Operation Logistics Referent At Médecins Sans Frontières en Suisse

For the Acute Emergency Response Support Unit

Context & Mission

The RLO is a logistics referent detached to operations to assist an operational cell in all its missions support activities. He/she primarily has a technical reference role, but his experience and understanding of operations makes him or her an important member of the cell involved in the management of operations, especially in the monitoring of mission security management and applied security aspects.

The RLO within the Acute Emergency Response Support Unit (AER) has 3 main scope of responsibilities:

  • As a second RLO, he (she) provides support to the emergency cell RLO during intensive activity phases (surge) or when replacement is needed (field mission, rest period, training, etc.)
  • He (she) is provide support to a regular cell according to peaks of activity which require reinforced support from operational logistics. It will then have an RLO polyvalent support function.
  • Within the AER support team, he (she) brings his (her) skills and expertise during the development of activities capitalization work, practical tools, specific training content, protocols and procedures drafting, etc. … he (she) will then have a so-called Back Office activity.


  • As a member of the cell, participates in the definition of objectives and operational strategy by guaranteeing technical and logistical feasibility.
  • He (she) is the guarantor of the proper functioning of the supply chain of the missions for which he (she) is in charge.
  • He (she) works in collaboration with the supply referent in support of his Cell to anticipate and resolve issues related to the mission supply chains.
  • He (she) supervises technical and logistical activities and is responsible for the application of logistics fundamentals and logistics field tools.
  • Anticipates the logistical and technical problems that missions may face and undertakes to resolves them.
  • Promotes and facilitates the implementation of technical activities aimed at improving the impact of medical programs (Wash, Food and non-food distribution, hospital management, construction, etc.)
  • Validates the technical aspects of the risk reduction policy. He (she) the guarantor of the availability, implementation, and management of all the necessary means, techniques and logistics and associated human resources. He (she) ensures the application of non-medical technical policies and quality standards, availability and reliability of items and systems.
  • In support to the RP and ARP, contributes to the analysis, monitoring and implementation of security and risk reduction measures.
  • He (she) ensures that the applied safety and security measures are implemented and respected.
  • In collaboration with the ARP, organizes the monitoring and updates of mission security protocols, procedures, and manuals, and contributes to their development
  • He (she) sets the objectives of the logistics teams of the emergency pool and participates in their recruitments.
  • Is responsible for defining EPREP logistics strategies in line with operational objectives, as well as MSF Logistics emergency stock in Bordeaux, Dubai and Kampala.
  • He (she) is actively involved in the development of budgets and action plans.
  • Develop the EPREP logistics strategies in line with operational objectives.

Specific Responsibilities

  • The RLO AER is an additional polyvalent function in support of the current RLO team.
  • The RLO is part of the AER Support Unit, under the management of the Deputy Director of Operation (DDO) and hierarchically under head of operation logistics unit (RSLO).
  • He (she) is not dedicated to a single cell but will come to provide a support according to peak activities, surge of needs or replacement of the regular cell RLO.
  • He (she) will be requested in case of:
    1. Emergencies managed by the cell
    2. Exploratory mission requiring special follow-up
    3. Vertical activities generating a significant workload (vaccination campaign, food distribution, wash activity, shelters, etc.)
    4. Formalization and review of emergency preparedness plans (EPREP). This support is part of a collaboration between the RP/RMP and the AER support unit
  • He (she) guarantee a continuity of support to all cells. He (she) the first-line backup of the RLO, of which it can take over – by delegation – all the responsibilities during absence, or only part of it.
  • He (she) is focal point concerning logistics practices within the emergency cell; in particular contribute to closure intervention capitalization, E-cell logistics focal point for systems and tools, process and guidelines development, etc.
  • The RLO may be required to go on mission, at the request of a cell, with precise terms of reference. These missions may be of the following types:
    1. Field visit
    2. Exploratory mission
    3. Opening of projects
    4. Logistical reinforcements during an emergency period
    5. Logistics evaluation
    6. Gap filling
  • The RLO AER intervenes on logistical (or transversal) training; as facilitators or as direct responders (cf. Ebola training, emergency training, LoT, WTT, etc.)

Your Profile


  • High school studies at minimum. A technical diploma is an advantage


  • Successful Logistics Coordinator (COTL) missions, including several on emergency missions
  • Minimum 3 years of mission with MSF in logistics positions of management / coordination
  • Experience as head of mission or field coordinator is highly recommended.
  • Experience in technical project management and team management
  • At least one successful year within the emergency pool.
  • Experience required in team coaching.
  • Experience in managing difficult security situations.

Technical skills

  • Excellent knowledge of the response mechanisms to epidemics; displacement of populations and surgical and traumatic activities.
  • Mastery of MSF OCG tools.
  • Good knowledge of MSF Logistique Supply Center.
  • Mastery of logistics fundamentals.

Personal qualities

  • Good analysis capacity of emergency situations and force of proposal of logistics strategies.
  • A good understanding of the political mechanisms of conflict and emergency situations.
  • Very good communication skills.
  • The ability to plan and implement appropriate and comprehensive logistics support.


  • Proficient English speaking and be able to communicate in French, both oral and writing.

Terms of Employment

  • Open-ended contract, 100%, with three-year moral commitment, renewable once.
  • Based in Geneva
  • Ideal Starting date: 6th of December 2021
  • Gross annual salary: from CHF 90’576.- to CHF 103’932.- (salary commensurate with experience and internal salary grid)

How to apply

Only applications submitted on the recruitment platform will be considered. Applications must contain: CV 2 p. max. – letter of motivation 1p. max. – in French or English.

Closing date for application is 26th of September, 2021


The applications will be treated confidentially.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted**.**

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