Guadeloupe: Service for a consultancy to conduct a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey

Réf : PF229_ABY_ABY_2021_0165

In the framework of its project “Ready Together”, the French Red Cross wishes to subscribe to the service described below:

  • A consultancy to conduct a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey on DRR & CCA strategies in the Eastern Caribbean

The objective of the consultancy is to design and conduct a KAP survey related to DRR and CCA in four English-speaking territories (Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), as well as in two overseas French departments (Martinique and Guadeloupe).

Objective of the consultancy : To design, conduct and analyse a KAP baseline and endline survey for a regional public awareness campaign

Location of the mission : Can be conducted remotely

Targeted territories : Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Martinique and Guadeloupe

Person in charge of the mission : READY Together DRR Project Awareness Officer

Desired start date (baseline) : 27/09/2021

Desired end date (endline) : 16/09/2022

1) Context
Founded in 2005, the Regional Platform for the Americas and the Caribbean (PIRAC) is the delegation of the French Red Cross (FRC) in the Caribbean, its main regional cooperation and humanitarian tool. The PIRAC provides assistance to the populations affected by major disasters and crises in Eastern Caribbean and the Guyana Shield.

The PIRAC also develops actions to strengthen the resilience of people and support Red Cross entities in the French
territories and the broader Caribbean, in coordination with the IFRC. The PIRAC is implementing the READY Together Programme (2019 – 2022), co-funded by INTERREG Caribbean programme through the European Regional Development Fund, the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Regional Council of Guadeloupe, which aims at
reinforcing disaster preparedness and response capacities within the Eastern Caribbean territories.

The territories targeted by the programme are Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and 2 French overseas departments – Martinique and Guadeloupe.

2) Objective

  • Justification

As part of the READY Together programme, a regional public awareness campaign has been defined as necessary to cover a proven lack of knowledge on disaster risks in a context of climate change in the Caribbean region.
The main objective of the regional campaign is to raise awareness on disaster- and climate-related risks so as to increase Caribbean people’s knowledge on disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures and climate change adaptation (CCA) strategies at individual or community level so as to increase their resilience.

This campaign should indeed contribute to behaviour change among Caribbean populations in order to reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards exacerbated by the effects of climate change. The campaign has to promote a participatory and inclusive approach.
The awareness campaign will be targeted at the most vulnerable populations of the targeted territories divided in three major levels:

  1. Individuals: children (> 8 years old), teenagers, women, pregnant women, people with disabilities, isolated elderly people, sexual and gender minorities, migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities, homeless people
  2. Households: single-parent households, families in general
  3. Communities
  4. Objective

The objective of the consultancy is to design and conduct a KAP survey related to DRR and CCA in four English-speaking territories (Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), as well as in two overseas French departments (Martinique and Guadeloupe).

This survey will serve as a basis for the monitoring & evaluation of the following indicator:

At least 10% of the population of the territories involved in the campaign are aware of preventive measures for natural hazards and of climate change adaptation strategies.
The KAP survey will enable, but not limited to:
● Analyse the main vulnerabilities and risks in the targeted territories;
● Validate primary and secondary audiences for the campaign;
● Assess the knowledge, the prevailing attitudes and current practices of the target populations related to DRR & CCA before (baseline) and after the campaign (endline) and analyse the impact of the campaign;
● Identify knowledge gaps and key barriers to change;
● Identify media usage and trustable sources of information, both formal and informal, among targeted groups related to DRR & CCA including the best way to catch their attention;
● Identify good practices of DRR preventive measures & CCA strategies;
● Identify behaviour change campaigns or materials that have proven to be impactful;
● Suggest recommendations for the implementation of the awareness campaign to reach the proposed indicators with materials which are inclusive and understandable by the most vulnerable groups.

  • Methodology

To achieve the expectations of this mission, the consultant can develop his proposed methodology, however at least, it will include the following steps:

➔ Conduct a desk review including existing KAP studies covering DRR and CCA in the Caribbean Sea (Cf. non-exhaustive list in Appendix)

➔ Draft and share an inception report including literature review, proposed methodology for the research and detailed work plan
➔ Undertake consultations with key regional and local stakeholders
➔ Verify and deepen the information using qualitative methods
➔ Design, code, pre-test and finalise survey tools
➔ Select, train or refresh, coordinate and provide data collectors with required equipment and tools
➔ Organise and supervise data collection and ensure data quality on the six targeted territories (baseline and endline)
➔ Treat and analyse the collected data (baseline and endline)
➔ Draft and share a survey baseline report including presentation of the findings and recommendations on appropriate public awareness activities to be undertaken, recommended messages and appropriate ways of delivery
➔ Revise report based on PIRAC’s comments and submit final baseline report
➔ Organise a virtual workshop to present results, findings and recommendations to stakeholders & representatives of targeted audiences engaged in the survey;
➔ Finalise the report based on inputs from participants of the workshop;
➔ Draft a survey endline report including presentation of the results and recommendations, and share with PIRAC for review
➔ Revise report based on comments and submit final endline report

3) Expected deliverables and calendar

– Inception report

  1. Intro & objectives
  2. Draft desk review:
    ▪ Hazard risks & vulnerabilities
    ▪ Analysis of existing KAP studies
    ▪ Gaps to be covered by the KAP survey
    ▪ Knowledge gaps on DRR & CCA
    ▪ Useful and harmful practices
    ▪ Media landscape & trustable sources of information including audiences
    ▪ Review of campaigns that have produced measurable change in DRR & CCA
    ▪ Bibliography
  3. Definition of the target audiences, indicators and means of verification
  4. Clear methodology including quantitative and qualitative methods:
    ▪ Objectives and justification of the data collection tools adapted to COVID19 restrictions
    ▪ Sampling plan & evaluative questions
    ▪ Required resources (human resources, equipment and tools)
    ▪ Data processing method: analysis and adjustment needs if necessary
  5. Detailed work plan including survey scheduling

Expected deliverables and calendar : upon proposed work plan

Payment against approved deliverables : 20%

– Draft survey tools & Final survey tools

Interview / FGD guide
Training materials
– Draft baseline survey report & final baseline survey report

Introduction and justification
Final desk review
Presentation of global and territorial results and findings including tables, charts and graphics disaggregated by sex, age and vulnerability
Recommendations for the awareness campaign based on results found
Appendix: Raw and processed data, questionnaire(s)

Expected deliverables and calendar : 06/12/21

Payment against approved deliverables : 40%

– Draft endline survey report & Final endline survey report

Presentation of the end line results including tables and graphics
Comparative analysis of endline and baseline results
Conclusions and recommendations
Appendix: Raw and processed data both quantitative and qualitative, questionnaire(s)

Expected deliverables and calendar : 31/08/22 (draft) & 16/09/22 (final)*Payment against approved deliverables : *40%

4) Work modalities

The consultant will work in collaboration with the following persons:
✔The READY Together programme manager
✔The READY Together DRR Project Awareness Officer
✔The DRR and PGI technical referents of the French Red Cross.
✔The Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NS) teams involved in the project
✔Others resource persons
If necessary, PIRAC will facilitate the introduction of the consultant to the NS involved in the project.

A draft version of all materials should be provided for revision to PIRAC before the submission of the final version. Enable time for validation by the PIRAC project team, as well as the DRR technical team of the French Red Cross.

All deliverables should respect READY Together communication guidelines.

The successful applicant will bear all costs necessary to carry out its mission, including compensations and per diem for the surveyors.
Certain tasks provided for in the contract may be entrusted to subcontractors, but the main contractor retains full liability towards PIRAC/FRC for performance of the contract as a whole.

5) Consultant Profile

The selected consultant should have:
▪ A minimum of 5 years’ experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection
▪ A minimum of 3 years’ experience in designing, conducting and analysing KAP surveys
▪ Fluency in English (verbal and written), French is an asset
▪ Excellent analytical and report writing skills
▪ Good written, oral and interpersonal skills
▪ Experience with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is a strong asset
▪ Good knowledge of the Caribbean context is desirable
▪ Experience in climate change awareness would be an asset

APPENDIX : Literature Review List

Results from a COVID-19 protection measures and vaccine perception survey, SVG, 03/2021
Saint Lucia Climate Change KAP, baseline survey, 2016
KAP STUDY: BASELINE for the SMART Health Care Facilities in the Eastern Caribbean Project
–Phase II, PAHO, 2016
Climate change knowledge, attitudes and behavioural practices in the OECS, 2013
Rapid Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: The Eastern and Southern Caribbean
Regional Report, USAID, 01/09/13

Let’s A.C.T. Saint Lucia Communication Campaign, 2019

Climate Trends and Projections for the OECS Region, 01/04/20
Climate Risk Profile Eastern And Southern Caribbean, USAID, 26/02/18
Climate Change Risk Profile for Antigua & Barbuda, CCCRA, 03/12
Climate Change Risk Profile for Dominica, CCCRA, 03/12
Climate Change Risk Profile for Saint Lucia, CCCRA, 03/12
Climate Change Risk Profile for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, CCCRA, 03/12
Profil territorial de vulnérabilité de la Guadeloupe au changement climatique, OREC, 2018
L’impact du changement climatique dans le domaine de l’eau sur le bassin Martinique, 2021
Etude et évaluation des impacts, de la vulnérabilité et de l’adaptation de la Martinique au changement climatique, 2012

How to apply

6) Deadline and contents of the submission
Proposals meeting ToR requirements must be submitted not later than September 13th 2021 8am EST and have to include the following information:

▪ Name and address of the applicant
▪ Expression of interest outlining how the applicant meets the selection criteria and its understanding of the ToR
▪ A summarized description of the scope of work as well as a tentative work plan
▪ Methodological note with a proposal regarding the sampling method, organisation of survey and planning
▪ Names and contacts of three recent professional referees (previous clients) for whom similar work has been conducted – preferably from different projects
▪ An example of similar pieces of work completed recently
▪ Financial proposal with a detailed budget for two different sampling sizes: 100 & 270 respondents per territory (unit price and total price, Price excl. tax / price incl. tax, currency).
▪ Payment conditions and settlement procedures
▪ Date and validity limit of the proposal
▪ Guarantee offered

The offer will be analysed according to the following criteria (non-exhaustive list):
● best value for money
● capacity of analysing existing data and avoiding unnecessary data collection
● delivery time
● payment conditions
● experience / references in the sector
● The company’s ecological, economic and social commitment
7) Inquiries and Submissions to:

Soizic Brun:

For any further information or questions:
Soizic Brun
READY Together DRR Project Awareness Officer
Mobile /Whatsapp: +590 690 08 65 09

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