Program Manager At All For Peace And Dignity

  • The APADE Programs Officer will work in close collaboration with the Country Director, those responsible for the Education, WASH, Protection, Nutrition and Resilience component as well as the field coordination teams. He is responsible for the design and management of new projects and must ensure effective coordination in all phases of implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as ensuring the quality of the results and impact, while aligning with the principles of recipient eligibility and the host country’s sectoral priorities for assistance.
  • He ensures the harmonious implementation of the solution, while being mindful of costs, risks, acceptability, change management and transitional measures allowing the project to be delivered to the organization. The post is based in Bangui with coordination, monitoring and evaluation missions in the field (30%). The Program Officer will represent APADE to donors, NGO partners, the population, in thematic clusters as well as in other humanitarian action coordination mechanisms according to the needs of Government Representatives, as well as others. humanitarian partners.
  • The APADE Program Officer must demonstrate transformative leadership in all phases of program coordination. To be reassured of the quality of the data, of their analysis as well as of the quality of the results while taking into account the established and transversal themes, the lessons learned as well as the incorporation of best practices in order to produce exemplary performances.
  • He must have proven communication and negotiation skills. Having a mastery of operational procedures with United Nations agencies, USAID as well as the European Union is an asset. **

Principle of accountability to beneficiaries and the Organization.

Tout le personnel APADE, est tenu de s’aligner aux principes de bonne gouvernance et de redevabilité, spécifiquement envers les bénéficiaires et de s’inscrire aux standards internationaux qui servent de référence aux activités et interventions humanitaires et de développement International. Pour garantir cette redevabilité, les bénéficiaires font partie du jeu et sont impliqués activement dans l’identification des besoins, l’analyse et la conception des projets ainsi que dans le suivi évaluation afin de répondre aux besoins de planification inclusive, pour un impact durable. Travailler avec APADE c’est s’engager à respecter et à adhérer sans failles aux principes chers de l’organisation en matière de respect des droits humains pour tous, de transparence et de bonne gouvernance. En plus de s’engager au code d’éthique de l’organisation, l’employé est soumis strictement a une tolérance zéro aux abus et exploitations sexuelles de toute nature, a la corruption et conflits d’intérêts, a toute forme de discrimination basée sur le Genre, affiliation, ethnique, politique ou religieuse ainsi que toute forme d’abus ou de violations des droits de la personne humaine, en particuliers les enfants et les personnes vulnérables. Il est en outre engagé à prévenir, à lutter, à apporter assistance aux victimes d’abus de toute forme et ainsi à signaler ou rapporter à la direction tout écart ou toute déviation observée ou suspectée par rapport à nos politiques de protection.

Contract duration: 6 months with possibility of extension

Salary: Very competitive

Starting date: 08/01/2021

How to apply

Anyone interested in this position is requested to submit their CV to the email address of Mr. Jean Berchmans Nzisabira ( with a copy to and Bilingual (French and English) and female applicants are strongly encouraged.
The deadline for submitting applications is July 23, 2021. Only successful applicants will be contacted for interview.

The direction.

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