PIROI – Logistician – responsible for ( e ) purchases and general means At French Red Cross


The French Red Cross has been developing since 2000 a regional Disaster Risk Management program ( GRC ) from the “Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform” ( PIROI: http: //piroi.cross-red .fr ) based on Reunion Island. In close coordination with the international components of the Red Cross and the National Companies of the Indian Ocean ( SNOI ) members of the PIROI ( Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, France – Réunion / Mayotte, Mozambique, Tanzania ), it aims to reduce the impact of natural and health disasters and the effects of climate change on people in the southwest area of the Indian Ocean.

To achieve this, the strategic framework includes the following three strategic objectives :

  • « Promote the integration of risk management for natural and health disasters within the national policies of the countries of the southwest Indian Ocean, in a context of climate change. » This involves mobilizing actors in disaster risk management, in order to promote coordination of strategies and actions. This involves advocacy, developing partnerships and networking.
  • « Strengthen the resilience of people in the southwest Indian Ocean to the risks of natural and health disasters and the consequences of climate change. » It is essential to work at the community level in order to prepare the population, the first actress in disaster response. The implementation of this objective results in disaster risk reduction programs at the community level, which includes awareness-raising and educational actions.
  • « Respond effectively to natural and health disasters by relying on suitable human and material resources ». The aim is to continue and amplify disaster preparedness activities in partnership with the national companies that are members of the platform. These actions range from the development of contingency plans to the training of human resources and the prepositioning of emergency equipment.

To these three objectives is added a transversal objective: « Strengthening the capacities of actors in the southwest area of the Indian Ocean by setting up a regional center of expertise, training and innovation dedicated to risk management and climate change, the PIROI Center ». Indeed, the PIROI, wishing to capitalize on its 25 years of experience, is creating a resource center, dedicated training and innovation specializing in risk management and adaptation to climate change in the area . This position is part of this dynamic of strengthening the support function inherent in the operation of the PIROI Center.

Placed ( e ) under the responsibility of the logistical coordinator assistant, the person responsible for purchases and general means participates in the execution of all the tasks described below, he/it complies with the guidelines of the French Red Cross and collaborates with the partners of the PIROI for the implementation of the activities.

General description of the position :

The general objective of the position is to allow the proper daily operation of the support function in a constant approach of optimizing quality, costs and deadlines. Placed under the responsibility of the logistical assistant, he / she will have the following objectives :

  • Objective 1 : Ensure the management of purchases placed under his responsibility
  • Objective 2 : Ensure the proper functioning of the general resources of the PIROI Center
  • Objective 3 : Ensure the good condition of operational equipment
  • Objective 4 – Provide logistical support to all CRF programs

Description of tasks / Responsibilities :

Objective 1 – Ensure the management of purchase files placed under his responsibility

  • Know and apply the CRf purchase procedures and other procedures in force in its field of activity
  • Provide the necessary support to applicants ( purchasing procedures, drafting of CCTP, deadlines … ) and inform them of the state of the purchasing process
  • Analyze the business context ( sourcing ), meet and maintain good relationships with suppliers
  • Proceed to competitive bidding and then to procurement allocated to it by maintaining good relations with suppliers until receipt of orders ( qualitative and quantitative controls, WB and GRN ) and verification of billing elements
  • Update purchasing and supplier monitoring tools
  • Ensure the completeness of all files related to purchasing management and their physical and digital archiving (

Objective 2 – Ensure the proper functioning of the general resources of the PIROI Center in a constant optimization process

  • Know and apply CRf logistics procedures and other procedures in force in its field of activity
  • Identify needs and offer optimization solutions or techniques
  • Ensure the management of current stock ( paper stores, office and IT consumables, furniture, keys … ) by inventories, storage, maintenance, warning or sorting required
  • Monitor the ( office site, common spaces, meeting room, warehouse, parking lot etc … ), controls and regulatory certifications, and technical and contractual monitoring with providers ( maintenance, cleaning, security, artisans repair work, electricity, copiers etc.…)
  • Ensure the provision of functional workstations for PIROI employees, support the organization of space, moving / moving
  • Monitor and update the annual building and equipment maintenance plan and its budget
  • Carry out maintenance and work operations as required in various trades ( preventive and curative maintenance, adjustment, replacement, assembly of simple parts )
  • Ensure proper application of safety rules and standards ( Update of the safety register, ensure the safety of people in the warehouse, compliance of fire extinguishers, rolling equipment and electrical circuits, doors … )
  • Centralize reservation requests and preparation of the meeting / training room
  • Ensure the classification and archiving of documents relating to the management of general resources

Objective 3 – Ensure the good operational condition of the equipment

  • Ensure preventive and curative maintenance of vehicles and guarantee their compliance with ( insurance, technical control, registration card … ) and plan the provision of vehicles
  • Ensure the proper functioning, provision and monitoring of ( digital data backups, maintenance / renewal of equipment, provision to staff, donations … )
  • Guarantee the maintenance of the equipment in the operational room ( CCO ) and activate it during the cyclonic season, in accordance with DROP ( Operational Response System PIROI )

Objective 4 – Provide logistical support to all CRF programs

  • In connection with the other departments of PIROI, support the logistical organization of events, workshops, training and / or meetings: travel of participants and equipment, accommodation and meals for participants, preparation of training sites or rooms, provision of necessary equipment and materials ( loading, unloading, connection )
  • Participate in the logistical organization of practical exercises and SimEx
  • Various ad hoc administrative support ( printing, classification, reception )

As required, the purchasing manager and general resources will be required to provide ad hoc support on other activities of the PIROI program including disaster response.

Hierarchical links :

  • Under the responsibility of the logistical coordinator assistant ( N + 1 )

Functional links :

  • Works in close collaboration with the various operational services and PIROI supports

Skills and knowledge required

  • Appreciated skills in mechanics, electricity, building, and / or telecommunications
  • Master of IT ( Google Suite, Excel, Server etc … )
  • Electrical empowerment, stacker line and height work appreciated
  • Adaptive capacities
  • Ability to work in a team and good aptitude for oral and written communication in French
  • Interest in humanitarian aid – Knowledge of the Red Cross Movement appreciated

Position requirements

  • Rigorous ( se ), autonomous, organized ( e ) and proactive in action proposals
  • Ability to manage a large volume of work including in an emergency context
  • Good analytical and synthesis capacity

Training and Experiences

  • Higher logistics training ( Bac + 2/3 ), or specialized in general management
  • Professional experience of more than two years in logistics or experienced general means
  • Required B permit

Conditions and remuneration

  • 39h weekly ( work evenings and weekends recovered )
  • Monthly gross monthly remuneration : according to collective agreement,

+ End of year premium of 1 / 12th of basic gross remuneration

+ Mutual supported up to 50% by the employer

How to apply

Send your applications ( motivation letter + CV )
in piroi.recruitment@croix-rouge.fr

Application deadline : September 15, 2023

PIROI reserves the right to close recruitment before the deadline for submitting applications

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