow up of country level internal strategic workshops and plans

· Engagement with IMPACT HQ in global level GIS priorities

5. Others

· Other tasks as requested by supervisors. [add other responsibilities in line with specific post]

Key performance indicators

· Ensure compliance with relevant GIS guidelines

o Mapping guidelines are systematically followed, in particular:

§ Map templates consistently used

§ Map validation process respected

· Ensure adherence to research cycle TOR

o GIS products support the research as designed and align to the analysis plan envisioned

o Data is handled according to the arrangements specified in the data management plan

· Ensure internal communication protocols followed

o Regular communication is maintained with IMPACT HQ on progress and deadlines for GIS products

o Problems related to specific assessments are reported by writing and orally in a timely manner

· Ensure maps produced and data analysed in a timely and accurate manner

o Average number of days between end of data collection and internal product validation

o Number of key automation scripts/apps for data cleaning and analysis process, fast-tracking output production.

o Total number of maps receiving final validation

· Human Resource management

o Retention rate among supervised national and international staff

o Progression in performance of supervised staff

The GIS Specialist will maintain the strictest confidentiality on all data collected and related processes. He/she will actively take measures to prevent the unauthorized sharing of any information and data belonging to IMPACT and its partners, or collected during his/her assignment with IMPACT.


· Excellent academic qualifications, including a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline (Computer Science, Information Management Systems, Statistics, Mathematics, Geo-informatics etc.);

· At least 3 years of relevant work experience in GIS;

· Good knowledge of GIS data management and processing;

· Excellent analytical skills, including the ability to identify outliers and key trends, and to situate findings in a wider context;

· Strong skills in Excel;

· Experience with cleaning large datasets;

· Experience conducting temporal or spatial trends analysis;

· Excellent team management skills;

· Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;

· Ability to work independently;

· Good attention to detail, and commitment to producing high quality work;

· Flexibility and adaptability to ever-changing needs and responsibilities;

· Operational knowledge of R and/or other statistical programming languages and packages;

· Ability to design and operate Kobo, ODK or similar mobile data collection tools;

· Fluency in English required


· Operational knowledge of Python;

· Knowledge of basic remote sensing (passive sensors), satellite image processing and thematic analysis of satellite imagery;

· Good understanding of various sampling frameworks;

· Experience with JavaScript;

· Familiarity with the aid system, and understanding of donor and governmental requirements;

· Prior knowledge of the region an asset.

How to apply

Kindly submit to the following link: GIS Specialist | Impact (

In case you encounter challenges using the application form, please contact us via

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