Part-Time Program Coordinator at CDA Collaborative Learning Projects

Posted: May 5, 2021

Position type: Grant funded at half time (50% or 20 hours per week), with opportunity to expand to Full time (up to 100%) based on funding availability

Annual Salary: $55,000

Application deadline: Rolling; first interviews will be conducted May 20 and 21

Start date: June 2021

About CDA

CDA Collaborative Learning (CDA) a US-based international non-profit organization that exists to engage the complex questions that unlock positive, systemic change wherever communities experience fragility and conflict.

For 25 years CDA has worked across international development, humanitarian assistance, and peacebuilding fields, as well as with corporations in two main ways: 1) leading large-scale collaborative learning projects that improve the wider sector’s effectiveness and accountability to people in contexts of conflict, such as establishing the Do No Harm framework that has become a core principle and practice of the wider aid sector; and 2) based on that learning, advising change processes for organizations, donors, corporate entities, their networks, and multi-stakeholder and other policy initiatives to have systemic impact. Additionally, CDA often plays a convening role and contributes to field building processes that erode sector, level, and geographic boundaries

Throughout, CDA’s programming, partnerships, and role across sectors are driven by the same fundamental beliefs on which the organization was founded.

● Local capacities for peace: The perspectives and abilities of people affected by conflict must be at the center of addressing local and systemic challenges.

● Context matters: effective social change efforts depend on a deep understanding of and adaptation to the range of complex dynamics of communities.

CDA’s core team of staff works closely with a cohort of CDA Associates who have long-term agreements with CDA to partner on grants, contracts, and organizational processes. Staff and Associates are supported by CDA’s Board of Directors and Advisory Council members. Learn more about CDA’s people and platform at

About this position

CDA is recruiting a Program Coordinator to support the effective implementation of grants and contracts, including accountable relationships with partners and funders.

CDA is currently hiring the position at 50% level of effort to contribute to two funded programs related to locally led development and humanitarian partnerships between local and international organizations. As funding becomes available and there is a strong fit with the selected candidate, the Program Coordinator’s role may become eligible to be expanded up to 100% level of effort, contributing to additional programs and new program development.

The two current programs are Stopping As Success: Locally Led Transitions in Development (SAS+) and RISK III. Both initiatives started in 2021 and are working in the humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding fields, focused on the relationship between international and local entities. Program objectives include practical learning with operational organizations, guidance for local and international stakeholders, and policy influence on the themes of responsible INGO transitions and humanitarian risk.

The Program Coordinator will work closely with CDA’s program, finance, and administrative colleagues.

Specific responsibilities based on half time role (20 hours per week)

Stopping As Success: Locally Led Transitions in Development (SAS+) at 25%


The Stopping As Success: Locally Led Transitions in Development (SAS+) program is a direct response to the growing movement to shift more power and resources in international development toward people operating within their own contexts. The overarching SAS+ goal is to enable development partnerships to be more locally led, for transitions to be more effective and sustainable for the local actors involved, and for systems of development actors and networks to be more responsive to the communities in which they work.

SAS+ builds on the work and lessons of the original Stopping As Success (SAS; 2017-2020) program about “what works” in responsible transitions. The original SAS program was focused on foundational research and development of practical tools. Specifically, from 2017- 2020, the consortium conducted 20 case studies of responsible transitions in 13 countries, identified and explored a series of key themes through an in-depth process of cross-case analysis, and distilled relevant lessons learned into a set of practical tools and resources. The research papers, tools, and resources were then validated through regional evidence review workshops with development and peacebuilding stakeholders representing constituencies across the Global North and South. All of these resources were compiled into a newly launched book What Transformation Takes: Evidence of Responsible INGO Transitions Around the World which takes readers on a journey to examine responsible transitions from international non-governmental organizations to locally led entities.


● Work closely with the Program Manager, Program Lead, and CDA finance and administration colleagues to support the SAS+ program through technical contributions as well as managing reporting and budgetary requirements

● Support consortium organization partners, Peace Direct and Search for Common Ground, as needs arise, including with all reporting requirements

● Conduct desk-based research on the differences between transition processes in conflict and non-conflict contexts that leads to foundational research for the SAS+ program, presented to the SAS+ consortium

● Lead the SAS+ communications for CDA and work closely with the SAS+ Communications Team

RISK III at 15%


RISK III is an applied research initiative focused on local-INGO partnerships and practical risk management that enables sustained operational presence and program continuity. The program, led by InterAction and in partnership with 13 major operational NGOs, builds on the lessons of Risk I and II which provided critical insights about risk in the humanitarian sector. That research highlights a need for greater information sharing about risk across and among operational agencies at different levels, a multi-disciplinary approach to understand different risk areas, and management options that respect the roles, opportunities, and constraints of local and INGO partners. RISK III is poised to shift this evidence into action, aided by CDA as the learning partner with practical experience, capabilities in user-focused consultation, and participatory design methodologies.


● Works closely with the Program Lead, other CDA program, finance, and administration colleagues to support the RISK III program, primarily managing reporting and budgetary requirements, and technical contributions as needed

● Provide information for donor reports led by InterAction

● Attend remote events (or in person as opportunity becomes available) and/or relevant working groups to represent CDA in relevant spaces, and communicate timely information to the RISK III team

● Coordinate the RISK III communications for CDA, working closely with InterAction colleagues

Other responsibilities at 10%

The Program Coordinator will also participate in organization-wide initiatives, as they have time and interest, such as CDA’s programmatic and organizational committees and/or CDA’s Anti-Racism and Social Inclusion Task Force. Additionally, CDA is committed to supporting colleague’s continued learning and professional development, thus plans will be incorporated into the Program Coordinator’s schedule and work plan.

Desired qualifications

● Experience with Global North / Global South partnerships, ideally on topics related to locally led development and/or humanitarian risk

● Strong communication and writing skills, including for internal processes, donor/client engagement, and public outreach

● Experience with non-profit budget management and grant compliance

● A collaborative team spirit and creative thinker

● A self-starter who takes initiative and does not need close supervision

● Interest in CDA’s mission and supporting CDA’s continued development as an organization

● Experience managing or working on grants funded by a government or multilateral agency (ideal)

● Working or lived experience in fragile and conflict-affected situations (ideal)

● Familiarity with qualitative research methods (ideal)

Additional details

Salary and Benefits

The annual salary for the Programs Coordinator is US$55,000. CDA’s benefits package includes health coverage, dental coverage, life insurance, and a 401k retirement plan.

Physical Requirements

CDA is headquartered in Cambridge, MA and has an office in Washington DC. For this position, remote work is possible. While it will be ideal for the Program Coordinator to travel to Cambridge/DC to be in person with the team at times, it is not a requirement to live in those cities.

Time Requirements

This position is starting at half time (2.5 days per week, 8 hours per day) for the first 6 months. As funding becomes available and there is a strong fit with the selected candidate, it is envisioned that the role will expand up to full time, contributing to additional programs and new program development.

Equal Opportunity Employer

CDA is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women, people of color, queer and gender non-binary people, and candidates from other underrepresented and intersectional backgrounds and identities to apply.

How to apply

Application Process

Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled, with an ideal start date in June 2021. Applications should be emailed to with a subject line: CDA Program Coordinator 2021.

The application must include the following:

● Cover letter explaining your experience and interests (1-page max)

● Resume or CV

● Three references, including names, affiliations, preferred phone and email contact information

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