Monitoring-Evaluation Consultancy & Learning as part of the implementation of the project’s programmatic activities in the implementation areas At Helvetas

  1. Context and objective of the project

    1.1. Context :

The number of international migrants increases every year: it is estimated at 272 million in 2019, or 3.5% of the world population, of which 33 million are children under the age of 18 (increase of 28% between 2010 and 2019). ), in connection with the increase in the world population. As presented in the Migration Policy Framework for Africa (2018 – 2030), “the driving forces, dynamics and patterns of migration vary across regions of Africa. However, over the past 15 years, migration has increased in all regions of Africa and is characterized by a predominantly young immigrant population, aged under 30, and diverse migratory flows. In West and North-West Africa, out of an estimate of 40-45 million international migrants, 5 million are children, although until now there is no exact data on children in mobility, and that it is difficult to obtain data disaggregated by sex, although a feminization of mobility has been observed for several years on the African continent. Children therefore constitute a significant part of population movements around the world, and the causes justifying this mobility are very diverse: extreme poverty, lack of employment, desire to access quality educational offerings, search for employment opportunities. sustainable development, family or social tradition of migration, flight from violence, political instability or instability linked to conflicts and environmental problems, or quite simply the quest for well-being. Girls, for their part, have these same motivations, to which are often added gender inequality and discrimination caused by the socio-cultural constraints of their communities of origin, and which they very frequently continue to endure during their migratory journey. .

In this context, the Swiss government is committed to financing a regional project on children and young people on migratory routes (EJM) in North and West Africa.

This project is implemented by a consortium led by Helvetas, Terre des hommes and GIZ in partnership with the MMC, Médecins du monde Belgique, Enda/African Movement of Children and Young Workers (MAEJT), International Social Service Africa West (SSI AO) and Service Social International (SSI-International) (called Expanded Consortium), which was selected by the Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency.

In its first phase, the project targets five target countries: Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia and the West Africa regional network for the protection of children (RAO) whose operational standards have been validated by ECOWAS.

The “Children and Young People on the Migration Routes of West and North Africa” project aims to sustainably strengthen national and regional systems of protection, education and socio-economic integration and facilitate access for children and young people on the move to the services provided by these systems (economic integration from the age of 18).

The project begins with a preparatory phase (2021) and a first phase of 3 years in 5 pilot countries to be able to develop and test systems strengthening approaches which will be sustainable and which will not structurally depend on external resources (2022-2024; Guinea , Mali, Morocco, Niger, Tunisia). It is expected that the project in the following phases will cover all ECOWAS countries plus Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia.

1.2 General objective of the project:

Countries in West and North Africa have and apply a normative framework and national organizational capacities to ensure protection and access to education for children and young people on the move with a view to improving their opportunities and opportunities for a dignified life.

Effect 1: Beneficiaries: Children and young people on the move are better protected and have access to quality education; they have the skills and abilities that enable them to improve their chances and opportunities for a life with dignity.

Outcome 2: Organizations: National systems and organizations are strengthened to provide better protection, education and socioeconomic integration to children and young people on the move.

Outcome 3: Policies: National laws and strategies are inclusive and based on child rights; they take into account the needs of children and young people on the move through personalized care protocols.

Effect 4: Swiss profile: Switzerland profiles itself in terms of the rights of children and young people on the move and promotes these rights to States, coordination and governance bodies and partner organizations.

2. Objective and expected results of the consultation

2.1 General objective of the consultation:

Provide the project management team with a robust and functional MEAL system, providing evidence on performance and induced changes, for adaptive management towards achieving planned results.

2.2. Specific objectives:

  • Design and implement the project’s Monitoring and Evaluation system in accordance with the requirements of Helvetas and Swiss Cooperation;
  • Design and implement the project’s learning and knowledge management plan;
  • Design and implement the accountability mechanism, in particular the complaints and feedback management mechanism;
  • Ensure capacity building of the project country team and local partners on monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning tools.

2.3. Expected results

  • A Monitoring and Evaluation system in compliance with the requirements of Helvetas and Swiss Cooperation is available, digitalized and implemented;
  • The learning and knowledge management plan is available and learning events are organized;
  • A complaints and feedback management mechanism is available and functional for accountability towards them.
  • The capacities of the project country team and local partners are strengthened on monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning tools.

3. Process/Methodology

It will be up to the consultant to develop the most appropriate working methodology to achieve the expected results. However, a physical presence in the Helvetas premises in Tunis will be requested from the consultant during the donor reporting periods.

4. Task of the consultant

  • Propose a clear and adapted work methodology guaranteeing the achievement of the results of the consultancy mission;
  • Develop a detailed schedule for the implementation of monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning activities leading to the production of the various expected deliverables which will be validated by the project Country Coordinator in collaboration with the Regional MEAL Manager;
  • Implement monitoring and evaluation of activities carried out within the framework of the project in accordance with the contextualized and validated logical framework (this includes the indicator monitoring plan, the indicator protocol, the indicator monitoring table, the management plan assessments, data collection tools, data collection and management plan including data flow map, data quality assurance plan, risk analysis matrix;
  • Digitize and operationalize the data collection and management system;
  • Strengthen the capacities of the project country team and local partners and support them on the digital data collection and management system;
  • Provide the data necessary for periodic project reporting;
  • Periodically conduct an assessment of the quality of data reported in the field and implement a data quality improvement plan;
  • Develop and implement the learning plan, document good practices and lessons learned and contribute to their dissemination;
  • Develop and implement the complaints and feedback management mechanism in accordance with organizational requirements;
  • Participate in periodic meetings with the Regional MEAL Manager as part of monitoring the functionality of the monitoring, evaluation, accountability and overall learning system of the project.

The consultant is required to carry out these activities in accordance with the technical orientations, planning and forecast budget validated in advance by the project coordinator in Tunisia. Likewise, the consultant is required to respect a spirit of confidentiality and absolute impartiality.

5. Key deliverables

  • Methodology of work ;
  • Detailed schedule for implementing monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning activities;
  • Indicator monitoring plan;
  • Protocol or indicator reference sheet;
  • Quarterly updated indicator monitoring table;
  • Evaluation management plan;
  • Data management plan;
  • Data quality assurance plan;
  • Risk analysis matrix;
  • Data collection tools
  • Digitalized data collection and management system;
  • Training report for the project country team and local partners on the digital data collection and management system;
  • Monitoring report supporting local partners;
  • ToR for evaluation self-assessment of the quality of data reported in the field
  • Data quality self-assessment report;
  • Data quality improvement plan;
  • Learning plan
  • Documented periodic report of good practices and lessons learned;
  • Mechanism for managing complaints and feedback in accordance with organizational requirements ((1) escalation flow for complaints and feedback, (2) mechanism for processing and responding to complaints and feedback, (3) register for managing complaints and feedback up-to-date feedback;
  • Evidence of implementation of recommendations from periodic meetings with the Regional MEAL Manager on the functionality of the monitoring, evaluation, accountability and overall learning system of the project.

6. Qualifications

  • BAC + 5 in the fields of statistics, social sciences or any other relevant field;
  • At least 5 years of experience in the design, planning and implementation of monitoring, evaluation and learning systems;
  • At least 2 years of experience in designing, planning and implementing complaints and feedback mechanisms;
  • Knowledge of the migration of children and young people is an asset;
  • Technical knowledge in information collection, processing and analysis;
  • Knowledge of participatory and gender-sensitive monitoring tools and systems;
  • Knowledge of designing qualitative and quantitative data collection tools for monitoring and feedback processes;
  • Mastery of mobile data collection applications (Kobo Collect, ODK, CommCare, etc.);
  • Mastery of data processing and visualization applications (Excel, SPSS, Power Bi, etc.);

Desired skills

  • Very high autonomy
  • Significant capacity for organization, analysis and synthesis, planning,
  • Excellent interpersonal skills (listening and adaptation skills)
  • Good communication skills, both written and oral.

7. Period and duration of the consultancy

It is included from January 2024 to March 31, 2025 due to 195 days of overall consultation or 39 days of consultation for each quarter.

8. The budgetary structure of the consultation

  • fees: per day
  • Per diem for physical presence on mission (excluding Tunis) including accommodation and food costs: per day
  • Internet connection package (per day)
  • Communication: per day
  • Transport (missions to the Governorate of Medenine): mission day

9. Institutional values ​​and policies

the consultant hired to carry out monitoring-evaluation, accountability and learning activities undertakes to:

  • Comply with the HELVETAS Code of Conduct;
  • Security policy
  • Prevention Policy against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PEAS)
  • Comply with HELVETAS’ anti-fraud and corruption policy.

How to apply

10. Documents and deadlines for submitting offers

Candidates interested in this consultation must submit a file in French


  • Presentation of the consultant, with detailed CV of his experiences implementing monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning activities;
  • A technical offer including: understanding the Terms of Reference, the proposed methodology,
  • Financial offer including all costs and fees in accordance with the proposed budget structure
  • Payment terms upon validation of deliverables,
  • Confirmation of availability for start-up in January 2024.

Application files must be sent by email to the following address:

The closing date for receipt of applications is December 22 at 12:00 p.m. (Tunis time)

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