Since 2000, the French Red Cross (CRf) has been implementing a regional Disaster Risk Management (GRC) program based on the “Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform” (PIROI) based on the island of The meeting. In close coordination with the international components of the Red Cross and the National Societies members of the PIROI (Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, France – Réunion/Mayotte, Mozambique, Tanzania), it aims to reduce the impact of related disasters natural and health hazards and the effects of climate change on the populations of the south-west zone of the Indian Ocean.
The PIROI 2021 – 2025 strategic framework includes the following four strategic axes:
- Axis 1: The knowledge and skills of disaster management stakeholders are improved regarding the risks linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
- Axis 2: The capacities of disaster management stakeholders are strengthened in terms of managing risks linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
- Axis 3: The populations of the southwest Indian Ocean are better informed and prepared to face the risks linked to natural hazards, health crises and climate change.
- Axis 4: Populations affected by a disaster linked to natural hazards receive emergency aid that meets their priority needs and contributes to their recovery.
These four strategic axes are supplemented by a facilitating action, the construction of the PIROI Center . Indeed, PIROI wishes to capitalize on its 20 years of experience in the area by creating a dedicated resource, training and innovation center specializing in risk management and adaptation to climate change. The building will have a total surface area of approximately 2,000m² and will accommodate offices, meeting and training rooms and operational warehouses.
General job description
Placed under the responsibility of the Disaster Preparedness and Response Manager, the post holder is mainly responsible for supporting the department manager in the implementation of the Disaster Preparedness and Response component in Reunion and throughout the region. ‘Indian Ocean.
In carrying out all of his/her tasks, he/she complies with the guidelines of the French Red Cross and collaborates with PIROI partners for the implementation of activities. All activities carried out by the Disaster Preparedness Officer must be part of a long-term logic of integration into disaster risk management (DRM) activities; in this perspective, he/she works in close coordination with other PIROI departments.
The position holder has the following objectives:
- Objective 1: Contribute to strengthening disaster preparedness and response capacities among National Societies and overseas territories in the area.
- Objective 2: Contribute to the implementation and monitoring of the regional program of the PRC component
- Objective 3: Contribute to emergency operations
The incumbent of the position will be required to travel regularly within the region, including in emergency situations.
Description of tasks / responsibilities
Objective 1: Contribute to strengthening disaster preparedness and response capacities among National Societies and overseas territories in the area.
- At the request of the PRC manager, support the National Societies of the Indian Ocean (SNOI, CR Mayotte and La Réunion) in the implementation and monitoring of PRC activities supported by PIROI:
- Developing and updating emergency plans
- Organization and animation of simulation exercises
- Establishment of national emergency response tools
- Lessons learned workshop and/or RETEX
- Support the PRC manager, in coordination with the training & research manager, on the creation of training content on PRC and their implementation in the territories (emergency response team member training, on specific themes such as CASH, the relief etc.).
Objective 2: Contribute to the implementation and monitoring of the regional program of the PRC component
- Support the implementation of PRC activities managed directly by the platform (PIROI Emergency Plan, coordination workshops, various events, etc.), in particular by ensuring the management of organizational aspects and network coordination/animation;
- Contribute to the planning of PRC activities (support the design/drafting of project proposals and activity reports, monitor budgets and activities, etc.);
- At the request of the PRC manager, write analysis and framing notes on related subjects for an operational application of the PIROI in the area of PRC (emergency financing, FbF, etc.);
- Contribute to research and innovation projects, in conjunction with the PIROI training & research department, on PRC themes;
- Guarantee the mobilization and animation of the network of specialized PIROI volunteers (mainly in the Wash area);
- At the request of the PRC manager, monitor the PRC aspect: guidelines, tools, etc. and propose adaptations of these tools to the regional context.
Objective 3: Contribute to emergency operations
- Support the PRC manager in monitoring alerts related to natural risks, particularly concerning weather events;
- Contribute to the development and dissemination of PIROI alert bulletins;
- Depending on the needs and requests of the PRC manager, support the NS in the organization of the response (coordination, PoA and DREF preparation) and in the monitoring and evaluation of the latter (Evaluations, RetEx);
- Support NS in the organization, monitoring and evaluation of disaster response;
- If necessary, and after agreement of the various stakeholders, support the NS in the field for the implementation of the emergency response;
- Contribute to the coordination of the response to emergencies internally at PIROI and, at the request of the PRC manager, internally at the Movement in the area;
- Contribute to ensuring reporting of emergency operations.
Hierarchical links
- Disaster preparation and response manager (N+1)
- Regional program coordinator (N+2)
Functional links
- Works in close collaboration with the PIROI Réunion team
- Works in close collaboration with the CRF entities of the overseas territories as well as the SNOIs of the intervention zone
- Works in collaboration with other entities of the CRCR movement in areas of intervention
Required skills and knowledge
- Competence in disaster preparedness: emergency plans, simulation exercises, training, feedback;
- Knowledge of emergency response mechanisms in France and in the field of international aid;
- Knowledge of emergency response funding mechanisms in international solidarity and more particularly those linked to the CRCR movement;
- Know how to lead capitalization workshops and/or feedback;
- Autonomous and proactive in proposals for action;
- Good ability for oral and written communication in French and English, Portuguese would be a plus;
- Mastery of the Office pack essential.
Job Requirements
- Rigorous and organized;
- Very good analysis, synthesis and writing skills;
- Capacity for representation and human relations;
- Driving license B
Training and Experiences
- Master’s degree in risk management and/or crisis management;
- Failing this, higher education in the field of international solidarity project management, humanitarian aid or development or proven professional experience in a similar position desired;
- At least 3 years of professional experience desired;
- Proven experience in disaster/crisis management preparation;
- Experience in the humanitarian field;
- Experience in emergency deployment would be an important added value;
- Experience within the International Red Cross Movement or an NGO desired
Conditions and remuneration
- 39 hours per week (work evenings and weekends recovered)
- 23 RTT and 5 weeks of paid leave per year
- Gross monthly remuneration: according to collective agreement,
+ End of year bonus of 1/12th of gross basic salary
+ Mutual insurance covered up to 50% by the employer
How to apply
Send your applications (cover letter + CV) to
Application deadline: March 31, 2024
Subject to obtaining financing
PIROI reserves the right to close recruitment before the deadline for submitting applications.