Oficial MEAL At Caritas Switzerland


Caritas Switzerland (CACH) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1901 and is a member of the Caritas Internationalis network. CACH is committed to a world guided by solidarity, justice and peace, in which the inviolable dignity and rights of every human being are respected. CACH works to ensure that every person not only has access to food, water, housing, health, work and education, but can also expand their capabilities and opportunities to lead the life they value. CACH provides professional, effective and efficient help to people in need and in poverty, both in Switzerland and abroad, regardless of their political or religious beliefs, gender or ethnicity. CACH is committed to improving the livelihoods and guaranteeing all human rights of migrants, especially vulnerable Venezuelan migrants in South America.


Graduation model

The Graduation Model Pilot Project, implemented in Brazil (Paraíba and Pernambuco) and Colombia (Bogotá) seeks to enable refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons and host communities to escape extreme poverty and achieve sustainable livelihoods, strengthening their capacities, resilience and autonomy through a series of integrated actions that seek: 1). Provide multipurpose monetary transfers to stabilize participants, 2). Carry out family, psychosocial support and case management to contribute to the protection of homes, 3). Encourage participation in social cohesion and community development workshops to promote local integration, 4). Train and guide participants for work, 5). Promote employment and self-employment, through seed capital support and barrier mitigation, as well as raising awareness in the private sector and, 6). Promote financial inclusion through training and alliances with institutions.

EuroPana IV and V

The EuroPana program in its fourth phase and beginning of the fifth, contributes to access to protection conditions and fill critical gaps in humanitarian assistance through multisectoral support to vulnerable Venezuelan citizens and vulnerable host communities in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Venezuela , particularly for women, children, indigenous populations, people with disabilities and older adults. The Program is implemented through the consortium of Caritas Switzerland (CACH) and Caritas Germany (DCV), organizations that have worked together to respond to the migration crisis that the region is experiencing within the framework of comprehensive human development and the construction of peace. sustainable. This consortium is developed with the Humanitarian Aid Office of the European Commission (ECHO) to address the migration situation that occurs in several countries in the region.

Open House – Combos

The Casa abierta project seeks to contribute to the construction of a culture of respect, guarantee and enforceability of the rights of boys and girls living in tenements in the city of Medellín, through the development of strategies for protection, co-responsibility by the family, the tenement administrators and educational institutions, and public awareness and advocacy. It is being funded by Caritas Switzerland and implemented by the Combos Educational Corporation**.**

Job Title:  MEAL Officer

Direct supervisor:  Director of Venezuela Crisis Response (VCR) at CACH in Colombia.

Type and duration of the contract:  Fixed-term employment contract for 7 (seven) months, including a trial period corresponding to the first two (2) months. Monthly value of the employment contract to be signed: $4,356,000.

Place of work:  Bogotá (Colombia).

Functions and responsibilities:

  • Support the coordination and adequate implementation of Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Lessons learned topics of the assigned projects;
  • Create, suggest and adapt necessary tools for monitoring and tracking the activities, indicators, goals, and results of the projects;
  • Ensure that donor monitoring and evaluation standards are met, and ensure high standards of monitoring and evaluation (e.g. progress, quality, relevance and impact monitoring);
  • Monitor compliance with the monitoring plan of the assigned projects and also participate in strategic decision-making in joint spaces with partners, co-partners and/or allied organizations of Caritas Switzerland
  • Follow up on project partners (EuroPana, graduation and Open House) in order to ensure that the agreements and activities agreed upon in the monitoring plans and/or logical frameworks are being fulfilled, as well as that they make the respective reports. of POA and that matches the information registered in the systems.
  • Periodically accompany and guide in the debugging of the Monitoring System for Humanitarian Care and Service (SMASH) and kobotoolbox databases of the projects;
  • Accompany, when required, all baseline studies, surveys, needs assessments, among other tools implemented by the projects;
  • Assist partners in strengthening their MEAL systems as needed through day-to-day mentoring;
  • Analyze, process and illustrate data in Power BI to be used for informational purposes and in strategic decision-making;
  • Verify reporting requirements, monitor reporting deadlines, and support Project Coordinators in reviewing and compiling/consolidating project narrative reports;
  • Report monthly to the Response Plan for Migrants and Refugees (R4V) and the Multipurpose Monetary Transfer Group on the different activities of the projects in Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia;
  • Report to the headquarters in Switzerland the standard indicators of the Venezuela Crisis Response Program for the year 2024;
  • Participate in project coordination spaces (Committees, meetings, work tables, etc.), for decision-making regarding the MEAL mechanisms to be used in the projects;
  • Monitor the Petitions, Complaints and Claims mechanisms of the organizations and CACH;
  • Other responsibilities assigned based on their position by the director – VCR of CACH in Colombia.

General requirements and training:

  • Minimum four years of verifiable experience in planning, follow-up, monitoring, evaluation and systematization of high-level social programs/projects, resource management and organizational development with non-profit entities;
  • Experience in supporting and advising local organizations and ability to guide them with a perspective of learning and achieving results in the implementation of social programs and projects;
  • Be familiar with humanitarian principles and standards;
  • Knowledge of the dynamics of the crisis in Venezuela and the affected countries;
  • Knowledge of DG ECHO procedures, rules and regulations is a plus; and
  • Experience in socioeconomic inclusion projects for migrants is a plus
  • Mastery of the gender approach and action without harm.


  • Knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including survey design and implementation, sampling strategies, and statistical analysis;
  • Knowledge in the design of logical frameworks (indicators, means of verification, assumptions, etc.)
  • Ability to draft and present reports and other analytical documents;
  • Ability to deliver high-quality results within defined timelines;
  • Excellent interpersonal relationships, ability to promote and strengthen the construction of alliances and synergies for the benefit of the project, target groups and partner organizations;
  • Integrity, adaptability, sensitivity and ability to overcome obstacles with a sense of learning, to achieve defined results;
  • Ability to work under pressure, in a team, and also independently; and

Computer skills and competencies, MS Office, KoboToolbox, Power BI, statistical software packages, etc.

Start of work: 07/03/2024

How to apply

If you consider that you fit the required profile, please inform us how your profession, experience, and professional objectives match the requirements for this position. Send your request no later than June 23, 2024 to vcr@caritas.ch, with a copy to lrios@caritas.ch indicating in the subject ‘ MEAL Official ‘.

Please provide a resume containing details of your training with certifications, experience, current occupation and remuneration, date of availability, names and telephone contacts of three references, including your previous and/or current direct supervisors, and a motivation letter  . Please attach the following supporting documents to the email:

  • Photocopy of citizenship card enlarged to 150%
  • Copy of the academic diplomas obtained (university, postgraduate degrees, master’s degrees, etc.)
  • Copy of professional card (if applicable)
  • Employment certificates from the last two jobs
  • Attorney, Comptroller and Police Certificates

Participants will be evaluated taking into account the following criteria and values:

  1. Resume 20%
  2. Technical Test 40%
  3. Interview 40%

IMPORTANT:  We will only contact pre-selected candidates.

CACH does not use selection criteria that involve discrimination parameters between candidates, including those that are related to their marital status, race, gender, economic situation or religion they profess.

Women who are qualified to fill the position are especially encouraged to apply.

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