Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist At Social Terrain


The Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA) is an initiative launched by the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), and European Union (EU) governments in May 2022 in response to Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. The initiative aims to provide support to the war crimes units under the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine (OPG) and other partner organizations in documenting, investigating, and prosecuting international crimes, including war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, committed in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine. ACA is composed of five partner organizations, each of which deploys experts to support the OPG. In October 2022, Georgetown University Law Center (GU) took on the role of lead implementing partner for the ACA, which includes a mandate to lead coordination across ACA partner organizations.

GU has asked its independent contractor, Valoa Impact, to provide support from a Kyiv-based consultant for the implementation of GU’s ACA-related Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) activities. The position will help to facilitate contact with GU’s partners, interlocutors in the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, and related organisations. Social Terrain is the hirer, recruiting on behalf of ACAG.

The goal of this function is to enable regular, on-site data collection and cooperation with partners within ACA and, as and when appropriate, within Ukrainian government agencies, under the framework of the agreed M&E system. The position will be based in Kyiv, with the opportunity for limited remote work. The position will engage in the following specific tasks, under the supervision of the lead M&E Specialist:

  1. Follow up with stakeholders from ACA events, or with the users of key ACA outputs, to elicit their feedback in a tailored manner;
  2. Carry out interviews, moderate Focus Group Discussions, and help formulate questionnaires. This will be done in ways that is mindful of the rights and sensitivities of respondents;
  3. Liaise with key partners in Ukraine, in particular with ACA Implementing Entities;
  4. Prepare draft activity reports, follow up with Experts and Georgetown personnel to gather detailed information, and help prepare draft reports;
  5. Contribute to monitoring and evaluation analysis, and maintain a database of key documents, digital data and graphic tools.

The person should be available rapidly, and will be contracted as an independent consultant by Valoa Impact. Required competencies include:

  1. University degree
  2. Fluency in English
  3. Strong personal presentation and confidence in outreach
  4. Ability to work independently
  5. Familiarity with M&E procedures or relevant skills (e.g., data collection, interviewing, analysing documents) preferred

A degree of familiarity with Ukrainian and international human rights law would be an advantage, as would a few years of experience in dealing with international organisations.



The War Crimes Investigation Advisory Group is an initiative launched by the governments of the United States of America (US), the United Kingdom (UK), and the European Union (EU) in May 2022 in response to Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. The initiative is aimed at providing support to the war crimes investigation units of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine (GPU) and other partner organizations in documenting, investigating and prosecuting international crimes, including war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, committed in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine. ACA consists of five partner organizations, each of which allocates experts to support the activities of the Office. In October 2022, the Georgetown University (GU) Law Center assumed the role of lead implementing partner for the ASA project, which includes a mandate to lead coordination among ASA partner organizations.

GU requested its independent contractor, Valoa Impact, to provide support for the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) consultant activities related to the provision of anti-corruption assistance (ACA). This position will contribute to the establishment of contacts with GU partners, representatives of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine and related organizations.

The purpose of this function is to ensure regular field data collection and cooperation with ACA partners and, where appropriate, with Ukrainian government institutions within an agreed monitoring and evaluation framework. The position will be based in Kyiv, with the possibility of remote work. The employee in this position will perform the following specific tasks under the supervision of the lead monitoring and evaluation specialist:

  1. Liaising with stakeholders who have participated in ACA activities or with users of ACA Key Results to obtain their feedback on a one-to-one basis;
  2. Conducting interviews, moderating discussions in focus groups and assisting in the preparation of questionnaires. The latter will be done taking into account the rights and sensitivities of respondents;
  3. Maintaining contact with key partners in Ukraine, in particular with project implementing organizations;
  4. Preparation of draft activity reports, further work with experts and staff of Georgetown University to gather detailed information and assist in the preparation of draft reports;
  5. Facilitating monitoring and evaluation analysis, as well as maintaining a database of key documents, digital data and graphical tools.

This person should be available as soon as possible and will be employed by Valoa Impact as an independent consultant. The candidate must meet the following requirements:

  1. Higher Education;
  2. Fluency in English;
  3. Strong personal presentation and strong communication skills;
  4. Ability to work independently;
  5. Knowledge of M&E procedures or related skills ( eg  data collection, interviewing, document analysis) is desirable.

Some familiarity with Ukrainian and international law in the field of human rights will be an advantage, as well as several years of experience working with international organizations.

How to apply

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To apply, please send your CV to

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