MEAL Specialist – Knowledge Management M/F At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

Coming from a background in human sciences, project management or humanitarian and development management, you have at least 2 years of field experience, with significant MEAL experience.

Significant experience in the humanitarian and development sector is desired, experience within Handicap International is a plus.

Your course allows you to master the following skills:

  • Mastery of the project cycle
  • Mastery of capitalization and learning tools
  • Editorial process (editorial and graphic charters)
  • Mastery of the knowledge management cycle
  • Animation of workshops, working groups, organization and animation of training
  • Analysis and synthesis skills, Writing skills

Furthermore, you enjoy working in a team and are recognized for your ability to mobilize and work in a network, your strength of proposal, your ability to support.

A very good command of English and French is essential for this position.

Our premises are easily accessible by public transport (bus, metro). Car parking and a bicycle park are also available. Within the building, access ramps and elevators guarantee better circulation. All workstations are located in Open Space but boxes are available on each floor to work in peace if necessary. The work space is very bright.

A disability representative is available to answer any questions and support you in your efforts. Depending on your needs, the position can be adapted.

Permanent position

  • Advantageous teleworking agreement (8 days of face-to-face minimum per month)
  • Many sporting and social activities are offered in our premises by your future colleagues
  • 39 hours per week with 22.5 days of RTT to be taken annually (employee and supervisor) / 34CP and 13 RTT for executives

How to apply


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