PIROI – Administration, finance and human resources coordinator At French Red Cross

The French Red Cross (CRf) has been implementing a regional Disaster Risk Management (DRM) program since 2000 from the “Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform” (PIROI) based on the island of La Réunion. In close coordination with the international components of the Red Cross and the National Societies that are members of PIROI (Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, France – Réunion/Mayotte, Mozambique, Tanzania), it aims to reduce the impact of disasters linked to natural and health hazards and the effects of climate change on the populations of the southwest Indian Ocean.

The PIROI 2021 – 2025 strategic framework includes the following four strategic axes:

Axis 1: The knowledge and skills of disaster management stakeholders are improved regarding risks linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
Axis 2: The capacities of disaster management stakeholders are strengthened in terms of risk management linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
Axis 3: The populations of the southwest Indian Ocean are better informed and prepared to face risks linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
Axis 4: Populations affected by a disaster linked to natural hazards receive emergency aid that meets their priority needs and contributes to their recovery.
General job description
Reporting to the head of delegation, the post holder is responsible for the financial implementation of the programs for which he/she ensures reporting. He/she is responsible for the proper use of the funds from which PIROI benefits.

In carrying out all of his/her tasks, he/she complies with the guidelines of all donors (European Union, local authorities, MAE, AFD, etc.), as well as with CRf procedures and the legislation in force in the countries concerned.

The coordinator is also responsible for monitoring and developing the human resources management policy.

The position holder’s objectives are:

Objective 1: Coordinate administrative and accounting management
Objective 2: Manage budgetary management
Objective 3: Support emergency operations as defined in the Regional Operational Mechanism (DROP) and field programs
Objective 4: Coordinate human resources management
The post holder may be required to travel within the region, including in emergency situations.

Job Description / Responsibilities
Objective 1: Coordinate administrative and accounting management
Supervise monthly accounting entries and closings, archiving and transmission to the CRF headquarters of all accounting documents
Control and validate financial flows and disbursements in compliance with internal procedures. Make payments and ensure the proper collection of subsidies and/or reimbursements
Supervise audits (Prepare and make available all useful or requested documents in the event of an internal or external audit. Is the PIROI referent during audits, coordinates the operation with all departments)
Ensure compliance with financial procedures of donors within the delegation but also with partners of the CR/CR Movement
Consolidate and prepare financial reports from PIROI funders in accordance with their requirements
Ensure the interface with banking establishments
Objective 2: Manage budgetary management
Support the head of delegation in establishing the financial and budgetary strategy of PIROI
Advise the Head of Delegation on the budgetary management of the delegation and optimize costs
Participate in the development of budgets as part of funding requests.
Prepare financial and budgetary documents for donors in compliance with internal and external procedures and ensure consistency between activities and the financial resources required
Coordinate the monthly/annual update of all PIROI budgets, in conjunction with the operational and support teams and under the control of headquarters
Consolidate the consumption status of the different budgets monthly
Anticipate the forecast disbursements of the various contracts
Organize with the logistics department the planning of purchases and commitments and ensure smooth transmission of information
Communicate and make available to support services, the Head of Delegation or headquarters, upon request, useful budgetary/financial information
Objective 3: Support emergency operations as defined in the Regional Operational Mechanism (DROP) and field programs
In the event of an emergency, provide the necessary support in your area of ​​expertise for setting up operations and ensuring that response activities run smoothly.
Carry out, if necessary, support missions in the affected country(ies)/territory(ies)
Validate, in agreement with the Head of Delegation, the funding requests of the National Societies (NS). Ensure the payment of advances and control the interim and final financial reports of the partners
Formalize and ensure compliance with the rules and procedures defined in the partnership agreements binding the CRF to the partners
Propose and update tools to ensure the proper use of funds granted by PIROI to partners. Ensure their proper understanding and implementation by beneficiary SNs
Participate in identifying training and skills-building needs of counterparts of PIROI partner SNs. Co-facilitate administrative and financial management training for partner SN teams
Objective 4: Coordinate human resources management
Coordinate the management of PIROI human resources with the team, in compliance with HR guidelines
Deploy, monitor and update the delegation’s human resources management policy in coordination with the Head of Delegation
Coordinate the administrative and contractual monitoring of staff
Coordinate recruitment activity and lead the recruitment process with the team
Understand and implement the Red Cross HR strategy within its scope
Determine projects or actions to be implemented based on this strategy and the expectations of operational staff
Contribute and support teams in the implementation of developments in HR tools
Hierarchical links
Head of delegation (N+1)
Supervision and management of the department team (a finance manager and an administrative and HR assistant)
Working links
Works closely with the PIROI Réunion team
Works in close collaboration with the CRF entities of the overseas territories as well as the SNOIs of the intervention zone
Works closely with the teams at the CRF headquarters in Paris
Works in collaboration with other entities of the CRCR movement in the intervention zones
Required skills and knowledge
Rigor, initiative and adaptability
Analytical and synthesis skills
English and French required
Mastery of the office suite, knowledge of SAGA
Knowledge of the procedures of the main donors (FEDER/Interreg, AFD,
Knowledge of CRF procedures
Organizational rigor, good writing and synthesis skills
Training and Experience
Master’s degree training in management control, finance, general administration, management or accounting
At least 5 years of experience in humanitarian or solidarity organizations in Admin/Finance positions
2-3 years experience in team management
Experience in the humanitarian field
How to apply
Send your applications (cover letter + CV) to

Application deadline: August 31, 2024

Subject to obtaining funding

PIROI reserves the right to close recruitment before the deadline for submitting applications.
Job details
Sainte-Marie-La Réunion
French Red Cross
Career category
Years of experience
5-9 years

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