Niger – MEAL Manager At COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale

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COOPI is looking for a MEAL Manager in NIGER

COOPI has been present in Niger since 2012 with a coordination office in Niamey, and field bases in Diffa, Agadez, Tahoua, Maradi and Tillabéry . Currently, COOPI works in the Diffa region in the sectors of protection, mental health, and education in emergency situations, in Niamey and Agadez in mixed migration with the management of transit huts and psychosocial support for refugees and migrants, in the Tillabéry and Tahoua regions with interventions in the field of nutrition/health and emergency education, in Maradi with a protection project. The main donors are ECHO, the European Union, Swiss Cooperation, FHRAOC, Italian Cooperation (AICS), USAID/BHA, SRF and United Nations agencies (UNHCR, UNICEF, IOM).

Job Objective

The MEAL Manager will be based in Niamey but will be required to travel to all areas where COOPI operates. For the majority, these are medium-term emergency projects. The MEAL Manager, who operates at the national coordination level within the program team, is responsible for the adoption of the MEAL system – with its tools and guidelines – in the country and supports the Program Coordinator in developing objectives and methodologies for the aggregation and analysis of project data at the country level to contribute to improving the quality of programs.



  • Supports the Programme Coordinator in developing a national level theoretical programme framework with sector-specific indicators/evaluation questions and analysis tools;
  • Defines the verification sources in accordance with the theoretical framework;
  • Supports the Program Coordinator in analyzing trends in data collected in projects;
  • Sends, with the Program Coordinator, trend analysis reports to the Regional Coordination;
  • Develops and updates standard methodologies and tools for data collection by sector, taking as a reference the global sectoral methodological indications contained in the COOPI SoP;
  • Prepares a list of documentary resources required for M&E activities (e.g. documents to be produced by type of activity);
  • Develop a common expenditure list of recurring costs for M&E activities to support the identification of costs required to carry out data collection activities.


  • Prepares/supports the preparation of the M&E plan in accordance with the project proposal and/or other specific documents relating to M&E activities requested by the donor;
  • Coordinates and supports the execution of baseline assessments and surveys.

Project monitoring:

  • In close collaboration with the Program Coordinator, trains and supports PMs in the use of M&E tools and guides. When a new PM joins the team, he/she is responsible for supporting him/her in setting up the tools to be used once in the field to monitor project activities;
  • In collaboration with the Programme Coordinator, he receives periodic monitoring reports from the PMs, intervening to answer any critical questions regarding the technical and methodological aspects of monitoring;
  • Methodologically supports the Programs team in carrying out baseline, endline, assessment and data collection relating to production levels as results and objectives;
  • Develops an analysis of trends emerging from PM monitoring reports to assist the Program Coordinator in more comprehensive analysis of project progress;
  • Carries out, in coordination with the Program Coordinator, monitoring missions in the field.


  • Supports – and facilitates if necessary – the self-assessment and after-action review exercises of the CdPs with the project team;
  • Carries out internal assessment missions;
  • Supports the implementation of external evaluation missions: review of ToRs, start-up reports and final reports relating to external evaluations to ensure the quality and rigor of the process.


  • Supports the programme team in synthesizing, aggregating and analyzing data from projects, monitoring and evaluation missions and self-assessment exercises to inform future planning;
  • Contributes to capitalization activity.

Candidate profile


  • At least 5 years of experience , including 2 years in the fields of monitoring and evaluation in emergency contexts;
  • Excellent experience in database management (data collection and analysis) and reporting;
  • Demonstrated experience in research methodology, in developing logical frameworks and results frameworks;
  • Excellent oral and written command of French and English ;
  • Knowledge of donors such as USAID, ECHO, UNHCR, European Union;
  • Excellent skills in context analysis;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills**;**
  • Flexibility and accommodation to difficult and sometimes uncertain working conditions;
  • Patience, organizational and team management skills, decision-making and diplomacy;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Strong skills in technical writing and development of project proposals;


  • Previous experience with COOPI and knowledge of its procedures;
  • Proven professional experience in Niger or similar contexts;
  • Capacity for resilience and adaptation to difficult contexts in isolated locations;
  • Training and capacity building experience;
  • Strong skills in partner capacity assessment and development, including institutional strengthening, mentoring and coaching.

COOPI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the deadline of the announcement. Please note that only pre-selected candidates will be contacted. Interviews will take place continuously and the position will be closed as soon as it is filled, thank you for your understanding.

COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale is an Italian secular and independent humanitarian organization that fights against all forms of poverty to improve the world. Founded in 1965, COOPI is today present in 33 countries in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Middle East, with emergency and development projects carried out by expatriate staff – on average over 270 people per year – and national staff. The main institutional donors are the European Union – ECHO and INTPA – USAID, UN agencies, the Italian government, local authorities and other European governments.

How to apply

Send your CV and cover letter to the following link: MEAL Manager | COOPI

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