Mental health and Psychosocial support (Technical Supervision (consultancy) At Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion


Humanity & Inclusion (HI)

PROGRAM -Myanmar

DOMAIN: Mental health and Psychosocial support


Prepare, strengthen and provide inclusive emergency health and humanitarian assistance within the First Line Emergency Response mechanism in Rakhine, and Kachin States, with particular attention to Internally Displaced People (IDP), persons with disabilities and most at-risk groups.


Michael Horita, Field Coordinator


Technical Supervision (consultancy)


Period TBD (number of days to be agreed upon by the psychologist and the HI team – a workplan will be part of the application)


HI reopened its mission in Myanmar in 2013 after a short-term intervention during Nargis Cyclone in 2008. Since then, HI has expanded its activities promoting inclusion and responding to the needs of persons with disabilities, including landmines victims, in Ayayaerwaddy, Mandalay, Yangon, East Bago Regions as well as in Kayin and Kachin States. HI has signed a MoU with both the Ministry of Social Welfare and the Ministry of Health and Sport. HI has four offices, the main one in Yangon and bases in Hpa’an covering the South East, Myitkyina for Kachin and one in MaeSot. HI’s programme strategy is built around 3 pillars:

1/ Armed Violence Reduction (AVR) including Victim Assistance and community-based Risk Education;

2/ Inclusion with projects covering: support to Disabled People Organisations and promotion of Rights; inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction, Growing Together; Disaster Safe Hospital Initiative; inclusive livelihood;

3/ Health and Rehabilitation with project covering psychosocial and physical rehabilitation.

HI started intervening in Kachin in November 2017 with activities targeting people with disabilities living in IDPs camps fleeing the conflict areas. HI has a double objective of promoting disability inclusion in humanitarian assistance while also providing direct assistance to persons with disabilities.

The present consultancy will focus on supporting the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support component of the ‘*Prepare, strengthen and provide inclusive emergency health and humanitarian assistance within the First Line Emergency Response mechanism in Rakhine, and Kachin States, with particular attention to Internally Displaced People (IDP), persons with disabilities and most at-risk groups.*’ project currently implemented in Kachin State thanks to ECHO funding. This project is currently in the setup phase with project staff in the process of being recruited. The objective is now to enable all staff and partners, including community and camp-based workers (CBWs) to carry out psychosocial support activities, establishing and facilitating peer-to-peer support mechanisms. As such, HI is recruiting a clinical psychologist (consultant) to train and coach staff and CBWs. After providing an initial training, the psychologist will further support staff and CBWs on a weekly basis and undertake monthly monitoring and support visits to the targeted townships.


Accordingly, the main objective of the mission is to provide technical expertise and support to the ‘*Prepare, strengthen and provide inclusive emergency health and humanitarian assistance within the First Line Emergency Response mechanism in Rakhine, and Kachin States, with particular attention to Internally Displaced People (IDP), persons with disabilities and most at-risk groups*’ project in order to deliver peer to peer counselling and psychosocial support at local level.

The specific objective of this mission is to support the capacity building and monitoring of partner staff and CBWs to implement peer counselling sessions for persons with disabilities as well as their caregivers, psychosocial support to the beneficiaries and caregivers, and referral to appropriate services.


Task 1/ Design/adapt and conduct a training on peer-to-peer counselling and structured group psychosocial activities.

  • Develop or adapt context-specific methodology and training materials in Myanmar and English versions (PowerPoint presentations, trainees handouts, tools, forms, pre-test and post test)
  • Deliver training packages for all staff and CBWs.

Task 2/ Define, adapt or develop monitoring and evaluation tools for MHPSS goal-oriented activities.

  • With the HI project team, set the goal of peer to peer counselling sessions for both persons with disabilities and their caregivers and structured group psychosocial activities
  • Support the development and implementation of monitoring tools in English and Myanmar languages (initial assessment form, follow-up form, activities report form, personal and interpersonal wellbeing questionnaires, community capacity assessment, community engagement, participant feedback form.)

Task 3/ Support selected CBWs as well as HI and partner staff as they carry out psychosocial activities

  • Based on the HI team and partner staff observations, develop selection criteria for IFPs, then finalise the list of reliable and motivated IFPs who can carry out peer to peer counselling sessions and structured group psychosocial activities
  • Conduct regular (weekly, to be negotiated) field visits and provide on-the-job technical support and supervision to IFPs to ensure an adapted response to the beneficiaries’ needs and follow-up
  • Provide advice in case of needed referral and contribute to case management meetings
  • Provide remote coaching to partner staff and IFPs
  • Ensure emotional debriefing of HI staff, partner staff and IFPs
  • Provide technical advice and recommendations to HI and partner teams to ensure technical quality of the activities, respect of do no harm principles and propose adjustments if needed


  1. Monthly activity reports mentioning activities carried out, beneficiaries (number/type), IFP performances, challenges encountered and achieved results as well as including technical advice and recommendations to HI and partner teams
  2. Contribution to the midterm evaluation of the program and the midterm evaluation report as well as donor reporting and lessons learned.


The applicant shall provide an indicative workplan including the initial training, refresher trainings, on-the-job coaching, monitoring visits as well as reporting periods (and any other activity foreseen as part of these terms of reference).


The applicant shall provide a detailed financial offer including all costs related to this consultancy (the costs related to organisation of the training and refreshers will be borne by HI).


· Price: 40%

· Qualifications: 60%

Required experience:

  • Clinical Psychologist or trained Psychologist with significant clinical experience
  • Significant experience in community-based psychosocial activities
  • Experience designing and facilitating psychosocial support training
  • Experience in monitoring and evaluation
  • Fluent in English, Myanmar
  • Capacity and willingness to travel within Kachin for field visits

Desired skills:

  • Experience working with people with disabilities
  • Experience working with internally displaced people
  • Fluent in Jingphaw
  • Flexibility and capacity to adapt to an evolving context

Template for Financial proposal**

Prices must be expressed inclusive of all applicable taxes

Travel to and within Kachin will be arranged by HI. Please do not include these costs in your proposal

*Note: for the activities below for which the Number of days / referral / hour is proposed by HI, actual number of days / referral / hour may be negotiated at consultancy contract development stage, but not at financial proposal submission stage, in order for HI to be able to compare the financial proposals from bidders on the same grounds.*

Unit Type

Unit Quantity

Unit Cost

Total Cost

Task 1/ Design/adapt and conduct a training on protection core concepts and how to operationalize in an emergency setting.

Develop or adapt context-specific methodology and training materials in Myanmar and English versions (PowerPoint presentations, trainees handouts, tools, forms, pre-test and post test)

Training material package


Deliver training packages for all staff and CBWs.



Task 2/ Define, adapt or develop monitoring and evaluation tools for MHPSS goal-oriented activities.

With the HI project team, set the goal of peer to peer counselling sessions for both persons with disabilities and their caregivers and structured group psychosocial activities



Support the development and implementation of monitoring tools in English and Myanmar languages (initial assessment form, follow-up form, activities report form, personal and interpersonal wellbeing questionnaires, community capacity assessment, community engagement, participant feedback form.)

Package of tools


Task 3/ Support selected CBWs as well as HI and partner staff as they carry out psychosocial activities

Based on the HI team and partner staff observations, develop selection criteria for IFPs, then finalise the list of reliable and motivated IFPs who can carry out peer to peer counselling sessions and structured group psychosocial activities

Finalized list


Conduct regular (weekly, to be negotiated) field visits and provide on-the-job technical support and supervision to IFPs to ensure an adapted response to the beneficiaries’ needs and follow-up



Provide advice in case of needed referral and contribute to case management meetings



Provide remote coaching to partner staff and IFPs



Ensure emotional debriefing of HI staff, partner staff and IFPs



Provide technical advice and recommendations to HI and partner teams to ensure technical quality of the activities, respect of do no harm principles and propose adjustments if needed




How to apply

Interested candidates are required to apply before 14-August 2021 at the following email address: indicating the Job ID 3760580 in the email subject .

The application shall include:

  1. A brief cover letter and CV
  2. A proposal of the detailed methodology
  3. A tentative work plan and time schedule
  4. A financial proposal .

Humanity & Inclusion encourages qualified people with disabilities or chronic illness and women to apply.

As part of our commitment to keep our beneficiaries safe, our selection processes reflect our commitment to the protection of our beneficiaries from abuse. Contracting is subject to our protection standards including background checks and adherence to our protection policies and Code of Conduct.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.


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