Project manager Alternating prevention At French Red Cross

More Information

Strong of its 66,275 volunteers and 16,700 employees engaged in France and abroad, the French Red Cross (650 establishments and services for CA 1.5 billion annually) it’ is both an association law 1901 recognized as a public utility’, volunteers engaged for more than 150 years on many fronts of the fight against precariousness, and a non-profit company of services in the fields of health, social, medico-social and training.


Integrated within the QVT department of the DRHE ; you work within’a team composed of pre-ventor, work psychologist and staff social assistant’. Attached to the department manager, you will contribute to the animation of prevention projects for establishments and employees of the French Red Cross

Your main missions

LE DUERP (Unique document d’assessment des risques professionnels :

  • Support institutions and sectors to carry out or update DUERP, as well as the production of PAPRIPACT in connection with internal actors (director of’establishment, HR staff, etc.). It will also S’agira to produce methodological notes, supports of’animations for the « internal customers ». Finally, the’animation of the project will consist in administering dedicated software and providing technical and methodological support to users.
  • Explore the relevance of’a new software dedicated to DUERP (test of’application, writing of synthesis note). It will’ contribute to the implementation of’a new application to the’horizon 2025.

Risk prevention actions and QVT projects

  • Develop prevention mechanisms within institutions by relying on the financing of’ specialized organizations or implemented within the framework of national or regional policies (ex: the FIPU)
  • Contribute to the implementation of prevention and QVT projects carried out by the department in connection with the’ all HR actors and professionals in the sectors

Promote actions in the field of Quality of Life at Work at the level of institutions and sectors

  • Identify the’ set of existing actions at the level of the DRHE dedicated to the’ improvement of working conditions and QVT
  • Contribute to the writing of materials and promote communication at the institution level
  • Participate in the redesign of the processes of the devices and’ supported by the QVT department

Date of taking of desired position

As soon as possible

Practical information related to the position

The station is located in Montrouge (92)

  • You are in master 1 in the field of risk prevention, QVT or HR training with a significant component dedicated to QVT
  • You have a good relationship sense in any situation
  • You are rigorous in the quality of writings and renderings
  • You have an excellent command of office tools and comfortable with NTIC

How to apply

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