Qualitative Lead – Consultancy opportunity At Montrose

Qualitative Lead – Consultancy opportunity

Montrose is an international development project management and consultancy company providing support to clients operating in the developing world. Specialised in the sectors of health, education, rural livelihoods and private sector development, our clients include bilateral and multilateral development agencies, the private sector, Non-Governmental Organisations and other development stakeholders.


From 2012 to 2018 DFID and USAID supported the CBE programme to deliver support to over 247,000 CBE learners through 5 cycles of nine months of local language literacy and numeracy courses in Ghana. Over 95% of learners are estimated to complete the cycle, and over 92% of these transitioned into formal schools. In 2017/18, the Government of Ghana also delivered CBE in 14 districts through Financial Aid (FA) from DFID, reaching 20,000 CBE learners.

Through the DFID Education Beyond Aid programme, the UK government aims to support the Ministry of Education and related agencies to effectively resource, manage and implement the Complementary Basic Education (CBE) programme to reach out-of-school girls and boys in Ghana. It proposes to increase the Ministry of Education’s self-reliance in managing the education sector and deliver quality services to Ghana’s children, including the most vulnerable. This includes providing match-funding to support 40,000 out-of-school children to complete CBE courses and transition to formal school from 2018-2020, as well as technical assistance and research to improve GoG implementation.

Montrose has been contracted to execute the three-year DFID funded Research to Support the Government of Ghana Implementation of Complementary Basic Education’ programme. More specifically, DFID aims seeking high-quality research to support the Government of Ghana (GoG) to understand teaching and learning within government-led CBE programmes, the longer-term impacts of CBE on graduate experiences once they are in formal schools, and the systems and relationships required for the government to effectively and efficiently lead implementation of CBE programmes for out-of-school children.

Therefore, this project will aim to:

  • continue tracking CBE graduates from CBE cycle 4 through the formal education system to build on learning around the longer-term impacts and sustainability of CBE pedagogy, with a view to propose improvements to CBE and public basic education pedagogy, and develop a unique evidence base on CBE in Ghana and globally.
  • analyse the political economy of the Government of Ghana (GoG)’s systems and relationships for leading and managing CBE programmes, to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of government-led implementation, so GoG can take on funding and management of CBE fully when DFID funding ends in 2020.

Overview of Montrose’s Scope of Work for the Client

For the successful delivery of this assignment, Montrose brought together a team of core technical experts with experience in mixed methods research, monitoring, evaluation and learning activities, including on Complementary Basic Education (CBE) in Ghana; quantitative experts specialising in learning outcomes measurement, longitudinal studies and tracker studies; a Political Economy Analysis specialist with extensive DFID advisory research and policy support experience across multiple government departments; qualitative research and social inclusion experts; and experienced fieldwork managers of large scale data collection with marginalised children in multiple regions of Ghana. Montrose will also be working with the national University of Cape Coast and the northern Ghana based University of Development Studies. These partnerships are part of the strategy to maximise contextual input to the research design, utilise existing local research experts, and promote broader use of the evidence generated through extended university led research and dissemination.

Over the three-year period, the core outputs for this assignment shall include:

1. An Inception Report

The inception report will include an updated research proposal, a risk register and management plan; an evaluation approach and methodology paper; a revise workplan; final Stakeholder mapping document and, a communication and Evidence Dissemination plan.

2. Two Political Economy Analysis (PEA) reports

Political Economy Analysis (PEA) is both an approach and an output within the project design. An initial stakeholder matrix will be developed during inception and the ongoing PEA analysis will guide the project team’s engagement throughout the programme, taking an organisational development approach.

3. Three tracker studies and one action research

The Tracker Studies will largely follow the approach taken in the previous contract, with additional tools to provide evidence to support evaluation questions (EQs). There will be a thorough review of the data and tools available from the previous programme as part of the programme design. The EQs go beyond the focus of the previous programme, looking at learning which will best support the increased effectiveness of the GoG’s delivery of the CBE approach. An additional sample from cycle 5 CBE of GoG led CBE will also be integrated into the research.

The Action Research design will be developed in collaboration with the Research Advisory Group with indictive themes including review of the rollout of the revised curriculum in September 2019, and the impact on CBE transition; the role of shifting medium of instruction in effective transition and successful learning outcomes; the effect of disciplinary methods, class sizes, or the use of child-centric approaches in school. The number of action research studies shall be determined following consultations with the Ministry of Education.

4. Dissemination of findings

In the first year of implementation, Montrose will hold smaller learning workshops to build up initial momentum around the CBE research, ensure partners are aware that it is taking place and encourage other education partners to include the team and CBE GoG counterparts in their dissemination events. In year 2 (2021), Montrose plans to hold one or two core dissemination events with the GoG, FCDO, CBE and other education partners. In the final year of the programme (2022), Montrose will organise two dissemination events, one in Accra and one in the north of Ghana aimed at obtaining beneficiary feedback and including key local government members.

Infographic style communication 1-2 pagers will be produced for each core research deliverable to allow the high-level findings to be shared, and to encourage greater interest in the broader technical reports, and the dissemination and learning events.

5. Assessment of Adapted CBE pilot

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, basic schools have been closed since mid-March 2020. To address the negative impact of this pandemic on the learning of vulnerable children in remote areas of the country, the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ghana Education Service (GES) is embarking on an adjusted approach to delivering the CBE programme. This adjusted approach to delivering the CBE programme is designed to help ensure continuity of learning and flexibility while protecting learners from potential transmission of COVID-19.

Once approved by DFID, an assessment of the adapted CBE programme will be conducted in 2020 to help MoE and GES to assess the degree to which the CBE programme can adapt to the COVID-19 context. Lessons learned will inform the MOE/GES as they reopen formal schools and start to transition learners back to the classroom.

All outputs will be delivered in collaboration with the Government of Ghana (GoG) throughout the design, implementation, review and dissemination of the project and its findings. A research advisory group will be convened periodically to review and approve all project findings and reports. At the moment, it is proposed that the Research Advisory Group (RAG) be made up of the Ministry of Education, Head of Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation; Ghana Education Service: Basic Education Division, Non-Formal Education Division (Alternative Education Agency), Special and Inclusive Education; CBE Alliance; CBE Steering Committee; UNESCO; Education specialists from key donors (FCDO, USAID); Independent Education specialist in CBE; Crown Agents and selected Implementing Partners (IPs) (School for Life, Plan, etc.) representatives from national and international NGOs.

Purpose of the Consultancy

The consultant will serve as the Qualitative Lead as part of the team carrying out this consultancy. She will be responsible for providing short term technical assistance to this project by primarily leading on the qualitative aspects of all research studies conducted under this project. Please see sections on Specific Roles and Responsibilities of the Consultant and Deliverables, below.

Specific Roles and Responsibilities of the Consultant

  • Supervise support researchers to complete the assigned specific roles and responsibilities
  • Oversee the development of qualitative survey tools
  • Lead the collection and analysis of qualitative data with support from a support researcher.
  • Provide oversight for qualitative contributions in all final reports.
  • Lead the qualitative training for the in-country enumerators with support from a support researcher.
  • Oversee qualitative data quality assurance and cleaning.
  • Work with key stakeholders in the government and MoE to develop the qualitative research strategy, sampling, and analytical framework.
  • Contribute to writing the qualitative sections of the final tracker reports.
  • Advise on cross-cutting issues including GESI (Gender and Social Inclusion), research ethics, and safeguarding.
  • Participate in the recruitment of the support researcher (pending DFID approval of the position) by reviewing terms of reference and conducting the final interview. In the event that DFID doesn’t approve the position, this ToR will be revisited.

The following are the specific roles and responsibilities of the Consultant for each phase of the work:

Inception phase

  • The consultant shall contribute to the successful delivery of the inception report. This will include:
  • Attending a half-day kick-off meeting with DFID in February 2020. Subject to DFID confirmation, this meeting has been scheduled for the 12th or 13th of February 2020.
  • Reviewing project background documents any other documents that might be relevant to this project.
  • Attending a meeting to brainstorm various risks that may affect the project through its lifetime.
  • Reviewing revised project workplan to ensure timelines for delivery are appropriate and reasonable and provide feedback on where changes need to be made.
  • Contribute to the drafting of the evaluation approach and methodology paper for this project. This will include:
    • Attending meetings with quantitative lead, team leader and Research STTA to discuss the delivery of evaluation approach and methodology paper as required by the team leader. This discussion will need to touch on the designs of the evaluation approach and methodology papers for tracker studies 1, 2 and 4. [1].
    • In collaboration with the team leader and quantitative lead, drafting the outline for the evaluation approach and methodology paper.
    • Drafting all qualitative data related sections of the evaluation approach and methodology paper including a methodology for qualitative data collection and analysis, section of the sampling framework among others. The sampling framework will be revised in year 2 and 3 of the project.
    • Submitting draft qualitative data related sections to team leader for compilation and submission to Research STTA for quality assurance. In 2021 and 2022, this paper will be revised in preparation for tracker studies 2, 3 and 4.
    • Revising qualitative data related sections of the methodology and evaluation approach paper based on comments from the Research STTA, team leader, Montrose and DFID.
    • Submitting final qualitative data related sections of the methodology and evaluation approach paper to team leader.

Implementation phase

  • The consultant shall lead the successful delivery of the qualitative aspects of the assessment of the adapted CBE pilot programme in 2020. This will include:
  • Reviewing project background documents and any other documents that might be relevant for the delivery of the Tracker study report.
  • Meeting all relevant team members to brainstorm how the assessment of the adapted CBE programme will be conducted as required by the team leader. These team members may include quantitative lead, team lead and research STTA. A meeting might be organised by the project team leader subsequent to the kick-of meeting with DFID.
  • Leading the revision of the qualitative data collection tools and protocols and, submitting them to the team leader for review.
  • Revising qualitative data collection tools and protocols based on comments from Montrose and DFID.
  • Overseeing the qualitative training for the in-country enumerators and parts of the collection of qualitative data. This will include:
    • Preparing support researcher to lead training of enumerators.
    • Leading training of qualitative enumerators as agreed with the team leader.
    • Providing guidance during the pilot testing of key instruments. This is to be done for every enumerator training planned under this project, as required by the team leader.
    • Participating in part of the data collection as agreed with team.
  • Quality assuring the drafting of quantitative sections of the assessment of the adapted CBE pilot report. This will include:
    • Supervising support researchers to:
    • Clean all qualitative data collected though enumerator field work.
    • Package all raw data (transcribed notes) for submission to team leader. It is hoped that any focus group discussions held with students or PTA will be transcribed by the enumerator team leaders as part of their field activities.
    • Conduct data analysis of all qualitative data collected. This will include editing accompanying sections of analysis tables and graphs originally provided by the quantitative lead. This narrative should include interesting quotes identified through the qualitative data analysis. Each table or graph from the quantitative lead will be accompanied by a brief analytical write up originally drafted by the quantitative lead. The list of tables and graphs to be created will be provided by the team leader in accordance with the report outline.
    • Quality assuring data analysis of all qualitative data collected.
    • Writing the qualitative methodology and limitations sections of the tracker study report.
    • Checking in with the team leader during the analysis and writing of sections of the assessment report.
    • Submitting all qualitative written sections of the report to the team leader for inclusion into the main report.
    • Coordinating the revision of qualitative written sections based on team leader, Montrose and FCDO comments.
    • Submitting final qualitative written sections to team leader for inclusion into the final main report.
  • Together with the team leader and quantitative lead, presenting findings for the assessment report to the RAG and other stakeholders.
  • Quality assuring qualitative sections of the final assessment report that have been revised by the support researcher based on comments from the RAG.
  • Submitting final qualitative sections of the assessment report to team leader.
  • For the delivery of the action research studies in the third year of the project:
    • Participating in action research as required.
    • Attending meetings with the RAG to discuss action research findings and document the way forward as required by the team leader

The activities above will be repeated in order to deliver tracker study report 1 and 2 in 2021, and tracker study report 4 in 2022.

3. Dissemination of findings

  • Participating in dissemination workshops as required by the team leader This will include quality assuring PowerPoint presentations of the studies developed by the support researchers.
  • Participating in RAG meetings as required by the team leader.

4. Other duties

  • Attending periodic (monthly) team meeting with Montrose and the team leader as required by the team leader. For the inception phase, a technical team meeting has been organised for the 11th of February 2020.
  • Upon request from the team leader, attending meetings to finalise any project deliverable 3 days prior to the submission deadline.
  • Upon request, participating in check-in calls with the Montrose team.
  • Participating in meetings with FCDO and other stakeholders as required as required by the team leader.

Essential skills and qualifications

  • A minimum of a master’s level qualification in any related field (e.g. education, social development)
  • 15 years and above of proven experience as a qualitative researcher.
  • Specific qualifications or credentials in educational research with solid experience in developing countries and economies, and poor, remote, and rural environments in Ghana and/or other countries in West Africa.
  • It is desirable that the candidate possess technical knowledge of the subject area (CBE) with practical knowledge of national and local government in Ghana, and experience of conducting educational surveys.
  • A strong analytical and written communication with good presentation skills and a high competence in delivering compelling research narratives.
  • Expert knowledge suitable qualitative methodologies and analysis software
  • Proactive and agile with a mature, resilient, and positive mindset

[1] Tracker study 3 was replaced with an assessment of the adapted CBE pilot programme.

How to apply

If you meet the above qualifications and are interested in this opportunity, please submit your application Here before 4 October 2021. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate is identified.

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