Monitoring and Evaluation Expert At UN Office on Drugs and Crime

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Background of the assignment
    As the global guardian of the United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice, UNODC is mandated to support Member States in upholding the rule of law, promoting crime prevention and effective, fair, humane and accountable criminal justice systems. Within the framework of the UNODC Regional Programme for Eastern Africa (2016-2021), and in close cooperation with the Regional Section for Africa and the Middle East at UNODC headquarters, the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme of ROEA seeks to implement these objectives through support to major justice reforms processes undertaken by East African States.
    In line with this mandate the UNODC project ‘Strengthening the Administration of Justice and operationalising alternatives to imprisonment in Kenya’ aims to support the Government of Kenya to strengthen efficiency in delivery of judicial services, enhance coordination within the criminal justice sector and widen the use and application of alternatives to imprisonment. The project is designed to implement a part of the Programme for Legal Aid and Empowerment in Kenya (PLEAD). The Programme is funded by the European Union and targets the counties with the five largest urban centres of the country (Kisumu, Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru and Uasin Gishu) and seven counties of the most marginalised area within the country (Garissa, Isiolo, Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit, Tana River and Wajir).
    The PLEAD component implemented by UNODC targets support to the following institutions in the justice chain (national partners):
  2. The Judiciary;
  3. The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP);
  4. The Kenyan Probation and Aftercare Service (PACS);
  5. The Witness Protection Agency (WPA);
  6. The National Council on the Administration of Justice (NCAJ).
    PACS is a department currently under the State Department for Correctional Services within the Ministry of Interior and Coordination. The department derives its primary mandate from the Community Service Act 1998 and the Probation of Offenders Act 2012. In addition, it derives additional mandates from other statutes, for instance, the Power of Mercy Act 2011, the Prisons Act 1960, the Children’s Act 2001 and the Sexual Offences Act 2006. PACS currently operates 11 regional offices, 47 county offices, 130 probation stations, 6 probation hostels and 2 probation community resource centres as well as a probation staff training centre.
    PACS is the sole authority of community-based sanctions in Kenya. Community-based sanctions offer a proven way to facilitate the social reintegration of offenders and reduce recidivism. PACS, therefore, plays a key role in the criminal justice chain through the supervision and rehabilitation of offenders in the community by probation officers and voluntary probations officers.
    Notably, the mandate of PACS has grown considerably in the last years, and there is an ongoing development where probation officers are entrusted with ever more tasks, either by courts, policies or law. For example, one of the most demanding tasks currently carried out by probation officers is the provision of various type of social inquiry reports to courts and other competent authorities and thus providing information needed for the administration of justice. Such reports include bail information reports, probation officer reports (pre-sentence), community service officer reports, sentence review reports, victim impact statement reports, power of mercy pre-release reports and environmental adjustment reports.
    Other tasks carried out by PACS include, but are not limited to, the following:
  7. Operation of probation hostels where juvenile offenders are provided with education and vocational training;
  8. Assessing and classifying offenders;
  9. Providing support to victims;
  10. Provision of temporary accommodation to offenders in need;
  11. Reintegration and resettlement of ex-offenders leaving correctional institutions;
  12. Empowerment of offenders;
  13. Facilitating alternative dispute resolution mechanisms;
  14. Crime prevention.
    PACS has adopted a Strategic Plan for 2018-2022 to enable it to live up to its mandate under ever-changing circumstances. A key component of the Strategic Plan is its monitoring and evaluation framework, which is an essential instrument for understanding if its strategic objectives are being met and improving service delivery. As a result, UNODC is looking to recruit a consultant to support PACS in the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework for its Strategic Plan.
  15. Purpose of the assignment
    The assignment entails the development of a dynamic and effective monitoring and evaluation framework for the PACS Strategic Plan 2018-2022. This will allow continuous adaptation to change in circumstances, ensure transparency and promote accountability. The monitoring and evaluation framework will be used to assess and understand the impact of the initiatives implemented under the Strategic Plan. It will also establish baselines, measurable indicators and conceptualise an understanding of the effectiveness of the Plan.
  16. Specific tasks to be performed by the consultant
    Under the overall supervision of the Regional Representative and direct supervision of the Head of the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme UNODC ROEA, and within the framework of the UNODC Regional Programme for Eastern Africa (2016-2021), the consultant will perform the following tasks:
    a) Development of an inception report
    The consultant shall develop an inception report for approval by UNODC detailing the methodology for carrying out assignment, workplan and implementation schedule, including timelines and itineraries for travels if needed. It will give insights into methods and approaches which the consultant proposes to apply to complete the assignment.
    As part of the process to develop the inception report, the consultant shall review the key normative, operational and organizational instruments applicable to the PACS. The report shall describe the consultations already had with the Research, Statistics and Development Section of PACS and how stakeholder consultations, both internal and external, will be used to enrich the process. Additionally, it shall describe any fieldwork proposed as well as the objectives of such work.
    b) Development of a draft monitoring and evaluation framework
    The consultant will develop a draft monitoring and evaluation framework for the PACS 2018-2022 Strategic Plan based on international best practices. It shall also incorporate relevant government policies, guidelines and initiatives. The framework should include a logframe, baselines, annual targets, clearly defined performance indicators, description of data collection strategies and methods as well as the frequency of data collection. These features should form a clearly defined process that prescribes responsibilities and describes the division of labour for different actors and divisions within PACS. Furthermore, it should entail an evaluation strategy. The evaluation strategy should include the following criteria: relevance, efficiency, coherence, effectiveness, impact and sustainability, design, partnerships and cooperation, human rights and gender equality.
    The draft monitoring should draw on existing data collection processes and, if necessary, propose commentary processes, including procedures and templates.
    As part of the development of the draft monitoring and evaluation framework, the consultant will facilitate a three-day drafting workshop with the Research, Statistics and Development Section of PACS and relevant experts from PACS. The consultant shall submit a succinct report on the outcomes of the workshop.
    c) Delivery of a train​_ing on monitoring and evaluation
    To ensure the sustainability and relevance of the final monitoring and evaluation framework, the consultant will facilitate a three-day training workshop for key PACS personal, including members of the proposed Strategic Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Committee. The first two days should be dedicated to promoting understanding of monitoring and evaluation principles and methods. The final day should be dedicated to reviewing the draft monitoring and evaluation framework and gathering views from the different practitioners as well as familiarising the participants with the draft and the application of the lessons learned. The consultant shall submit a succinct report on the progress made and challenges faced during the report.
    d) Facilitation of an internal validation workshop
    The consultant shall deliver a two-day internal validation workshop with members of PACS staff, which shall be dedicated to reviewing and improving the draft monitoring and evaluation framework. The consultant shall submit a succinct report on the outcomes of the workshop.
    e) Facilitation of an external validation workshop and development of a validated monitoring and evaluation framework
    The consultant shall deliver a one-day external validation workshop with various stakeholders. The consultant shall submit a succinct report on the outcomes of the workshop.
    Following the internal and external validation workshops, the consultant shall, in consultations with the Research, Statistics and Development Section of PACS, incorporate the inputs and submit a final, comprehensive and validated monitoring and evaluation framework

Qualifications/special skills

Academic Qualifications: An advanced university degree in social sciences (management, public administration, political science or economics, social anthropology, education or related field is required. A first-level university degree in similar fields in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.

  • A minimum of 10 years of relevant work experience in an international, regional and/or national level is required.
  • Experience in developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks for government entities is desirable.
  • Experience in statistical analysis is desirable.
    Language: English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this post, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language is an advantage.

No Fee


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