OTI Knowledge Management Specialist – Washington, D.C (GS-13) at US Agency for International Development

The OTI Knowledge Management Specialist is a full-time Personal Services Contract (PSC) position at the GS-13 equivalent level and located in Washington, D.C. Offers for this position are due no later than October 7, 2021 at 1:00pm Eastern Time. For full information about this position, as well as instructions on how to apply, please read the entire solicitation at www.OTIjobs.net.


As a member of the OTI Global Knowledge Management (GKM) Team, the Knowledge Management Specialist position utilizes the experience and skills gained from working in a dynamic organization dedicated to individual and institutional learning. OTI’s success now and in the future depends in large part on its ability to achieve an overarching organizational goal: the effective transfer and ongoing analysis of knowledge and experience – comprised of values, management processes, lessons learned, best practices, standards, and innovations – in real time, with a variety of stakeholders. These stakeholders include: OTI staff in the field and headquarters; OTI’s implementing partners around the world; USAID Missions overseas; other USAID offices and bureaus in Washington; other U.S. Government agencies and branches; other donors; other transition, stabilization and reconstruction practitioners; host government and/or other local counterparts; and the U.S. public. All of the above increases OTI’s level of transparency and accountability.

To this end, the OTI GKM Team supports a model of organizational learning across the office that ensures:

  1. Increased transparency and accountability between the headquarters and field teams;
  2. Increased opportunities for peer-to-peer dialogue and learning;
  3. Easier access to research, content and learning resources for a variety of stakeholders;
  4. More guidance available in online format; and
  5. Provision of tools to surface and apply OTI’s programming lessons to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of OTI programs.

The KM Specialist supports OTI’s mission to provide fast, flexible, short-term assistance targeted at key political transition and stabilization needs by supporting the capture, curation, and dissemination of research and program learning through product development and by maintaining knowledge management platforms for OTI and implementing partner staff. GKM supports learning and innovation through the application of technology – including OTI’s knowledge management platform, mapping, data visualization, and other analytic tools – to continually improve OTI country program analysis, management and performance. GKM will ensure the effective integration of lessons and knowledge into OTI’s learning and training resources. GKM coordinates closely with other units, teams, and divisions within OTI to achieve these goals.


  • Collaborate with colleagues and partners on the development of an office-wide knowledge management strategy and oversee implementation that addresses knowledge needs and informs capacity building, and knowledge management processes and systems;
  • Lead efforts to coordinate with key stakeholders to conceptualize, develop, update and revise OTI guidance and core learning products, such as the Field Guide, Programmatic Toolkits on key issues related to OTI’s programming;
  • Lead efforts to facilitate through in-person and virtual interaction, capture and curation of content on OTI’s knowledge management systems and socialize information to support the overarching organizational goal of ongoing learning and analysis of knowledge and experience. Serve as OTI’s librarian, curating and disseminating research;
  • Model active use and provide training, mentoring and ad hoc user support for better use of OTI’s knowledge management systems including the Database and OTI Anywhere for more effective program implementation and institutional learning. Develop and update user guides and training materials;
  • Develop and maintain professional relationships with other organizations with innovative knowledge management approaches as well as represent and articulate OTI’s mission, global programs, and knowledge management systems to information technology professionals, officials from international organizations, bilateral donors, and national and foreign government officials. Serve as a liaison with other CPS offices, USAID divisions and the State Department, to develop appropriate program and policy direction;
  • Respond and/or coordinate responses to priority research and analysis requests from country programs or the office for information and taskers, using internal and external resources and data. Produce relevant research digests or summaries as needed;
  • Serve as the Contracting Officer’s Representative on contracts for knowledge management products;
  • Provide technical assistance for OTI programs and partners in the field and advise OTI staff and implementing partners on knowledge management processes that facilitate the implementation of political transition programming;
  • Fill critical needs for program advisement, management and implementation staffing in Washington, D.C. and the field including providing support to new OTI country program start-ups, country program management, and close-out; and,
  • Serve on temporary details within OTI, other USAID bureaus/offices, or other USG agencies under this scope of work for a period not to exceed six months. Duties performed while on detail must be directly related to the scope of work. Contracting Officer (CO) approval is required for the temporary detail. Any extension past the six months requires CO approval.


At a minimum, the offeror must have:

At the GS-13 level:

  1. A Master’s Degree with five (5) years of work experience;


A Bachelor’s Degree with seven (7) years of work experience;


(2) Four (4) years of project management experience with any of the following organizations, including but not limited to: a non-governmental organization in community development, mediation/arbitration, conflict resolution, democracy and governance, international law, human rights activities, and/or political analysis; an international assistance organization, or a U.S. Government foreign affairs agency;

(3) Six (6) months of experience working for an international organization working with countries undergoing political transition;

(4) Demonstrated experience designing, implementing, maintaining, and managing knowledge management processes or systems;

(5) Demonstrated experience capturing and disseminating internal or external research to inform program design and learning.

Please direct questions about this position or the offer process to the OTI Recruitment Team at otijobs@usaid.gov.

How to apply

For full information about this position, as well as instructions on how to apply, please visit www.OTIjobs.net.

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