Monitoring and Evaluation Project Manager M/F At Expertise France

Expertise France is a public agency for the implementation of international cooperation projects. We are placed under the supervision of the ministries responsible for foreign affairs and the economy and finance, with which we have a contract of objectives and means.

Interministerial Agency for International Technical Cooperation , we are the operator of all ministries. In 2021, the agency joined the AFD group (French Development Agency) which provides us with financial and operational solutions.

Expertise France’s objective is to combat global inequalities: our projects are mainly oriented towards the protection of global public goods and the response to the global challenges that all societies in the North and the South must face.

Within the L’Initiative program, under the supervision of the head of the SERA unit and the head of the Central Africa geographic unit, the monitoring and evaluation officer contributes to the monitoring and evaluation activities of the modalities of L’Initiative, a facility financed by the MEAE, which exercises supervision, and which aims to support eligible countries in accessing financing and improving their performance and the environment of grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. He/she works daily with the L’Initiative team, including: L’Initiative project managers, project leaders and service providers mandated by L’Initiative involved in the monitoring and evaluation of expert missions and projects financed through L’Initiative’s modalities. He/she relies on the resources and tools made available to him/her within the agency.

Situation / Position:

Operations Department
– Hierarchical relationship: Director of the health department, Technical Director of the Major Pandemics division, Head of the SERA unit (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Learning).
– Functional relationships: heads of geographical or thematic units, project managers, monitoring and evaluation officers, capitalization officers.

Your main missions?

The scope of the missions, activities and responsibilities of the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer is set within the framework of the role assigned to him/her within his/her department.
The missions and activities set out below are not exhaustive.

1) Updating and supporting the improvement of the quality of data from technical assistance missions and projects
o Ensures the regular updating (at least monthly) of data from expert missions and projects on the assigned geographic portfolio. With the support of the SERA unit and the CPs, he/she contributes to improving the quality of data integrated on the digital monitoring platform. In this capacity, he/she is responsible for collecting and integrating programmatic information from TA projects and missions.

2) Monitoring and analysis of indicators for geographic portfolio projects
o Ensures the revision of the logical frameworks of the projects and their indicators in conjunction with the project leader and the project manager;
o Supports project leaders in the development/revision of indicators and the half-yearly reporting of indicators and may, if necessary, temporarily replace a leader;
o Ensures the monitoring of half-yearly indicators for projects, ensuring their consistency and robustness. This mission involves data entry and cleaning work in addition to analytical work;
o Ensures analytical reporting (monthly/quarterly) with each CP of the geographic or thematic unit to which they are attached and their unit manager, for steering purposes.

3) Support for evaluations of L’Initiative projects
o Interim evaluations of L’Initiative projects
– Ensures the launch and monitoring of interim evaluations of projects in its portfolio in conjunction with the CP and the project leader (revision of the ToRs and advice to project leaders where appropriate; participation in the selection of evaluators; attention paid to the quality of the deliverable.
o Final project evaluations
– Supports the final evaluation of projects in the following activities:
* Collection of necessary documentation in conjunction with the project manager
* Organization of country missions for evaluations;
* Administrative and financial monitoring of evaluation and study work;
* Review of deliverables: final report, recommendations and executive summary;
* Advice and support to the CP in analyzing the results of the evaluation at the geographical unit level.

4) Enhanced monitoring and evaluation of L’Initiative TA missions
As part of the new system of enhanced monitoring and evaluation of technical assistance missions provided to beneficiary countries, the monitoring and evaluation officer will be required to:
o Integrate with the relevant CP, the TA results framework into the TA missions concerned;
o Ensure the proper reporting of indicators requested from experts;
o Support the collection of documentation as part of TA evaluations;
o Ensure the integration of Sanse experts and ensure regular quality control.

Your profile ?

• Graduate degree from a leading international school or university (Master 2) in development economics, public policy evaluation (IEDES, Schools of Economics, Universities, Sc. Po/IEP) and/or public health;
• Mastery of data collection and processing techniques. Generally speaking, great ease with information systems and database handling. Perfect mastery of Excel (essential) _ Power Bi if possible
• Mastery of data analysis methods;
• Very good knowledge of logical frameworks for intervention and development of indicators;
• Appetite for digital monitoring tools;
• Interest in the health theme (or at least one of the sectors of intervention of L’Initiative: Strengthening health systems, HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, Gender);
• Knowledge of at least one of the countries in the Central Africa portfolio would be a plus (Cameroon, Congo, DRC, CAR);
• Very good organization, responsiveness and sense of rigor;
• Very good interpersonal and communication skills
• Good writing skills in French and English;
• Good adaptability and teamwork skills**.**

Further information :

The position is to be filled on a fixed-term contract (18 months) and is based in Paris at 40 Bd de Port-Royal, 75005 Paris.

The compensation for this position consists of an annual package including the following benefits:

  • A 13th month paid monthly and effective upon taking up the position.
  • A variable portion of 3% of the annual gross salary
  • More than 45 days of annual leave, with the possibility of monetizing up to 10 days of RTT per year.
  • A share of profit-sharing, calculated based on the results of the year.
  • An allowance of 9 euros per day for meals (Swile Card).
  • 50% coverage of public transport costs.
  • A mobility bonus of 400 euros per year if you prefer to travel by bike.
  • Completely free mutual health insurance, covered by the agency.
  • The possibility of teleworking 2 days per week, with compensation of €20 per month, equivalent to €240 net more per year.
  • An annual holiday bonus of 450 euros.

How to apply

Please click on the following link to submit your application directly

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