Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Manager At French Red Cross

Job Expired

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A major player in the social and solidarity economy, the French Red Cross manages a network of more than 600 establishments and services in the health, medico-social and training sectors. It also heads 12 regional health and social training institutes.

Internationally, the CRF operates in 16 countries alongside National Societies and 3 regional platforms (PIRAC, PIROI and PIROPS), on the following themes: Health and Disaster Risk Management.

The French Red Cross has been present in Mauritania since 2000. Its national strategy is based on three main axes: Support for the Development of the Red Crescent, Strengthening the Health System (including humanitarian assistance to migrants and refugees) and Risk and Disaster Management and adaptation to climate change (including emergency humanitarian assistance).

It is operational with a coordination in Nouakchott, a base in Bassikounou in the Hod El Chargui region and a base in Nouadhibou in the Dakhlet-Nouadhibou region. The CRF’s intervention in Mauritania is part of a cooperation agreement with the Mauritanian Red Crescent (CRM) to provide it with technical assistance in developing its operational and institutional capacities in accordance with the principles of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. As local actors with strong community roots, the CRF and the CRM work closely with state structures and are currently implementing projects in the health sectors, humanitarian assistance to migrants, health assistance to refugees and in the field of risk and disaster management.

The CRF and CRM are currently implementing several projects:

  • Contribute to promoting access for refugees and asylum seekers to primary, secondary and tertiary health services in state structures in Mauritania
  • Strengthening the capacities of communities and local public institutions to prepare for and respond to disaster risks, mainly in the HEC and Gorgol regions, which are heavily impacted by the effects of climate change in Mauritania
  • Providing integrated humanitarian assistance to migrants in vulnerable situations in the city of Nouadhibou

Other projects are currently being submitted or negotiated.

The CRF Delegation in Mauritania is developing mental health and psychosocial support activities, particularly through the humanitarian assistance project for migrants implemented in collaboration with the CRM. It aims to further strengthen the integration of MHPSS at the heart of its humanitarian interventions. This approach aims not only to better meet the needs of populations affected by crises, by promoting the importance of psychosocial well-being to strengthen their resilience, but also to contribute to the development and sustainability of MHPSS services in Mauritania. Infrastructure and specialized human resources are insufficient, and existing services are mainly concentrated in large cities, leaving rural and border areas without support.


The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Delegate (SMSPS) provides technical and operational support to the project teams of the Mauritania Delegation as well as to the Mauritanian Red Crescent (CRM). His/her role is to ensure the optimal, coherent and qualitative implementation of mental health and psychosocial support (SMPS) activities for the various targeted beneficiaries. He/she also ensures the strengthening of gender integration, in particular for the care of survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), in all interventions.

Its main objectives will therefore be to:

  • Participate in the identification of mental health needs for the programming of the Mauritania delegation
  • Support the qualitative implementation and monitoring of all SMSPS activities
  • Contribute to strengthening psychosocial skills by ensuring the organization and delivery of training adapted to the context, audiences and targeted objectives
  • Contribute to the psychosocial well-being of volunteers, and more specifically those directly involved in psychosocial support actions
  • Support the CRM in its appropriation and its capacity to manage SMSPS issues and the integration of gender in its actions
  • Strengthen the recognition and promotion of mental health and psychosocial issues at the institutional level (particularly with the relevant Ministries or working groups such as mental health or protection clusters)


Reporting relationship: Works under the responsibility of the Program Coordinator

Operational link: In direct functional link with the SMSPS Technical Referrer based at headquarters

Collabore en interne avec : le Chef de Délégation, le coordinateur logistique, la coordinatrice administrative / financière et RH, le responsable SERA et la responsable reporting et communication au niveau de la délégation ainsi que le Desk et l’adjointe Desk et les services supports du siège. Collaboration avec les chefs de projets incluant les composantes SMPS et PGI, les équipes de soutien psychosocial des projets, le personnel du Croissant-Rouge impliqué dans le soutien psychosocial.
Collabore en externe avec : les autres acteurs du Mouvement, les autorités locales, Les structures étatiques (centre hospitalier, centres de santé, etc.), les acteurs humanitaires de la région et autres partenaires.


Vous souhaitez rejoindre une grande association qui œuvre quotidiennement auprès des personnes vulnérables !

Vous recherchez du sens et souhaitez vous épanouir au sein d’une entreprise engagée et porteuse de valeurs.

Vous donnez de l’importance aux principes et valeurs défendus et portés par la Croix-Rouge française (Humanité, Impartialité, Neutralité, Indépendance, Volontariat, Unité, Universalité)


Date de prise de poste souhaitée

Février 2025

Informations pratiques liées au poste

Conditions d’emploi

Type de statut : expatrié
Type de contrat : CDD de droit français/prime de précarité versé en fin de contrat
Prime de fin d’année : équivalent à un 13ème mois au pro-rata au temps de présence
Perdiem : perdiem journalier qui varie en fonction du pays
Congés : 5 semaines de congés payés/an et 21 jours de récupération – Billet d’avion pris en charge à 100% par la CRf pour trajet domicile/mission pour les congés à 6 mois
Couverture santé : CFE + Mutuelle MSH (couverte 100%) – pris en charge à 75% par la CRf
Assurance MedEvac/rapatriation : OUI
Autres assurances : prévoyance (décès-invalidité)


Localisation : Nouakchott et déplacement fréquent à Nouadhibou – MAURITANIE
Durée: 10 mois (renouvelable)
A pourvoir : Février 2025

La Croix-Rouge française se réserve la possibilité de clore un recrutement avant la date d’échéance de l’annonce et de dépôt des candidatures. Merci de votre compréhension.

Sans autre contact de notre part dans un délai de 3 semaines, veuillez considérer que nous ne donnons pas de suite favorable à votre candidature.

Candidatures féminines encouragées.

Formations en ligne :

To learn more about the Red Cross Movement, we invite you to follow two online training courses, free and accessible to all. Completing these courses is a plus in your application: WORC (World of Red Cross and Red Crescent): this training covers topics such as the origin and history of the Movement, its fundamental principles, the emblem, the International Federation, the ICRC and the national societies. Stay Safe, for its part, aims to develop a common culture of security management within the Movement. You will find these courses on the International Federation’s Learning Platform:

Candidate profile

Academic training

  • Master’s or Doctorate in clinical psychology, psychiatry, or related field.
  • Additional training in humanitarian project management is an asset.

Professional experience

  • Minimum 5 years of experience in management or technical support of SMSPS projects in humanitarian or development contexts.
  • Proven experience in building the capacity of field teams and partners.
  • Experience in integrating Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) principles into humanitarian or development programs.

Technical skills

  • Solid knowledge of international standards in SMSPS (WHO, IASC, SPHERE) and ERP standards of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).
  • Expertise in the use of mhGAP tools and in the implementation of community approaches in SMSPS.
  • Skills in clinical supervision, capacity building, and supporting teams in integrating ERP considerations.
  • Mastery of project management, monitoring and evaluation tools and methodologies, including a cross-functional approach integrating SMSPS and PGI.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural team and coordinate with diverse stakeholders, taking into account gender, diversity and inclusion considerations.
  • Excellent consultation skills with local, national and international stakeholders.
  • Strong skills in facilitating workshops and conducting training on SMSPS and PGI themes.

Skills valued

  • Knowledge of the country context and its early warning mechanisms.
  • Knowledge of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Personal qualities

  • Sense of pedagogy and ability to mobilize field teams
  • Flexibility and adaptability in complex environments


  • Excellent level of French (spoken and written)
  • Good level of reading and writing English appreciated

How to apply

  • This job has expired!
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