Internship – Impact study for the 10th anniversary of the Ideas Box At Libraries Without Borders


Created in 2007 by historian Patrick Weil, the Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF) association strengthens the power to act of vulnerable populations by facilitating access to information, education and culture. In France and in 25 countries, BSF allows people affected by crises and insecurity to learn, have fun and (re)build their future. Its flagship tool is the Ideas Box, a mobile and innovative media library which makes it possible to create, in the most difficult contexts, a complete educational and cultural center. BSF’s 170 Ideas Boxes receive more than a million visits per year. The association today employs around a hundred people at its headquarters in Montreuil (93), and around fifty in its various areas of intervention throughout the world.

At BSF, recruitment decisions are made on the basis of the skills and qualities of candidates with regard to the needs of the association, as part of a respectful and inclusive process. BSF recruits and employs people regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, cultural or ethnic background or disability.


To mark the 10th anniversary of this tool, BSF would like to carry out an impact study on the Ideas Boxes in order to collect information on these effects, and to inform current and future strategies.


Designed by Bibliothèques Sans Frontières in collaboration with designer Philippe Starck and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Ideas Box is a media library kit that can be quickly deployed on any terrain. It is a fantastic tool for providing educational and cultural, fun and educational content where libraries are not available. The Ideas Box is a mobile media library, in kit form, which opens in less than twenty minutes to create a 100m2 cultural space. Equipped with an internet connection, around twenty computers and touchscreen tablets, electronic and paper books and a cinema, it is a fantastic toolbox from which children and adults come to draw to build their future.

Designed by Philippe Starck, it was initially designed to reconnect families and strengthen education in emergency and post-conflict situations. Today, it is also deployed in priority neighborhoods and rural areas in Europe, the United States and even Australia.


The intern is attached to the Education, Research and Impact Department. He/She is placed under the supervision of the MEAL Manager, and is required to interact with other BSF operational and support teams.


The main objective of the internship will be to contribute to the production of the impact study for the 10th anniversary of the Ideas Box. More specifically, it will provide support for the following elements:

  • Preparation of the study: coordination with internal teams, identification of contacts, organization of interviews, updating of the list of deployed IDBs, etc.);
  • Document review ;
  • Development of data collection tools (online questionnaire, semi-structured interviews);
  • Analysis of the collected data;
  • Writing deliverables


  • Fluency in French and English is mandatory, Spanish is a plus
  • Bachelor or Master level
  • You are very comfortable with digital tools (Microsoft Office suite);
  • You have an interest in research (data collection and analysis) and impact measurement;
  • You are creative and curious, particularly regarding the use of digital tools;
  • You are autonomous, rigorous and attentive to detail;
  • You know how to adapt, you are proactive and enjoy working in a team;
  • You are sensitive to the issues of access to education and information, and more generally to the values ​​held by BSF.
  • Familiarization with project management


  • Type of contract: Approved internship lasting 3 to 6 months;
  • Start date: as soon as possible;
  • Remuneration: Legal monthly bonus;
  • Advantages : 50% coverage for restaurant tickets with a face value of €8.00 and the Navigo Pass;
  • Place of work: BSF headquarters in Montreuil (93).

How to apply


Application deadline: 06/20/2024

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