Project Advisor (local): Community perspectives on sexual exploitation and abuse, Ukraine AT Ground Truth Solutions

The PSEA community perception project advisor shall undertake the following activities and tasks under this partnership agreement:

  • Participate in (relevant) meetings with GTS, and PSEA network;
  • Support research design and provide input to data collection tools: methodological brief and interview guides, to ensure appropriateness, feasibility and applicability;
  • Support with identifying eligible FGD/ KII respondents in collaboration with GTS and their research partner, by sharing contacts/ connecting to local CSO, NGOs, community groups, etc.;
  • Review and provide input on data analysis (contextualisation) in collaboration with GTS and their research partner;
  • Co-design and co-facilitate GTS organised workshops;
  • Support community engagement activities and advise on ongoing dialogue activities with affected communities;
  • Support the dissemination efforts of research findings, in collaboration with GTS, to relevant stakeholders, including participating communities;

We are looking for a candidate with:

  • Extensive local knowledge (and network) on PSEA/ GBV in Ukraine;
  • Years of experience in PSEA/ GBV topic in Ukraine, expert in the field;
  • High level of familiarity in quantitative and qualitative research methods;
  • Strong initiative, and willingness to be part of our initiative;
  • Willingness to travel for workshops across Ukraine;
  • Working proficiency in both Ukrainian and English (including producing high-quality and nuanced reports, engaging with humanitarian actors, etc.).

How to apply

Interested candidates are required to apply by 20 December at with in cc with the subject line ‘Project advisor – Ukraine’. The application must include:

  • CV and short cover letter
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