Program Coordinator Consultant: Journalist Training Activity At American Bar Association

Job Expired

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For 30 years, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) has worked in more than 100 countries to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, foster respect for human rights, and promote public understanding of the law and citizens’ rights. In collaboration with government agencies, the judiciary, lawyers, bar associations, legislatures, and civil society, we design programs that respond to local needs and prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges.

For more information about ABA ROLI, please visit: .

About the Human Rights for All Project HRA

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Human Rights for All (HRA) Project in Guatemala is jointly implemented by ABA ROLI and the ABA Human Rights Center. The five-year project aims to improve the enabling environment to prevent human rights abuses; enhance the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs), especially those working on the rights of women and youth, indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, people with disabilities, sexually diverse communities, and other discriminated or disadvantaged communities; and collaborate with civil society and Government of Guatemala (GoG) entities to respond to human rights abuses.

By providing support to Guatemalan human rights organizations, including indigenous groups, private sector groups, and civil society HRDs, the project will promote collaboration between these entities and enhance their capacities to resist and confront human rights violations. Through international support, the project aims to halt or reduce the exodus of justice sector actors and HRDs. By promoting legal mechanisms, it also seeks to combat impunity for human rights violations and corruption. Finally, through collaboration with selected government entities, the project will strive to foster inclusion and state capacity to address and respond to the needs of Guatemalan communities and Guatemalan citizens. Through these efforts, the project seeks to achieve its goal of improving the protection of human rights and the rule of law in Guatemala.

The Association of Friends of Plaza Pública (hereinafter LAP) is a non-profit civil association whose objectives are to contribute to the development of the digital media Plaza Pública through actions that allow for financial support, strengthen the community of readers, raise awareness about the need for more independent journalism, and promote the defense of the right to information and freedom of expression in Guatemala.
One of the pillars of Plaza Pública is to contribute to the training and education of journalism professionals in Guatemala. To this end, the Training Program for Departmental Journalists has been designed and implemented, aimed at a small number of journalists based in different departments, interested in learning, training and being trained in the theory and practice of professional journalism. This program offers theoretical and practical knowledge in the various branches of journalism specialization within the framework of ethics and national reality. Participants learn alongside the Plaza Pública team, as well as experts and specialists, in an intensive program for ten months.
This is the call for the 2025 cohort, which is launched with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of Guatemalan journalism through training processes and producing journalistic works with the standards applied by Plaza Pública for publication in this digital medium.


Duration of the consultancy: February 2025 to November 2025
Location of the consultancy: Guatemala City
Deadline to apply: Friday, January 24, 2025


General Objective

  • To train young people interested in practicing journalism from their contexts and narrating the reality of and from their territories.

Specific Objectives

  • Specific objective 1: Generate a learning dynamic that combines practice, guided work and theoretical training.
  • Specific objective 2: Facilitate students’ approach to a professional journalistic experience.


  • Review and update the curriculum of the Training Program, with special emphasis on human rights.
  • Participate in the process of reviewing profiles and selecting students to join the 2025 Training Program.
  • Update and expand the curricular content of the different modules of the Training Program
  • Plan and teach virtual classes of the Training Program once a week during the following times: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Organize the in-person week together with the team from the Friends of Plaza Pública Association.
    • Coordinate all logistical and other elements required for the student visit to the intensive study week in Guatemala City
    • Coordinate all logistical and other elements required to establish spaces with speakers and workshop leaders in Guatemala City.
  • Edit each student’s final publications, which must reflect the implementation of the acquired knowledge.
  • Deliver monthly reports and those required by the contractor to ensure compliance with goals.
  • Delivery of final consultancy report.



  • Journalist or Bachelor of Communication Sciences
  • Specialization, courses, diplomas, certifications and/or additional training in journalism.


  • At least five years of experience in the profession of journalism.
  • Two years of experience as a university-level teacher.
  • Three years of experience in editing journalistic texts.
  • Two years of experience in developing educational methodologies


  • Lesson planning:
    • Setting the topic.
    • Didactic elements in consideration
    • Pedagogical elements under consideration.
    • Using digital tools to assist you.

The contracted person must deliver the products described in the following table, in preliminary versions subject to review, as well as in the final version. At the first work meeting, you will be informed of the delivery method of the preliminary version of your products, the review and approval route for these, as well as the defined formats and logos.
Product to be delivered Estimated delivery time

First product: 8% – February

  • Work plan
  • Review and update of the curriculum and teaching planning.
  • Selection of students to join the 2025 cohort of the Training Program.

Second product: 8% – March
Update and expand curricular content of the topics of the month, teach classes and review assignments.

Third product: 8% – April
Update and expand curricular content of the topics of the month, teach classes and review assignments.

Fourth product: 8% – May
Update and expand curricular content of the topics of the month, teach classes and review assignments.

Fifth product: 8% – June
Update and expand curricular content of the topics of the month, teach classes and review assignments.

Sixth product: 8% – July
Update and expand curricular content of the topics of the month, teach classes and review assignments.

Seventh product: 8% – August

  • Editing of students’ final grades.
  • Planning and organization of face-to-face week.

Eighth product: 14.6% – September

  • Editing of students’ final grades.
  • Development of face-to-face week.

Ninth product: 14.6% – October
Edition of final student grades.

Tenth product: 14.6% – November

  • Editing of students’ final grades for publication in Plaza Pública.
  • Graduation planning and participation in the event.
  • Final Report of the Consultancy


  • The consultancy will be carried out in Guatemala City.
  • The consultancy will last for 10 months starting in January 2025.


  • The consultancy will be under the supervision of the person assigned by the Association of Friends of Plaza Pública and by the Human Rights Advisor of the Human Rights for All People Project.

Expression of interest
Interested persons who meet the profile must apply by email, sending the following documents:

1) Letter of interest
2) Details of the Curriculum Vitae
3) Economic offer, (daily rate in quetzales, and number of work days).
4) Updated RTU

Applications must be completed through the application portal. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis until January 24, 2025.

ABA-ROLI is committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of its programs. Individuals who self-identify as belonging to marginalized, vulnerable, or underrepresented populations/communities are especially encouraged to apply. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position with the American Bar Association, please call 312-988-5188.



For 30 years, the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) has worked in more than 100 countries to strengthen legal institutions, support legal professionals, promote respect for human rights, and improve public understanding of the law and citizens’ rights. We work with government agencies, the justice system, lawyers, bar associations, legislatures and civil society to design programs that respond to local needs and prioritize sustainable solutions to pressing rule of law challenges.

For more information about ABA ROLI, please visit:

About the Human Rights for All Project (HRA)

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Human Rights for All (HRA) Project in Guatemala is jointly implemented by ABA ROLI and the ABA Human Rights Centre. The five-year project aims to improve the enabling environment to prevent human rights abuses; improve the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs), especially those working for the rights of women and youth, indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, persons with disabilities, sexually diverse communities, and other discriminated or disadvantaged communities; and collaborate with civil society and Government of Guatemala (GoG) entities to respond to human rights abuses.

By supporting Guatemalan human rights organizations, including indigenous groups, private sector groups and civil society HRDs, the project will promote cooperation between these entities and strengthen their capacity to resist and address human rights violations. Through international support, the project aims to halt or reduce the exodus of justice sector actors and HRDs. It also seeks to combat impunity for human rights violations and corruption through the promotion of legal mechanisms. Finally, by working with selected government agencies, the project will seek to promote inclusiveness and state capacity to address and respond to the needs of Guatemalan communities and citizens. Through these efforts, the project aims to achieve its objective of improving the protection of human rights and the rule of law in Guatemala.


The Asociación Amigos de Plaza Pública (hereinafter referred to as LAP) is a non-profit civil association whose purpose is to contribute to the development of the digital media Plaza Pública through financial support, to strengthen the community of readers, to raise awareness of the need for more independent journalism and to promote the defense of the right to information and freedom of expression in Guatemala.

One of the pillars of Plaza Pública is to contribute to the training of journalists in Guatemala. To this end, the Training Program for Departmental Journalists has been designed and implemented, aimed at a small number of journalists from different departments who are interested in training, learning, and developing the theory and practice of professional journalism.

This program offers theoretical and practical knowledge of the different branches of journalism within the framework of ethics and national reality. Participants study with the Plaza Pública team, experts, and specialists in an intensive ten-month program.

This is the call for the Class of 2025, which is being launched with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of Guatemalan journalism through training processes and the production of journalistic work in accordance with the standards applied by Plaza Pública for publication in this digital outlet.

Scope of Consultancy

Duration of the consultancy: February to November 2025
Location of the consultancy: Guatemala City
Closing date for applications: Friday, 24 January 2025


General Objective

Training young people who are interested in practicing journalism in their local contexts, telling their realities from their territories.

Specific Objectives

  • Specific Objective 1: To create a dynamic that promotes learning, combining practical work, guided work, and theoretical training.
  • Specific Objective 2: To facilitate students’ access to a full professional journalism experience.


  • Review and update the curriculum of the Training Program, with particular emphasis on human rights.
  • Participate in the process of reviewing profiles and selecting students that will be part of the 2025 Training Program.
  • Update and expand the curricular content of the different modules of the Training Program.
  • To plan and teach virtual classes of the Training Program once a week, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.
  • Organize the on-site week in coordination with the team of the Association Amigos de Plaza Pública.
    • Coordinate all logistical and other elements necessary for the students to attend the intensive study week in Guatemala City.
    • Coordinate all logistical and other elements necessary to set up the training areas with the instructors and workshop participants in Guatemala City.
  • Edit the final publications of each student, which must reflect the application of the knowledge acquired during the Training Program.
  • Submit monthly reports and other reports required by the contractor to ensure that the objectives of the consultancy are being met.
  • Preparation and submission of the final consultancy report.



  • Bachelor’s degree in journalism or communications.
  • Courses, diplomas, certificates, and/or additional journalism training.

Professional Experience

  • At least five years of practical experience in journalism
  • At least two years of teaching experience in higher education (University)
  • No less than three years of experience in editing journalistic texts.
  • Minimum of two years of experience in the development of educational methodologies for training.


  • Lesson planning:
  • Determining the topic of the lesson.
  • Consideration of didactic elements.
  • Considered pedagogical elements
  • Use of digital tools for support.

Deliverable – Estimated time of each product

Deliverable #1: 8% – February

  • Work Plan
  • Review and update the curriculum and lectures’ schedule.
  • Selection of students to integrate the 2025 cohort of the training program.

Deliverable #2: 8% – March

Updating and expanding the curriculum content of the month’s topics, teaching lessons, and reviewing assignments.

Deliverable #3: 8% – April

Updating and expanding the curriculum content of the month’s topics, teaching lessons, and reviewing assignments.

Deliverable #4: 8% – May

Updating and expanding the curriculum content of the month’s topics, teaching lessons, and reviewing assignments.

Deliverable #5: 8% – June

Updating and expanding the curriculum content of the month’s topics, teaching lessons, and reviewing assignments.

Deliverable #6: 8% – July

Updating and expanding the curriculum content of the month’s topics, teaching lessons, and reviewing assignments.

Deliverable #7: 8%- August

  • Edit of students’ final grades
  • Planning and organizing the on-site intensive study week

Deliverable #8: 14.6% – September

  • Edit of students’ final grades
  • Planning and organizing the on-site intensive study week

Deliverable #9: 14.6% – October

  • Edit of students’ final grades

Deliverable #10: 14.6% – November

  • Editing students’ final grades for publication in Plaza Pública
  • Planning and participation in the graduation ceremony.
  • Submission of the final consultancy report

Location and period of the consultancy

  • This consultancy will take place in Guatemala City
  • This consultancy will have a duration of ten months, starting on February 2025.

Supervision and Coordination
The consultancy will be supervised by a person appointed by the Association Amigos de Plaza Pública and by the Human Rights Advisor for the HRA Project.

Manifestation of interest:
Interested candidates who meet the criteria should apply by e-mail, submitting the following documents:

  • Cover Letter
  • Detail of Curriculum Vitae
  • Economic offer, (daily rate in Quetzales, and number of working days)
  • Updated RTU

Applications should be submitted through the online applications portal. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis until January 24, 2025

ABA-ROLI is committed to promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion in all its programs. Individuals who self-identify as belonging to marginalized, vulnerable or underrepresented populations/communities are particularly encouraged to apply. In accordance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position with the American Bar Association, please call 312-988-5188.

How to apply

Program Coordinator Consultant: Journalist Training Activity – American Bar Association – Career Page

  • This job has expired!
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