Head of botanical garden component At Wild Chimpanzee Foundation


Guinea’s biodiversity is very rich, the country is home to a significant part of the West African forest, a biodiversity hotspot. However, it is strongly threatened by the overexploitation of wood resources (to produce wood energy and timber), the extension of the agricultural front with slash-and-burn cultivation, uncontrolled fires, poaching, international trafficking. of wild species, weak management of protected areas (national parks and classified forests), weak environmental governance, and climate change. The agriculture and mining/energy sectors are the main drivers of deforestation and biodiversity loss. In addition, rural populations are very vulnerable, often landlocked, with strong demographic growth and whose agricultural practices are unproductive, unsustainable, and vulnerable to climate change.

Guinea is, however, committed to protecting its national biodiversity by ratifying international conventions such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and is committed, following the Aichi objective, to increase from 15 to 25% of the territory nationally the surface area of ​​protected areas. In view of the evolution of development and biodiversity conservation issues throughout Guinea, the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) and the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development through the Guinean Office of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves (OGPNRF) signed a framework agreement in 2011 and renewed in 2022 for the sustainable management of fauna and flora in Protected Areas and areas with high biodiversity value. Thus, in the implementation of this agreement, the WCF technically and financially supports the Guinean government in achieving its objective of developing a network of protected areas made up of 17 national parks. It is within this framework that the NaturaGuinée project financed by the European Union and implemented by the WCF falls.

This action of the NaturaGuinée program aims to improve the resilience of Guinea’s ecosystems, flagship species and rural populations. NaturAfrica’s three-pillar approach will be implemented, combining the conservation of biodiversity through the management of protected areas, the development of a green economy, and the improvement of territorial governance. The action will be divided into two components: the territorial component (conservation of natural ecosystems) based on the NaturAfrica landscape approach and oriented towards the protection of the “Savannah” and “Forest” Biomes and the thematic component (conservation of species) which focuses on the conservation of Guinea’s flagship species at the national level.

It is with this vision of landscape restoration and sustainable management of flora that the Guinean government requested the support of the WCF in the sustainable management of the Camayenne Botanical Garden. Thus, WCF Guinea wishes to recruit a component manager for the management of the Botanical Garden component.


The goal of this position is to contribute to the expansion of knowledge and public awareness on environmental issues, as well as to inform about the crucial importance of nature preservation. This is done by offering children, students, the general public and tourists a scientific, educational, ecological and cultural experience.

The component manager will thus work in close collaboration and coordination with the project manager. Takes care of all monitoring of project activities and teams, ensures that objectives and indicators are met, takes care of all monthly, semi-annual and annual reporting. Work in close collaboration with the MEDD teams and the Botanical Garden Management.


  • Ensures the representation of the WCF for the execution of all actions related to the Botanical Garden component of the NaturaGuinée project;
  • Participates in the development of the feasibility study for the rehabilitation of the botanical garden including specific objectives, priority activities, and an implementation schedule;
  • Supervises the development of educational trails for public awareness which will be accompanied by educational panels presenting the different species of flora and/or type of habitat and the development of the entrance to the Botanical Garden in order to attract the public;
  • Coordinates the establishment of a native plant nursery for the purposes of reforestation and/or development of the botanical garden (eg, to expand the plant collection) and marketing;
  • Supervises the training of guides in botany and awareness-raising techniques and training of professionals and individuals on garden planning, introduction to botany, etc. ;
  • Supervises awareness-raising actions, particularly cultural events and exhibitions for the general public and tourists, schools with a view to promoting citizen knowledge of the environment
  • Propose financing sources, revenue models, and strategies to ensure financial sustainability;


  • Develop detailed plans for the component, identifying objectives, key milestones, required resources and deadlines;
  • Oversee the implementation of activities by tracking milestones and adjusting plans as needed;
  • Lead a team working on the component, providing clear direction, evaluating performance and offering professional support.
  • Identify potential or current problems within the component and implement appropriate solutions.
  • Make informed decisions to resolve obstacles and difficulties.
  • Identify the training and development needs of the staff under his responsibility.
  • Allocate the human, financial and material resources necessary to carry out the component’s activities.
  • Monitor budgets, manage costs and ensure optimal use of resources.


  • Ensures good collaboration with the national management of nature conservationists and its staff/MEDD working within the botanical garden;
  • Ensures the promotion and maintenance of good working relations with all partners concerned, educational institutions (schools/universities), research structures (Collaboration with the National Herbarium of Guinea and Kew Gardens) for research purposes , government organizations, NGOs, civil society, the private sector and specialized international organizations;
  • Develops partnerships with schools and universities in Conakry and organizes school and educational workshops and awareness campaigns. Development of partnerships to promote transport for schoolchildren with the Conakry Express train for example;
  • Develops, with the WCF country management, the technical and financial partnerships necessary to carry out the feasibility study for the rehabilitation of the botanical garden.


  • Weekly discussion with the WCF project manager on the development of the project within the Garden of Guinea component;
  • Prepare regular reports on the progress of the component, achievements and challenges encountered.
  • Provides annual activity reports, and as needed, in French and English to the NaturaGuinée project manager/WCF Country Director for internal needs or communication with partners;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the component’s activities and propose improvements.
  • Supervises the external communication of the WCF regarding the Botanical Garden component according to established rules and guidelines.


  • Have a general knowledge of the WCF association, its functioning, structure and values;
  • Is aware of objectives and activities in general and in the specific work context;
  • Is aware of the activities of other departments, respects rules and procedures;
  • Help with general understanding linked to the political and social context;
  • Translates documents and interprets conversations if necessary.


  • Confidentiality is an absolute rule for this position, it is strictly forbidden to disclose information and any breach of this rule will be considered a serious offense and punished in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Regulations;
  • He/She must report to his/her supervisor any significant difficulty that an employee may encounter;
  • He/She must treat all employees equally, without favoritism or privilege granted for any reason;
  • Respects the rules and customs of local populations (politeness and decorum) and ensures that the reputation of the WCF is maintained.


  • Confidentiality is an absolute rule for this position, it is strictly forbidden to disclose information and any breach of this rule will be considered a serious offense and punished in accordance with the provisions of the Internal Regulations;
  • He/She must report to his/her supervisor any significant difficulty that an employee may encounter;
  • He/She must treat all employees equally, without favoritism or privilege granted for any reason;
  • Respects the rules and customs of local populations (politeness and decorum) and ensures that the reputation of the WCF is maintained.


Training and experience required:

  • University degree in a relevant field related to the component: Master’s degree in landscape planning, agronomy, natural resource management or similar field
  • Professional in natural resources management, you have extensive experience in the development of natural spaces/botanical gardens;
  • Long experience working in Africa, and preferably in the Sahelo-Sudanian region;
  • Demonstrated work experience in multicultural contexts;
  • Ability to work in remote and rural conditions;
  • Demonstrated ability to coordinate and advise staff, leadership and human resources management skills;
  • Strong faculty for teamwork and team management;
  • Very good command of French and English (oral and written).

Required qualities :

  • Flexibility
  • Knowledge of IT management tools (Office Suite, management software)
  • Capacity for autonomy
  • Taking initiative
  • Analytical skills and critical thinking
  • Sense of organization and rigor
  • Ability to work as a team and sense of responsibility

Type of contract : 1 year renewable fixed-term contract

Starting position: 01/07/2024

Remuneration: according to WCF salary scale and experience

Ad validity period : from 05/22/2024 to 06/20/2024

How to apply

To apply, please send us your CV and a cover letter by email to guinea@wildchimps.org copying kizila@wildchimps.org with the subject “ Botanical garden component manager ”.

Only successful candidates will be contacted to take the test .

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