Individual consultant to conduct stakeholder Mapping and Analysis At International Labour Organization

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Ethiopia’s agricultural sector is the backbone of the country’s economy, with 79% of the workforce and 79% of total export revenue stemming from this industry. Small-holder farmers comprise 95% of the sector and are pivotal in producing various agricultural outputs, from fruits, vegetables, and cereals to livestock. However, these hardworking individuals face significant challenges, including low wages and poor working conditions. Notably, the absence of a national minimum wage system and the prevalence of informal employment contribute to this issue. By addressing these challenges and improving productivity, it is possible to pave the way for sustainable wage growth and ensure fair compensation for the dedicated agricultural workforce in Ethiopia. For several years, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has supported Ethiopia in setting up a minimum wage system by providing technical assistance. This involves working with Ethiopia’s tripartite partners to establish minimum wages that consider the needs of workers and economic factors. As part of this effort, and with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the ILO is carrying out the Setting Adequate Wages with a focus on Agriculture (SAW-A) project. The project promotes the setting of adequate wages, including minimum wages and collective bargaining, in agriculture in Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, and Ethiopia and provides technical assistance for living wages. It shall enable decent living standards for workers and their families in the three countries while ensuring the economic sustainability of enterprises. Since many workers in agriculture do not earn wages but cover their needs by selling goods and services on the market, the project also explores the concept of living income. In addition, the project engages with existing living wage initiatives, encouraging them to consider both the needs of workers and their families and economic factors. The ILO would like to conduct a stakeholder mapping and analysis study in Ethiopia, recognizing the significance of wages and incomes in influencing work quality and living standards. These Terms of Reference (ToR) intend to provide guidance for conducting such a study and subsequently make recommendations on how the SAW-A project should design activities and approaches in Ethiopia.

2.Objective of the Study

The primary goal of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder analysis that will guide the ILO’s efforts to carry out the SAW-A project, especially in its outcome 1 and allow the implementation in Ethiopia of the recently adopted ILO conclusions from the Meeting of experts on wage policies, including living wages1.

The outcome 1 of the project (Workers receive wages that are adequately defined) is composed of three outputs:
• Output 1.1. Minimum wage setting is based on relevant indicators of the needs of workers and their families and economic factors

• Output 1.2. Social partners use information, including indicators of the needs of workers and their families and economic factors, for meaningful and informed collective bargaining of wages

• Output 1.3. Improved compliance with minimum wages and bargained wages is promoted.

The analysis will identify key stakeholders and their interests, influences, and relationships, providing valuable insights for meaningful engagement and informed policy formulation.

The study will provide an overall picture of the situation in Ethiopia regarding wage and income setting mechanisms and could focus on relevant agricultural subsectors (e.g., crop production, including coffee, livestock, and horticulture) and beyond if the author identifies practices that could serve as examples for agriculture.

3. Scope of the Study
The consultant will be responsible for:
• Mapping Stakeholders: Identify and categorize stakeholders involved in or affected by wage and income setting in the agricultural sector, including governmental agencies, employers, workers’ organizations, NGOs, community groups, development agencies, and international organizations such as FAO.
• Assessing Interest and Influence: Analyse each stakeholder’s interests, power dynamics, and influence on wage and income policies and practices.
• Conducting Interviews: Engage with selected stakeholders through interviews or focus groups to gather qualitative data on their perspectives regarding the existing practices of wage and income setting in Ethiopia, the adequacy of these practices, and labour conditions. The number of interviews and the content of the questions will have to be agreed upon with the ILO.
• Reporting Findings: Prepare a comprehensive report detailing findings from the stakeholder analysis, including recommendations for ILO’s engagement strategies with identified stakeholders.
• Collecting and analyzing relevant literature on wage and income setting in agriculture.

4. Deliverables
The consultant is expected to deliver:
a) A stakeholder mapping matrix.
b) A detailed report summarizing findings from interviews and analysis, including recommendations.
c) A presentation of findings to ILO staff and relevant stakeholders and capture feedback/ comments and incorporate in the final report including actionable recommendations for SAW-A Project.
d) Prepare a policy brief of report for wider circulation and dissemination.

5) Methodology
The consultant should employ a mixed-method approach that includes:
• Desk research to review existing literature on wage setting in agriculture.
• Qualitative methods such as interviews and focus group discussions with tripartite partners and other stakeholders.
• Quantitative methods as necessary to support findings.

6) Duration
The consultancy is expected to last for 40 working days within 3 months period starting from 15 January 2025. This timeline will include:
• Week 1-2: Initial research and stakeholder mapping.
• Week 3-6: Conducting interviews and data collection.
• Week 7-8: Data analysis and report writing and submission of the first draft of the report for comments by ILO
• Week 9: Presentation of findings to stakeholders.

7) Qualifications
The ideal consultant should possess:
• Advanced degree in social sciences, economics, or related field.
• Proven experience in conducting stakeholder analyses, particularly in agricultural and labour contexts.
• Strong analytical skills with experience in qualitative and quantitative research methods.
• Excellent communication skills in English and Amharic: knowledge of other local languages is an advantage.

8) Application Process
• A cover letter outlining relevant experience.
• A detailed CV.
• Technical proposal with feasible methodology for conducting the stakeholder analysis.
• Financial proposal including daily rates and estimated total costs.

9) Budget & Payment Schedule
The budget for this assignment will be decided based on the feasibility of both the technical and financial proposals submitted by the individual consultant. The consultant will be paid in three instalments upon satisfactory delivery of the services as shown below:
1.1. The first instalment will be 30% of the total amount paid upon submission of the stakeholder matrix indicated under deliverables under section 4(a).
1.2. The second instalment will be 40% of the total amount paid upon submission of a detailed report summarizing findings from interviews and analysis, including recommendations as indicated under deliverables under 4(b).
1.3. The final instalment will be 30% of the total amount paid upon submission of a draft study report with actionable recommendations as indicated under deliverables under 4(c) & (d). The consultant should also submit a policy brief before the final payment as per the requirement under 4(d)
10) Evaluation Criteria

1. Clear understanding of terms and conditions provided in the ToR including an understanding of the objectives of the assignment. WEIGHT(40 OUT OF 100 POINTS)
2. Experience in conducting research using qualitative and quantitative methods/tools. WEIGHT(30 OUT OF 100 POINTS)
3. Previous engagement (proven experience) in dealing with similar assignments. WEIGHT(15 OUT OF 100 POINTS)
4. Relevant experience and qualifications (educational background). WEIGHT(15 OUT OF 100 POINTS)

The above criteria accounts for 70% of the total evaluation and applicants who scored a minimum of 60 points will be considered for the next selection process (financial appraisal, which accounts for 30% of the points). Individual applicant with the highest point out of 100 will be selected for the consultancy work.

• Only shortlisted applicants WILL be contacted for next steps
• All interested applicants should submit technical and financial proposal, letter of interest and up to date CV
• Both men and women are encouraged to apply
• All applicants should send their respective password protected proposals to the email address to be provided by the ILO procurement team.

How to apply

Interested individual consultants are expected to send their financial and technical proposal through email address by outlining previous work experience, core team, and methodology on how to approach the work and the timeline for deliverables not later than 25th December 2024; 05.30 PM EAT

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