Network Mapping and Influence Strategy for Social Cohesion & Justice Integration Call for Consultancy At Catholic Relief Services Please visit the CRS bid opportunity page for the full scope of work and attachments.

With the launch of its Vison 2030 Agency Strategy, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) seeks to catalyze development and humanitarian outcomes at scale. CRS recognizes the complexity of achieving sustainable outcomes entailing systemic changes in organizational and institutional rules and incentives. CRS is investing in six Strategic Change Platforms (SCPs): social cohesion and social justice integration, community-based approaches to safe and dignified emergency shelter, sustainable landscapes, multi-sectoral approaches to eradicating malaria, strengthening families
for thriving children, and youth leadership and livelihoods (Please see Appendix 1: Brief on different SCPs.). Each of these platforms presents challenges and opportunities for CRS’ teams to test new ways of thinking, working, partnering, and mobilizing resources. True to CRS’ commitment to local leadership, working with and in support of local partners is a key element of catalyzing change at scale.

Under SCP1 – Fostering Just and Cohesive Societies – social cohesion and justice are seen as force multipliers that accelerate and amplify the effectiveness and sustainability of impact across sectors. When our humanitarian and development projects – for example, refugee returns or livelihoods – include interventions to strengthen healthy, inclusive social ties, we expect to see greater positive results. The premise is that when societies are cohesive and when human interactions and transactions are governed by equitable rules and norms, then people will identify and adopt more inclusive and fair solutions, which lead to sustainable development outcomes over time. Research, learning and evidence constitute a priority for SCP1 and will contribute to internal as well as external influence strategies to ensure that social cohesion and justice principles, approaches, tactics and tools are mainstreamed across sectors (Please see Appendix 2: Integrating Social Cohesion for Enhanced Outcomes).

Achieving this result will require the SCP1 team to identify key targets:
(1) within the donor and policy environment;
(2) within the academic and practitioner community; and
(3) other relevant stakeholders;

The mapping of those others that CRS can engage will contribute to the creation of an influence strategy and provide a road map for future external engagements. In this way CRS and partners can influence the attitudes and practices of peers, donors and other stakeholders to promote change at scale.

OBJECTIVES This consultancy has two purposes organized in two stages.

The first stage of this consultancy has the purpose of mapping and assessing the networks and coordination bodies addressing SC&J, the humanitarian-peacebuilding nexus, fragility and resilience, and/or the priority issues of CRS’ other SCPs (particularly safe and dignified homes and communities; sustainable landscapes; and family strengthening; but potentially also inclusive of malaria eradication and youth leadership and livelihoods), where there is a natural fit for SC&J integration. The mapping will be feed into the development of an external
influence strategy (second stage).

This mapping should be informed by, but not limited to, the platform’s preliminary influence analysis and targeting (these documents will be shared by CRS). It includes consultation with CRS’ other SCPs about the coordination bodies and networks with which they are already engaged, and where they may or may not see opportunities to promote SC&J integration. Consultation with CRS’ policy, government relations and donor engagement teams, should be an integral part of the mapping.

The mapping stage will include an analysis of which networks/fora would be the most relevant for SCP1 engagement, on the basis of: degree of influence and effectiveness; ease of entry; potential openness to SCP1’s agenda, etc. Results of this analysis will be shared internally in CRS.

The second stage has the purpose of developing 3-year influence strategy that capitalizes on these windows of opportunity in order to advance systematic integration of social cohesion and justice in all humanitarian and development work, in consultation with relevant SCPs, the SCP1 Core Team. Based on the strategy, the consultants will support SCP1 to develop a detailed action plan for the remainder of CY2022. This will include identification of suitable liaisons to the prioritized fora, who can contribute examples, experiences and benefits of SC&J integration. This could entail new representation on these bodies, or closer collaboration with colleagues or partners already embedded in the network or forum. The strategy will also guide and inform future years’ action plans.

This assignment is estimated to be completed within a level of effort of approximately 36-40 working days.

The consultant will carry out this work in a consultative manner with CRS – and, as applicable, external – stakeholders, to map relevant networks, fora and coordination bodies and develop external influence strategy following 2022 action plan.

This section describes expectations for the consultancy arrangements.

The consultancy will be conducted between November 29, 2021 and March 31,

PLACE OF PERFORMANCE The consultant/s shall work outside the CRS office, working remotely from his/her home, personal office, or usual place of business. No travel is planned, whether overseas or domestic. Meetings and discussions with CRS staff or other external stakeholders, as needed, can be conducted telephonically or using web-based telecommunication software.

The ideal consultant will possess the following qualifications:
▪ Deep and broad familiarity with peacebuilding and justice approaches, particularly social cohesion strengthening and promotion of inclusion, equity and accountability; ▪ Understanding of international relief, development and peacebuilding organizations; ▪ Familiarity with CRS preferred; ▪ Familiarity with policy trends in the international development field; ▪ Experience with multiple sectors and donor institutions related to SC&J; ▪ Demonstrated experience with research and participatory methods; ▪ Demonstrated experience with strategy development; ▪ Excellent writing and analytical skills for quality reporting writing; ▪ Strong coordination skills and ability to adhere to deadlines and work remotely;

How to apply Please visit the CRS bid opportunity page for the full scope of work and attachments.

The consultant needs to submit: Technical Proposal:
▪ Cover letter indicating applicant’s ability and availability
▪ Consultant CV and/or Company Profile
▪ Example of applicant’s written report on end project assessment or other
references of similar consultancy assignments (if available).
▪ Reference list (names and contact information for at least three references)

Financial Proposal: Lump-sum offer with the cost breakdown for:
▪ Mapping and analysis of relevant networks, fora, and coordination bodies
▪ Final influence strategy and 2022 action plan

Submit the following documents by COB on Monday, November 8, 2021 to Procurement Manager,

Prospective bidders may submit any clarification questions to the same contact address, by November 1, 2021. Responses will be provided to any known prospective bidders on November 3, 2021

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