Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) welcomes you to the tender notification of IRAQ-RFQ-171-2021 Projects: VCA – “Value chain analysis” Consultancy in Ira


From: Norwegian Refugee Council, Country Office – Erbil

Date: 22nd August 2021

No. of pages including this page: 17

Subject: Provision of Consultancy Services for Agriculture Value Chains Analysis PR Reference number: 8600708

RFQ number: IRAQ-RFQ-171-2021

NRC is an independent, humanitarian, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, which provides assistance, protection and durable solutions to refugees and internally displaced persons worldwide. NRC promotes and protects the rights of people who have been forced to flee their countries, or their homes within their countries. It is the only Norwegian organisation that specializes in international efforts aimed at this target group. The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Iraq is implementing a KfW-funded project, Activating Market and Agricultural Livelihoods (AMAL), which aims to restore agricultural productive capacity and build resilience among conflict-affected communities in target locations through agricultural value chain development and market growth. The project targets communities who are facing challenges in re-establishing agricultural production due to a number of challenges including damaged production infrastructure, loss of equipment and limited capacity to source production inputs. NRC Iraq is soliciting bids from companies for the value chain consultancy project in Salahadin and Anbar governorates, If your company is interested in participating in the tender it requires online registration in the web-based eSourcing system. It is free to register as a user in the system, and once the company is created, you will obtain access to all of the originator’s current and future open procedure notifications implemented through the system. After registration, you get access to the tender package. For registration instructions, please refer to the attached: ‘Supplier Bid Guide’. e=EkuSXH ( PL5_BLQ?e=EkuSXH

The Norwegian Refugee Council invites you to submit a bid in (USD) in light of providing consultancy services for Agriculture Value Chains Analysis.

The selection will be based on the criteria listed on this document, and a consultancy contract will be assigned.

This RFQ is constituted from the following annexes:

· Annex 1 – Terms of Reference

· Annex 2 – Technical Proposal methodology, work plan and personnel

· Annex 3 – Previous Experience

· Annex 4 – NRC code of conduct for non-staff

· Annex 5 – Declaration of Undertaking

· Annex 6 – Financial Proposal

Manner of Submission

Please submit your quotation in accordance with the requirements detailed below by eSourcing system, following the below instructions:

1- The bidders can download the RFQ documents from “**Access documents**” from the system.

2- Collect the RFQ.

3- Fill the requested documents.

4- Upload your Technical proposal documents in “**Envelope 1 – Technical Documents**”, The price shall NOT be mentioned in the technical bid.

5- Upload your financial proposal documents in “**Envelope 2 – Quotation Documents**”.

6- After uploading the required documents, please check that the progress bar will show green colour “**100% percent complete**”.

7- Click on “**Submit Response”** button.

Note: For more information, please refer to Supplier guide. **

NRC Iraq will follow the two envelop process for this procurement. Failure to comply with the above submission instruction will lead to supplier disqualification immediately.

Questions and Inquiry: Questions for the tender content and process must be made to the contracting entity via the Q/A message module inside the eSourcing system by clicking on “Supplier questions and answers”, and then click on “Ask Question” button.

Deadline for submission of quotations is <4th Sep 2021 and 23:59> promptly.

Offers must be submitted through the eSourcing system, and before the submission deadline expires. It will not be possible to submit your bid after the deadline or outside the eSourcing system.

Assessment Criteria

Award of the contract(s) will be based on the following:

Step 1: Administrative compliance check (Eligibility Criteria)

· Copy of a valid company business registration in Iraq (relevant for companies only)

· Copy of a valid tax clearance

· Copy of company director and lead consultant ID/ passport

· Declaration of access (part of Annex 2) (signed and stamped)

· NRC code of conduct for non-staff (signed and stamped)

· Declaration of undertaking (signed and stamped)

Step 2: Technical evaluation criteria:

A Technical Evaluation of all bids received before the deadline. Criteria that will be used to evaluate and score the bids are:

Ø Relevant Experience – 25%

Ø Lead Consultant Qualification – 15%

Ø Timeline for completing the assignment – 10%

Ø Lead time to start the assignment – 5%

Ø Quality of Technical Proposal– 20%

Ø Quality of past report – 5%

The minimum passing score of step 2 is 48%, in order a bid to proceed in the step 3.

Step 3: Financial evaluation criteria

Price in comparison to other bidders of comparable technical quality.

Ø Financial Proposal – 20%

Conditions of quotation

Payment will be made 100% after the delivery of satisfactory outputs within 30 days, by bank transfer/cheque only.

Payment will be made directly to the account of the company or company’s owner according to the agreed payment terms. Under exceptional cases, payments of 1,000 USD and above, made to third-party individuals may be accepted with the presence of an official notary public certification from the company to the third party individual.

NRC is not subject to VAT; therefore, all offers should be exclusive of VAT costs.

All suppliers doing business with NRC should maintain high standards on ethical issues, respect and apply basic human and social rights, ensure non-exploitation of child labour, and give fair working conditions to their staff. NRC reserves the right to reject quotations provided by suppliers not meeting these standards.

Vendors doing business with NRC will be screened on anti-corruption due diligence before NRC confirms an order or contract.

NRC aims to purchase products and services that the minimum environmental impact. Environmental considerations form part of the NRC selection criteria, and NRC reserves the right to reject quotations provided by suppliers not meeting these standards.

Currencies of bid and payment

All prices shall be quoted by the Bidder in USD, unless otherwise stated. Similarly, all payments will be made in USD.


NRC is obliged to ensure that its procurement decisions are clearly justified and documented and keeping within the Donors mandatory principles. In that regard, full and on-the-spot access must be granted to representatives of NRC, the Donor or any organisation or person mandated by it, to premises belonging to NRC or its contractors. The right to access shall include all documents and information necessary to assess, or audit the implementation of the contract.

Supplier Information

Company name………………………………………………Stamp……………………………


Contact person……………………………………………………………………………………

Contact Telephone number……………………………………………………………………..


NRC reserves the right to accept or reject the whole or part of your quotation based on the information provided. Incomplete quotations which do not comply with our conditions will not be considered.

Annex 1: Terms of Reference (ToR)


1. Introduction

1.1. About NRC

NRC is an international non-governmental, humanitarian organization with 60 years of experience in helping to create a safer and more dignified life for refugees and internally displaced people. NRC has been present in Iraq since 2010, responding primarily to needs arising from conflict-induced displacement. NRC has an operational presence in Erbil, Kirkuk, Ninewa, Salah al-Din, Baghdad, Anbar, Basra, and Dohuk governorates. In these locations, NRC advocates and supports communities affected by conflict and displacement by providing a wide range of assistance to rebuild their lives. This includes activities in the following sectors: Food Security and Livelihoods including productive infrastructure rehabilitation; Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA); Camp Management including mobile site management and community centres; Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs); WASH and other infrastructure and Education.

1.2. Brief agriculture context in Iraq

Agriculture constitutes a substantial share of Iraq’s economy (5 percent of total GDP) and is dominated by the private sector.[i] About one-third of Iraq’s 40 million people reside in rural areas and are dependent on agriculture-related activities for their livelihoods.[ii] Crop production constitutes the largest subsector within the agricultural sector and provides 75 percent of all agriculture-related incomes, with wheat and barley being the dominant crops. The conflict-affected governorates have historically been among the highest producers of crops across the country, with Salah al-Din and Ninewa governorate producing over one-third of Iraq’s annual wheat and barley.[iii]

The conflict with the Islamic State group (IS) caused significant damages and losses in agriculture, resulting in an estimated 40% decline in production for the country as a whole[iv]. This decline was mainly a result of the loss of equipment and machinery; displacement of local populations including many farmers; insecurity; fields contaminated with landmines and other explosive remnants of war; looting of productive assets; destroyed or damaged infrastructure; damaged storage and crop processing facilities; lack of quality seeds and fertilizers; and the collapse of government support in providing agricultural inputs and extension services to farmers. In addition, agriculture-based livelihoods were constrained by internal displacement, the fear of violence which prevented farmers from accessing and tending to their land, and disruptions to markets for supplying farm inputs and selling agricultural and food products[v]. Currently, individual farmers, many of whom were displaced during the conflict, are facing a combination of reduced financial capital along with higher prices for mechanical goods, which prevents them from repairing or replacing their equipment and tools.

To address some of the key structural barriers affecting the agriculture value chain, NRC is implementing a 42 months’ (1st August, 2021 – 31st January, 2025) agricultural livelihoods project in Anbar and Salah Al Din governorates targeting three districts; Ramadi and Ana districts in Anbar and Tooz district in Salah Al Din, with funding support from KfW (German Development Bank). The overall objective of the project is to “promote the resilience of conflict-affected rural Iraqi communities through the restoration of agricultural production, markets, and associated livelihoods”. This overall objective will be achieved through three specific objectives:

SO1: The agricultural productive capacity of farmers within the targeted areas is increased

SO2: Revitalization of markets within the agricultural value chain provides for increased employment opportunities in the targeted areas

SO3: Targeted communities enhance their resilience to future shocks**

Against this backdrop, NRC is seeking to hire an experienced consultant/consultancy firm to carry out a detailed value chain analysis to inform strategic decisions on the choice and commercialization of key agricultural products by small holder farmers in Anbar and Salah Al Din governorates. This Terms of Reference (TOR) therefore provides a set of minimum requirements and the scope of the study processes to be undertaken in the project target areas so as to provide benchmark information and indicators about the situation at the beginning of the project.

2. Key Agricultural products for the study:

Following NRC’s rapid needs assessment in Anbar and Salah Al-Din governorates in October 2020, potential value chains have been identified during the project design stage. The in-depth value chain analysis is aimed at reviewing these value chains to prioritize 3 most prominent value chains per governorate through a scoring and validation process during the initial phase of the assessment. The potential value chains identified during NRC initial needs assessment include:**

· Wheat

· Vegetables (tomatoes, onions, cucumber, and eggplants)

· Fruits (citrus, apples, and dates),

· Tubers (potatoes)

· Livestock (sheep, poultry, dairy products)

3. Objectives of the value chain study

3.1. Main objective

The overall objective of this consultancy is to carry out a Value Chain Analysis of pre-selected agricultural value chains (3 value chains per governorate) in Anbar and Salah Al-Din governorates to identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for programming including recommendations for specific interventions that address the weaknesses identified.

3.2. Specific Objectives:

· Conduct short-listing of value chains using a selection criteria and scoring process to select three most prominent value chains in each district.

· Conduct detailed analysis on the existing situation of selected value chains including mapping the number of actors involved in each value chain, volumes produced and traded, price variation along the value chain, relevant regulatory frameworks, and key infrastructure and support services.

· Generate baseline information for project indicators related to value chains.

· Provide a clear comparative and competitive advantages for each value chain in each governorate.

· Identify leverage points along the value chain that can have potential in strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of the chains and develop clear recommendations about how NRC can strengthen the value chains.

· Identify the underlying constraints and bottlenecks hindering the production and productivity and other business transactions all along the chain including infrastructure rehabilitation needs and provide recommendations on how to mitigate these constraints.

· Identify challenges and opportunities for women and youths to engage and benefit from selected value chains.

· Identify the potential suitable producers’ groups, and private sector players, the promising value addition opportunities and markets with clear recommendations on what should be done to strengthen the participation of these actors in the value chains.

4. Geographical scope

The value chain analysis should cover Anbar (Ramadi and Ana districts) and Salah Al-Din (Tooz district) governorates covering the following sub-districts in each district:

· Ramadi district: Markaz Ramadi sub district specifically covering the following villages: Albo Assaf, Albo Ali, Al Jassim, Al Jraishyah, Deyum Al Juraishyah, Al Hamidhiyah, and Al Zewiyya, Zangora, Dowwar and Zwegheer.

· Ana district: Markaz Ana and Rayhana sub-districts

· Tooz District: Tooz Khurmatu, Solaiman Beg and Amerli sub-districts

5. Methodology:

The consultant will be responsible for the definition of the overall methodology for the analysis, as well as how findings will be triangulated. To achieve the assignment objectives, the consultant is expected to develop mixed data collection methods to capture qualitative and quantitative data including, but not limited to, surveys, focus groups, key informant interviews, interviews with community members, desk review and secondary data analysis, using a statistically sound approach. The consultant is encouraged to adapt data collection approaches in light of COVID-19 but without compromising the overall quality.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1. Main responsibilities of the Lead Consultant;

The consultant will be required to perform the following key responsibilities:

· Review all relevant secondary sources of data and any relevant information to the study.

· Prepare the inception report including the proposed methodology, necessary data collection tools, work plans and present them for review and approval for NRC

· Facilitate value chain short-listing process with NRC staff and key stakeholders.

· Identify and train own enumerators to collect required data.

· Conduct both quantitative and qualitative data using approved methodology and tools by NRC using own data collection team.

· Develop relevant databases and provide supervision of data collection using appropriate methods and procedures to ensure accuracy and quality of data.

· Facilitate validation workshop to present key findings at field level with key stakeholders.

· Develop the final report incorporating stakeholders’ feedback.

· Facilitate dissemination workshop in Iraq to share key findings among NGOs and key stakeholders.

6.2. NRC roles and responsibilities:

· Provide relevant secondary data and project information required by the consultant

· NRC may provide contacts details of key informants for the interview

· Review and approve inception report including proposed methodology, work plan and data collection tools

· Where appropriate, NRC may facilitate access to project locations

· Organize validation workshop and dissemination workshop ensuring participation of relevant government departments notable DoA and DoW

7. Timeframe

The value chain analysis study is expected to be delivered within 10 weeks. The table below shows the sequence and estimated timing of the planned activities:

Delivery dates:


Week 1

· Contract signing

· Inception meeting

· Desk review of secondary literature

· Market selection in Anbar and Salah Al Din

· Mapping of key Primary chain actors

Week 2

· Short-list of key value chains

· Inception report and review

· Data collection tool development and review by NRC

· Training of data collectors/enumerators

Week 3, 4 and 5

  • Primary data collection

Week 6 & 7

  • Data synthesis and analysis
  • Validation workshop in field – presentation of the key findings to NRC and other key stakeholders
  • Draft report write-up and review

Week 8

  • Submission of draft reports
  • Feedback on the value chain report by NRC

Week 9 and 10

  • Submission of final Value chain assessment report to NRC
  • Facilitate a dissemination workshop with external stakeholders (in-person or virtually)

8. Deliverables

8.1. Inception report including proposed methodology, work plan and draft data collection tools

8.2. Value chain analysis report for Anbar and Salah Al Din governorates (6 hard copies printed in Colored and electronic copies of the final report). Soft copies of analyzed data and filled data sheets/tools shall also be handed over to NRC focal point. The reports should cover but not limited to the below;

  • Complete value chain maps; chain actors, stakeholders, supporters and influencers accompanied with description of the relationships of stakeholders: how many they are, roles & responsibility, values and volumes handled and price variation along the value chains; end markets for each value chain.
  • Detailed analysis of the stakeholders, demand (Markets) and supply (Production) factors.
  • An analysis of potential risks that may hamper reaching goals for the value chain as well as risks that may hamper commercialization of the value chains at local, national and international markets.
  • Detailed analysis of the enabling and environment impacts.
  • Recommendations: Description of the key systemic / critical issues, as well as practical actions to address the issues, recommendations for an upgrading strategy, Action Points, Activities, key indicators to monitor.

8.3. Facilitate validation workshop in field with key stakeholders.

8.4. Facilitate dissemination workshop in Iraq to share key findings among NGOs and key stakeholders.

9. Skills and requirements

a) The interested party should have previous history or general experience in Agricultural value chain analysis and should have conducted at least four similar studies with recognized institution/INGO in Iraq or Middle East.

b) Consultant with access to Federal Iraq and capacity to deploy own data collection teams in target locations (Anbar and Salah Al Din governorates).

c) Lead consultant should have an excellent knowledge of value chains, marketing systems and private sector development

d) Lead consultant or the consultancy team should have good command of English and Arabic and ability to deliver the training in Arabic.

e) Good understanding of the business environment in Iraq. Good understanding of the context in Anbar and Salah Al Din would be an added advantage.

f) Excellent report writing skills

g) The consultant(s) should engage and work with local expert(s) from the University of Anbar College of Agriculture or others in the analysis. The proposal should detail how the local expert(s) will be engaged throughout the analysis.

10. Application Process and Requirements

Interested parties are invited to submit an offer in accordance with the Terms of Reference including the following:

· Cover letter: outlining relevant skills and experience suitable for the consultancy (max 2 pages)

· Technical proposal for the assignment and a detailed work plan

· CV of the lead consultant with at least 3 references and recommendations from NGOs where similar assignment was delivered.

· At least 1 report of previous similar assignment.

· A detailed budget.

[i] World Bank, 2019. Iraq Economic Monitor, Turning the Corner: Sustaining Growth and Creating Opportunities for Iraq’s Youth online at:

[ii] IRAQ Agriculture damage and loss needs assessment, FAO. 2017

[iii] Iraq Agriculture and Livelihoods Needs Assessment In The Newly Liberated Areas Of Kirkuk, Ninewa And Salahadin. FAO 2016

[iv] FAO, ibid, p.2

[v] Iraq at a Glance FAO.

OTHER INFORMATION: All correspondence between potential bidders and NRC is through eSourcing. 8/22/2021 3/3 Please note that both the NRC’s and the bidder’s actions are logged in the system for audit purposes. For technical questions about the system, please contact ( Sincerely, NRC IQ Procurement Department

How to apply

PARTICIPATION: Follow the below instructions when you want to participate in one of NRC’s tender procedures: 8/22/2021 2/3 Log into the system (, read the access conditions, and click Accept. Be aware that when you click accept, you have not submitted a bid response, but have just accepted that you have been given access to the tender package. By accepting, you will get access to all the relevant material and you will be able to download them. Please note that the response must be done before the deadline 4th September 2021, 23:59 through the eSourcing system. It will not be possible to submit tenders after the deadline or outside the eSourcing system. PROCESS: The bidding process is “Open Bidding – 2 Envelopes”. The bid responses will be received in 2 envelopes (1 technical and 1 commercial) and evaluation will be done accordingly. For participation in the tender, bidders should submit their technical and commercial proposals separately, by including all the relevant and necessary documents, which indicated in RFQ, Only suppliers who provide complete offers in 2 envelopes (Envelope 1 – Technical Documents) and (Envelope 2 – Quotation/ Financial Documents) will be evaluated.

BID ACCEPTANCE: NRC reserves the right to accept the whole or part of supplier’s bid. NRC may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of the bids, by notifying prospective suppliers in writing through the eSourcing system. NRC is not bound to select any of the suppliers who submitted bids and does not bind itself to select lowest price offer. The Contract will be rewarded to the supplier considered most responsive to the needs and most conforming to NRC general principles, including economy, efficiency and best value for money.

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