Law Enforcement Expert (International Consultant) At CTG

CTG overview:

  • CTG stands for Committed To Good. With an ethical approach at the heart of all that we do, it is a description that makes us proud. Respect for the fundamental human rights of our staff, and those our staff encounter, is a cornerstone of our values. We strive for gender equality, inclusion and diversity, providing fair and equal opportunities for all. We take a zero tolerance approach to corruption and stay true to local labour laws and all local statutory requirements. In operation since 2006, today we are honoured to serve clients in 15 fragile and conflict-affected states assisting with disaster relief, peace building, humanitarian aid and development programmes through our specialised recruitment, HR management and operational services.

Overview of position:

  • Our client as the guardian of the UNTOC & the protocol to prevent, suppress & punish trafficking in persons, especially women & children (trafficking in persons protocol) & the protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea & air (smuggling of migrants protocol) is mandated to promote global adherence to these instruments and to assist member states in implementing the provisions thereof.
  • Accordingly, the consultancy supports the implementation of the USDOS, INL funded “CIP for Somalia activities”, as part of the our clients regional sub program on “countering transnational organized crime & illicit trafficking in Eastern Africa”.

Role objectives:
The objective of the CIP for Somalia is to provide technical assistance & operational guidance to the overall objective of promoting & supporting an effective response to organized crime in Somalia. This is to be achieved by enhancing the SPF strategic & operational capacity to enforce laws, strategies & policies. The following three main objectives include:

  • Strengthen law enforcement institutional capacity to effectively implement UN’ convention against transnational organised crime & its supplementing protocols.
  • Enhance knowledge, skills & capacity to counter organized & major crimes through basic & advanced police training programs.
  • Increase law enforcement organisational, operational & technological capacity in enforcing laws, strategies & policies through operational support & technical assistance.

Purpose of the assignment:

  • The purpose of the consultancy is to develop the capacity & competence of the CID’s of the SPF at both federal & state levels. As part of the overall CIP, our client is tasked with providing trained Investigators for the federal & state investigation departments.
  • The consultant will be part of a team responsible for the ongoing review, design & delivery of a 10 day Investigator Development Course 1 (IDC1), utilising the current investigation training curriculum. The role will initially be home based delivering the training remotely, with on the ground assistance from CIP team members. The role will then move to the delivery of the Investigator Development Course 2 (IDC 2) which is planned to be delivered by the team of Trainers who will then be based at the General Kaahiye Academy, Mogadishu. The consultant will mentor SPF Trainers delivering the IDC2 on a daily basis.
  • There may also be a requirement for occasional travel to other FMS’s & the delivery of specialist courses.
  • The consultant will also form part of the larger CIP implementation team & will be engaged in developing & delivering a range of investigation training courses under the Investigator Development Pathway (IDP).
  • The assigned tasks are in line with current reform of the SPF, under the New Policing Model (NPM), ratified at the London Somalia Conference, 2017. The capacity building of SPF investigation departments & units is also supported under the Comprehensive Agreement on Security (CAS), strand 2 (b).
  • Within assigned authority, the consultant, in consultation with the CIP implementing team, Associate Crime Prevention Criminal Justice Officer & under the overall supervision of the Program Management Officer, will be responsible for the following duties:
  • Deliver the current online 10 day Investigator Development Course 1 Course (IDC1), utilising the current investigation training curriculum.
  • Deliver the Investigator Development Course 2 (IDC 2) at the General Kaahiye Academy, Mogadishu & mentor SPF Trainers delivering the IDC2 on a daily basis.
  • Assist in the ongoing development of a workplan, in coordination with the SPF & our client, for the implementation of the Investigator Development Pathway (IDP).
  • Ongoing review of the current IDC curriculum & identify training methodologies & strategies, along with equipment requirements.
  • Assist in the design & delivery of a refresher TOT program for SPF Officers identified as IDC Trainers.
  • Provide on going strategic & operational advice to the SPF Trainers, our clients implementation team & the SPF Planning & Training Directorate concerning investigation training.
  • Develop systems to monitor use, condition & maintenance of equipment, hardware & software requirements of investigation training.
  • Contribute towards the creation, design & delivery of investigation training courses for the SPF under the CIP.

Project reporting:

  • The consultant, work in consultation with the CIP implementing team, Associate Crime Prevention – Criminal Justice Officer & under the overall supervision of the Program Management Officer.

Key competencies:

  • University Degree in Criminology, Law, Political Sciences, Sociology or related discipline or relevant work experience in a law enforcement force & / or security service.
  • At least 14 years of relevant professional experience in investigating & / or prosecuting of organised & serious crimes.
  • Proven experience in training for Police Officers.
  • Proven experience in providing technical advice & mentoring for police force.
  • Ability to interact with govt. agencies, good interpersonal skills & organizational proficiency.
  • Excellent communication & drafting skills in Somali & English.
  • Excellent analytical and evaluative skills.
  • Previous experience working with criminal.

Team management:

  • This role has no team management responsibility.

Dates & details of deliverables / payments:

  • The consultant will receive the payment upon satisfactory performance & progress of deliverables.

All the outputs should be submitted in English & meet the satisfaction of our cleint according to the indicators stated below:

  • Quality of the written outputs produced.
  • Technical competence.
  • Timeliness of the delivery.
  • The evaluation of the consultant’s performance (the quality of the reports & products, the technical competence shown & the timeliness of the reports) will be determined by the Regional Representative, Regional Office for Eastern Africa for or client who is based in Kenya, in close coordination & consultation with our clients HQ.
  • If the consultant does not meet the requirements, s / he/she will be provided with an opportunity to redraft in terms of the guidance provided by the assessors. If after redrafting the requirements are not met, our client reserves the right to non payment & / or suspension of the consultancy contract.

How to apply

Candidates interested in applying for this role need to register on CTG website & apply for this role using the below link:

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