Information systems expert At International Development Corporation

Mission objectives

The mission aims to strengthen the favorable conditions allowing the rural electrification agency (AER) to better ensure its role as delegated project management in rural electrification for the success of the universalization of access objectives set. The mission aims to set up for the benefit of the AER and rural concessionaires the appropriate technical support on the institutional, technical and economic level for the design and implementation of electricity access programs in rural areas and for the improvement of the management and coordination of the rural electrification environment.

The specific objectives of the mission are to:

  • develop and implement the capacity building plan for the AER and rural electrification operators in the planning, development, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of projects;
  • strengthen the capacities of the AER in the development of business models and in the implementation of sustainable financing mechanisms for universal access;
  • support the AER in coordination mechanisms, harmonization of interventions and strengthening of synergies between stakeholders;
  • support innovation initiatives for the development of low-cost electrification technology conducive to achieving universal access objectives
  • strengthen the AER’s capacities in the standardization and approval of technologies;
  • support the AER in setting up supervision and control mechanisms and instruments for the proper implementation of public service delegation agreements.

Description of tasks and deliverables

The requested services include technical and economic capacity building activities for the design and implementation of rural electricity access programs. They are divided into six (6) components:

  • Diagnosis of capacities and needs;
  • Development and implementation of the capacity building plan;
  • Technical support for the establishment of suitable financing mechanisms
  • Development of low-cost electrification solutions
  • Support for strengthening the monitoring and evaluation system and the rural electrification information system
  • Prepare procurement documents for the acquisition of equipment, tools and software

Qualifications and skills

  1. Training: Bac + 5 or more in IT, information systems, data processing or any other relevant field;
  2. Ten (10) years or more of professional experience in the implementation of energy information systems or in the deployment of geographic information systems
  3. Three (03) or more references for information systems development projects or strengthening of an IS dedicated to rural electrification
  4. Three (03) or more references in the use of database processing software dedicated to rural electrification

*The Consultant is asked to provide as many similar references as possible to obtain the maximum number of points for each criterion*

How to apply

Interested candidates are requested to send their CV to with the subject line ” PC3-Expert in information systems in Senegal”

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