Health Project Manager – Ukraine At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion


Following a first step dedicated to assessment both in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries HI is now developing a large-scale inclusive, immediate and multi-sectoral humanitarian response to address the most acute needs of vulnerable conflict-affected populations in Ukraine and in Moldova in the frame of a 2-countries program.
HI has designed a multi-sectorial intervention aiming at meeting the Protection, Health and Basic Needs of vulnerable conflict-affected populations, while mitigating the risks caused by explosive ordnance contamination and facilitating the delivery of aid and inclusive humanitarian action in Ukraine. HI will primarily target the most vulnerable individuals including those injured, persons with disability, women, children, and older people, addressing the needs of internally displaced persons having fled their homes in search for safety, as well as those unable to flee and yet affected by the large-scale conflict.
In response to the significant health needs exacerbated by damages to health infrastructures, restrictions of movement as a result of ongoing hostilities, and the targeting of health facilities in some areas, HI aims to improve access to quality physical rehabilitation and mental health and psychosocial services (MHPSS) for conflict-affected vulnerable population (including injured), while also strengthening the capacity of existing health structures.
Basic Needs
To respond to the most acute needs for displaced households hosted by the local population or living in collective centres, HI will ensure they have access to sufficient and appropriate food, hygiene and non-food items (NFI) items, including tailored items responding to the specific needs of infants, older people and persons with disabilities. To this extend, HI will tailor its intervention modalities upon household needs whilst considering local market capacities in various geographical areas.
HI will ensure that vulnerable populations have access to tailored protection services (i.e. identification; orientation/information; direct service provision or referrals and tailored support to access existing services).
Recent and ongoing attacks having dangerously exacerbated Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination in Ukraine, HI will also conduct a multi-pronged approach to EO risk education and CPP, adaptable to the evolution of the conflict and humanitarian situation.
In light of the grave concerns for vulnerable populations in Ukraine, including persons with disabilities, HI will not only ensure that responses are tailored to specific needs throughout its intervention, but will also foster a disability- inclusive humanitarian response.
ATLAS Logistics
ATLAS Logistique will operate a last-kilometre logistic platform (transport & storage) as close as possible to the area of distribution. In parallel and on an ongoing basis, ATLAS Logistique will conduct an in-depth analysis of the logistical capacities of the Ukrainian commercial sector and its adequacy to humanitarian needs in order to orient the AL operational response towards potential bottlenecks and gaps.


  1. Management
    1.1 Line manages the project’s team members
    a. Sets individual objectives, evaluates individual performance, contributes towards the professional & career development of his/her team members, monitors competences
    1.2 Organises and leads regular team meetings
    1.3 Manages the recruitment and selection of new team members
    1.4 Ensures strict application and respect of the programme’s Internal Regulations by the project team.
  2. Expertise
    2.1 Provides the technical expertise for his/her project
    a. Ensures that the activities implemented comply with international technical norms and standards
    b. Adapts the project documentation to international technical norms and standards, when necessary
    c. Runs technical training for his/her staff when relevant
    d. Is in charge of the technical quality and relevance of project activities implemented within his scope of expertise
    e. Ensures technical learning from projects by drawing on lessons learned and good practices
    f. Makes sure global and field technical specialists get the information they require and collaborates with Technical Divisions when necessary
    g. Adjusts his/her activities to audit recommendations, if applicable
    2.2 Helps to coordinate technical professional development and facilitate a community of practice, in collaboration with Technical Division
    2.3 Manages relationships with technical authorities, local partners or other stakeholders
  3. Implementation and Monitoring
    3.1 Ensures project implementation, in collaboration with the relevant services and in line with general standards and procedures
    a. Ensures the planning of activities and establishes action plans
    b. Ensures that activities are implemented in line with the project proposal and the allocated budget
    c. Ensures that activities are implemented according to internal quality and technical standards and, if necessary, proposes adjustment or improvements to help meet objectives
    d. Prepares and monitors partnership agreements with implementing partners and other potential partners
    e. Ensures the effective implementation and follow up of institutional policies (PSEA, mandatory cross-cutting approaches, etc.) on his/her project
    f. Coordinates and collaborates with relevant internal services, especially logistics, RH, finance and technical resources
    3.2 Ensures project data management
    a. Ensures that the appropriate data collection and management tools are in place on the project, in line with global standards
    b. Ensures that data related to the project is collected and compiled in the project database
    c. Carries out regular verifications and makes any necessary corrections in the activity database
    3.3 Ensures project reporting
    a. Monitors the achievement of results and indicators, as per the logical framework
    b. Is in charge of producing the appropriate reporting tools: monthly situation report, PM Box
    c. Reports regularly to the line manager
    d. Writes reports for the funding agencies when relevant and monitors donor deadlines (grants, reporting, audits) concerning the project
    e. Guarantees the proper archiving of information
    3.4 Prepares and steers project evaluation and capitalisation
    a. Plans and monitors project evaluations
    b. Produces project capitalisation and learning from experience material
  4. Influence & Communication
    a. Contributes to HI’s external influence by participating in relevant networks
    b. Communicates on the project to partners, authorities and stakeholders when relevant
  5. Strategy & business development
    a. Contributes to programme or country operational strategy (StratOp)
    b. Drafts new project proposals for the continuity or expansion of the project
    c. Contributes to the drafting of new proposals for new opportunities


You hold a bachelor or master degree in a field related to the job (health, humanitarian, social sciences, geopolitics, etc.)
• You have at least 3 to 5 years of professional experience in humanitarian contexts, preferably in project management in emergency/conflicts areas
• You have experience in projects with psychosocial support
• You have previous experience working in coordination with Ministries, hospitals and PHCs
• You have experience of working in insecure and volatile environments


At HI, the conditions offered are up to your commitment and adapted to the context of your mission.
• International contract starting ASAP
• The international contract provides social cover adapted to your situation:
o Unemployment insurance benefits for EU nationals
o Pension scheme adapted to the situation of our employees: If you already have a personal pension scheme HI will contribute at the same level of your personal monthly contribution with a maximum of 272.53€/month ; If you do not have a personal pension scheme, we will open a private pension account with your contribution of 272.53€/month and a contribution of HI of the same amount
o Medical coverage with 50% of employee contribution
• Repatriation insurance paid by HI
• Salary from 2448 € gross/month upon experience
• Perdiem: 550 € net/month – paid in the field
• Hardship: 500 € net/month paid with your salary
• Paid leaves: 25 days per year;
• R&R: 5 days every 8 weeks
• unaccompanied
• Payment for travel costs (air ticket & visa) and transport of your personal effects (from 12 months of mission)

How to apply

Only online by joining a CV and cover letter via the following link:

Applications will be processed on an ongoing basis, do not wait for applying!

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