Project Evaluation Consultant – Stewards of Natural Resources At World Wide Fund For Nature

Job Expired

More Information

WWF-Myanmar is now inviting applications for Consultancy for Evaluation of the Project “Stewards of natural resources – strengthening livelihoods for communities in Myanmar” with home-based and travel within Myanmar in 30 working days.


WWF, an independent conservation organization active in nearly 100 countries, works to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife. WWF-Myanmar, established in 2014, is focused on halting the loss of the country’s extraordinary biodiversity and ensuring that human use of the country’s natural resources is sustainable and equitable. Preserving the environment in which people live and work is critical for health and wellbeing. Find out more at

Project Overview

The evaluation is for a community and livelihood focused project that includes training community facilitators, producer groups, and strengthening community-based forest management. The consultant shall assess the progress in project implementation and achievements of the project as of 30th of June, 2025. The evaluation shall be based on a desk review, stakeholder interviews and a field trip to the project region (if possible). A focus shall be put on the target group’s perception and observations.

The evaluation shall assess and develop recommendations based on the criteria and guiding questions, details which are guided by the project team. Some purposes of the evaluation is:

  • To assess quantitatively and qualitatively the project’s achievement against the intended outcome and outputs
  • To assess the project’s relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability according to the donors’ criteria
  • To assess the capacity development of the project executing organizations and target

The detailed Purpose of the Evaluation, Methodology, Considerations, Deliverables and Tentative Consultancy Timeline can be seen at


  • Experience in evaluation according to OECD-DAC criteria
  • Experience applying participatory research methods
  • In-depth knowledge of gender matters and climate smart agricultural practices (agroforestry)
  • In-depthknowledge in sensitivity and awareness of the social and economic context of the country.
  • Knowledge of biodiversity, sustainable livelihood and the special situation of rural communities in Myanmar

Closing Date: 15 February 2025 (Saturday)

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit their application for this terms of reference by email to with CV/ profile, Consultant proposal for how to fulfill the consultant assignment with estimated working days and daily rate. Rate history and reference contact should also be included.

WWF does not discriminate the applicants based on race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. ALL are encouraged to apply.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

  • This job has expired!
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