Terms of Reference (TOR)

Production of Video Documentary for SomReP EU RESTORE and SIDA Projects

Programme name **

SomReP EU RESTORE & SIDA Projects **

Target Location

Somaliland: Lughaya and Salahley – Awdal, Lasanod – Sool, Burao, Hargeisa

Puntland: Eyl – Nugaal, Badhan – Sanaag, Aluula and Iskushuban – Bari,

Project Goal

Overall Goal: The overall objective of the EU RESTORE project is to contribute to the resilience of chronically vulnerable people (disaggregated by Age, Gender & Diversity – AGD), HHs, communities and systems in targeted pastoral, agro-pastoral and peri-urban livelihood zones in Northern Somalia.

Project Outcome

Specific Objective: The specific objective is to sustainably improve food security, livelihoods and build resilience through effective risk management, protection of productive assets and governance of natural resources for pastoral, agro-pastoral and Peri-urban communities in Puntland and Somaliland. To achieve this, SomReP worked towards the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: Enhanced risk management and disaster preparedness through community action and contingency planning in Somaliland and Puntland.

Outcome 2: Enhanced food security and capacity to meet social needs through sustainable cash-based assistance mechanisms and improved access to social capital.

Outcome 3: Enhanced livelihood diversification for women, men, and youth through the restoration and protection of productive assets, value chains and the uptake and adoption of agricultural technology.

Outcome 4: Enhanced management and governance of natural resources, including soil and water systems to support sustainable pastoral livelihoods.

Outcome 5: Program learning and research generated and shared among relevant stakeholders (including communities, NGOs, and government).

Key partners

World Vision International – Somalia, ADRA, ACF, CARE, DRC, Shaqodoon and Oxfam

Engagement Type

Photos, Videos and story documentation

Overall Purpose

The overall objective of this consultancy is to produce visibility content including short videos, stories and photographs that can be used in various communications platforms, advocacy and donor/external engagement forums. This assignment will involve travelling to remote locations of Lughaya/Salahley, Burao, Hargeisa, Badhan, Lasanod, Eyl in Puntland and Somaliland.

Report to:

Senior Communications Manager, World Vision as point person in collaboration Project Manager/coordinator, SomReP

Assignment timelines

Up to 21 days within the consultancy period

Consultancy timelines

1st October 2021 to 15th November 2021

Background of the Project

The Somali Resilience Program (SomReP) is the culmination of multiple donor efforts over 7 years to build the absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacity of communities in the country. The Somali Resilience Program (SomReP) is a consortium made up of seven international Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs): AAH, ADRA, CARE, COOPI, DRC, Oxfam and World Vision, which was formed following the famine of 2011 to find better ways to leverage collective sectoral expertise and long-standing relationships with communities to tackle the challenges which recurrent shocks pose for families in Somalia. SomReP members came together nearly a year before donor funding was expected in order to develop a common vision for resilience, a different approach to response in the context of chronic humanitarian aid needs. The consortium identified each organization’s key competencies; defined its multi-sector, multi-actor, area-based approach; and developed an advocacy strategy to influence the resilience agenda.

Building resilience is a priority in Somalia, especially following the recurrent shocks experienced throughout the country. Households and communities must adapt and diversify their livelihoods and asset bases in order to cope effectively during both the ever-harsher dry seasons and acute episodes of drought. To provide beneficiaries with a multi-year food security and livelihood graduation program that will enable households and communities to move from barely surviving to thriving, the SomReP[1] Consortium’s approach builds on previous experience in dealing with these shocks and stresses, and explicitly designs programme components to promote the existing local adaptive capacity of households and communities, while building institutional capacity, strengthening the natural resource base and preventing loss of lives and livelihoods through early action.

In order to contribute to the resilience of already vulnerable households and communities in Northern Somalia, and specifically to sustainably improve food security and livelihoods and build resilience through effective risk management, protection and restoration of productive assets and governance of natural resources in Puntland and Somaliland, the SomReP consortium members and local partner Shaqodoon proposed a joint strategy to address the specific needs and constraints of pastoral, agro-pastoral and peri-urban communities. This consisted of: 1) Empowering communities and supporting community groups, such as Village Development Committees (VDCs), Early Warning Early Action Committees (EWEACs), Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs), and Water Management Committees (WMCs), in effective and sustainable community development and contingency planning, including restoring productive assets and social protection mechanisms; 2) Capacity building and support to government agencies and line ministries to effectively work with communities to enable them to respond to the current drought and prepare for future hazards and to enhance the management and governance of natural resources; 3) Enhancing livelihood restoration and diversification for pastoralists, agro-pastoralists, and peri-urban youth through adoption of agricultural technologies, livestock support, value chains, entrepreneurship and marketable skills, and access to financial facilitative instruments. Activities are implemented by each partner in specific locations:

  • Puntland: ACF in Eyl (Nugaal); CARE in Badhan (Sanaag) and Aluula and Iskushuban (Bari).
  • Somaliland: DRC in Lughaya and Salahley (Awdal) and ADRA in Las Canood (Sool).
  • Shaqodoon and Oxfam through the concurrent SIDA grant work with all partners across all locations implementing specific activities under Result 1 – Output 2: Establishing innovative and diverse financing mechanisms for CAAPs (Shaqodoon), Result 1 – Output 3: Monitoring of CAAPs (Oxfam), and Result 3 TVET for youth, linkage with SMEs and start up support (Oxfam).

Rationale/justification for the documentary

As we reach the end date of the EU RESTORE and SIDA projects implemented in above mentioned locations, SomReP intends to document success stories and showcase meaningful impact the project has made in the lives of the target households across the target districts. The video documentaries will be the views of the project beneficiaries, their reflections on context benefits realised, challenges encountered and what steps they took or the program took to address them.

Overall Purpose

This Terms of Reference (ToR) has been prepared to commission the services of a highly competent external Videography/Photography consultancy service to prepare video footage and high-resolution photos with stories of this project.

The purpose of this assignment is to showcase the impact of SomReP’s resilience interventions to the community, highlight on the livelihood issues that impact the lives of children and their families as well as solutions to address those challenges. The content will be shared with donors and SomReP stakeholders. It will be used to show success externally to a global audience as well as on various communication platforms for visibility including digital media channels.

The consultant, cognisant of various target audiences, every content collected should observe sensitivities and dignity of the community members while highlighting the issues affecting them.


· To highlight World Vision/SomReP success stories of change in communities (shows activities in strengthening the capacity of the households and communities in adapting to the changing context.)

· To support visibility of World Vision’s/SomReP work positively

Scope of Work

The consultant will travel to the designated project locations and take photos, conduct interviews with partners, beneficiaries and stakeholders, document video stories on the project interventions that show change. This will particularly highlight key project achievements including showing evidence on impact of the project to the community**.**

The interviews or documentary will cover the following areas: Agrovet pharmacy, kitchen gardening, VSLA, TVET, natural resource management, Early Warning Early Action, FMNR, GAP and online feedback mechanism (Training and operations) beneficiaries.

In close collaboration with the Senior Communications Manager, Communications Officer and with support from the SomReP Senior PO/Coordinator the consultant in line with principles of the TOR will:

· Prepare creative concept scripts with key messages aligned with the project goals/objectives

· Develop a detailed work plan and appropriate methodology.

· Visit projects and document videos, photos, capture key voices/stories of change/success

· Collect B-Rolls to be used to develop various cuts of video and photo stories

· Edit content professionally with English language and sub titles as required and soundtrack.

· Present the rough cut of videos to the Communication Department and project coordination team for feedback, adjustments and approval

· Selection of a range of high-resolution photographs (around 40) and provision of detailed captions.

· Revise the videos based on input and adjustments by approver – Senior Communications Manager in collaboration with project team feedback)

· Submit revised and finalised video stories and well-captioned photographs.

· Submission of all the raw footage

· Include EU, SIDA and partner logos in the footage as provided by the WV/SomReP team.


· Eight (8) video stories each approximately 2-3 minutes. This will be ready-to-use high resolution video stories from the projects for sharing with donors for visibility and external engagement. Editable versions of the same for socio use (square and portrait), including where relevant associated files (e.g., music, audio, graphics, captions, translations, timesheets etc). Any non-World Vision/SomReP resources must have the proper copyright approvals.

· The video concept and scenario/scripts and story boards will be developed by the consultant for discussion in collaboration with the Communications and SomReP teams prior to starting of the documentation assignment.

· Travel to project areas (Hargeisa, Burao, Lughaya or Salahley, Lasanod, Eyl, Badhan, Bossaso) and interview farmers, CAHWs, FMNR champions, kitchen gardening, fisherfolk, EWC, VSLA beneficiaries, TVET, natural resource management, GAP and online feedback mechanism (Training and operations) beneficiaries and government stakeholders (NADFOR/HADMA).

· High resolution edited and refined minimum 40 photos with clear captions including full metadata (who, where, what, when) for use in various communications and marketing purposes.

· Testimonial stories from community leaders/beneficiaries focused on how they are trying to bring change, the challenges they are facing and the impact the project is having explained in a non-technical way.

· B-roll not more than 5 minutes that covers context including landscape, programmatic / sector

· All raw footage will be submitted to World Vision Communication Team.

· Additional material may be requested and if necessary

Ethical Requirements/ Child Protection Behaviour Protocols:

· Engage in the field and with staff and communities in ways that abide by WV’s security, child protection and behavioural protocols.

· Video, interviews for the videos and photo taking is not usually an issue but as a precaution, an informed consent form is to be signed by each person exclusively interviewed or documented.

· World Vision /SomReP will provide guidance on consent-verification approach to be followed for capturing images of children and on the child-safeguarding principles that the consultants will have to abide to.

· Common events such as focus group discussions, meetings, distributions also need consent forms if we are documenting information that will be used to external audience

· The consultant / producer has to follow the World Vision, SoMReP and EU Communications Guidelines as advised

Authority and Responsibility

World Vision/SomReP TU/Partners

· Provide logistical support including arranging flights, accommodation and introduction to the Partners.

· Create linkages with field staff, implementing partners and other stakeholders to ensure effective coordination and documentation of the video.

· Review consultants’ work plan and draft video documentation and provide feedback to ensure consistency with World Vision/ SomReP implementation objective.

· Liaise with local implementing partners on behalf of the consultants to plan for the beneficiary interviews.

· Implementing partners in collaboration with SomReP technical unit will support in facilitation of on ground logistics including transportation while in the field.

Branding / Copyright and Intellectual properties:

Copyright solely belongs to World Vision/SomReP; therefore, all productions and written content will be purely World Vision/SomReP property

All products must be in line with World Vision/SomReP/EU branding guidelines. Any other logo allowed, approved by the Senior Communications Manager can appear on productions.

The consultant may not use, reproduce or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate such works without prior consent from the World Vision/SomReP.

Payment Schedule

· Payments will be made in two instalments: 30% after delivery of work plan, shooting schedule/scripts

· 70% after delivery and approval finalised videos and photos.


· Somali-English translation, important information may be lost in the process.

· Time and security are considered to be one of the major limitations as the fragile and versatile context in Somalia makes it often challenging to keep up strictly with a set schedule.

Desired Expertise and Qualifications:

The individual contractor should have the following knowledge and experience: **

· Extensive proven experience, more than five years in producing documentaries, 1 to 4-minute impact/success (short – format) videos for visibility, fundraising and external engagement, professional photography in similar jobs with donors’ entities and humanitarian aid agencies in fragile context.

· Proof of experience (portfolio) should be submitted with application to bid.

· Using innovative communication techniques and tools in conducting its work.

· Ability to express clearly and concisely ideas and concepts through photo shooting and video development. Extensive experience in professional audio-visual recording and editing,

· Very good knowledge of current developments and practices in communication including digital media, indigenous media, community organization and participation.

· Proven ability to work in a multicultural environment

Technical requirements:

· Broadcast quality full HD video to ensure high quality production

· Professional and high-quality sound recording, lapel mic should be used for interviews

· High quality cameras not less than 720pixels

· Works with Premier Pro Editing software and equipment

· Use of gimbal for stable footage

· Adequate lighting set where necessary


· Excellent planning and organizational skills.

· Proven ability to meet deadlines.

· Able to work effectively with World Vision/SomReP or like-minded humanitarian aid agencies in fragile contexts

· Able to work in a culturally diverse environment.

Evaluation Criteria

Mandatory Requirements

· Provide a certified copy of a certificate of business registration (Companies/ Organizations)

· Provide a certified copy of tax registration

· Provide information on ownership structure (Name of directors of the company / Owner) (Companies/Organization)

· Provide professional references from previous clients for similar works (minimum of three, with complete contact information)

· Successful bidder will be required to sign World Vision Supplier Code of Conduct form.

Technical Evaluation Requirements

Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following;

· Letter of interest in submission of a proposal

· A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following;

Ø Consultant/company profile

Ø Description of the video documentation process

Ø Demonstrated previous experience in similar assignments (Sample or examples of recently undertaken similar assignments)

Ø Proposed timeframe detailing activities and a work plan.

Ø Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).

Ø Professional References (minimum of three, with complete contact information)

Financial Evaluation Requirements

· A financial proposal budget with a detailed breakdown of costs quoted in USD. **

Applicable tax amount must be clearly stipulated and separated from the base costs.**

· Payment Terms

· Credit Period

Application Process **

The consultant that complies with all the requirements, meets all the minimum criteria above and offers the best value for money shall be selected and awarded the contract. Any offer that does not meet the requirements shall be rejected. Please be advised that World Vision is not bound to accept any proposal, nor award a contract, nor be responsible for any costs associated with a Service provider’s preparation and submission of the project, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process.

N.B: Selected consultant will be provided with all additional documents required to carry out the work.

SomReP will cover the travel cost, accommodation, whereas the consultant will cover meal expenses.

All interested bidders are requested to submit their Technical Proposals (Mandatory Requirements + Technical Evaluation Requirements) and Financial Proposals in Separate documents as PDF attachments (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified) via email on or before 16th September 2021.

Email title should be: – Production of Video Documentary for SomReP EU RESTORE and SIDA Projects in Puntland and Somaliland

Bids received after deadline shall not be considered.

[1] SomReP is consortium comprised of ACF, ADRA, CARE, COOPI, DRC, Oxfam, and lead agency World Vision that aims to enhance resilience of chronically vulnerable people, households and systems in targeted pastoral, agro-pastoral and peri-urban livleihoods zones in Somalia by strengthening adaptive, absorptive, and transformative capacities, improving eco-system health and program learning and research on resilience.

How to apply

All interested bidders are requested to submit their Technical Proposals (Mandatory Requirements + Technical Evaluation Requirements) and Financial Proposals in Separate documents as PDF attachments (Bidders who will combine both technical and financial proposals shall be disqualified) via email on or before 16th September 2021.

Email title should be: – Production of Video Documentary for SomReP EU RESTORE and SIDA Projects in Puntland and Somaliland

Bids received after deadline shall not be considered.

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