Rance – Advocacy Assistant Position (M/F) – North Coast At Solidarities International

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Desired start date : as soon as possible

Internship duration : 6 months

Location : Third place “Les Amarres”, Quai d’Austerlitz, Paris 13th with occasional field trips to the North Coast (Calais, Dunkirk or Ouistreham).

SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) is an international humanitarian aid association that, for over 40 years, has been providing assistance to populations affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters by meeting their vital needs: drinking, eating, and shelter. Particularly committed to combating diseases linked to unsafe water, the world’s leading cause of death, SI implements through its interventions expertise in the field of access to drinking water, sanitation and the promotion of hygiene, but also in the essential field of food security and livelihoods. Present in 26 countries, SI’s teams – 3,200 people in total, made up of expatriates, national employees, permanent staff at headquarters, a few volunteers, etc. – intervene with professionalism and commitment while respecting cultures.


Since March 2020, SI has been operating in France in five territories. Our projects target audiences living in precarious housing sites such as shanty towns or squats and who have limited access to basic services, in terms of drinking water, sanitation, and access to essential hygiene products.

Although the rights to water and sanitation have been recognized by the UN since 2010, access to these basic services is not considered a fundamental right in France to date. Through advocacy activities, SI aims to achieve the recognition and effective application of a right to drinking water in France.

From the perspective of the IS strategy, the project consists of both:

1. To support local stakeholders in their search for concrete solutions, by proposing to improve the sanitary conditions of the sites, in particular through the installation of drinking water supplies, sanitation infrastructure, distribution of hygiene products and work on risk reduction;

2. To provide advocacy (A) for the transformation of the legal framework of the right to water in France and (B) the implementation of an effective, universal and sustainable public policy for access to water for all in France.

The North Coast Advocacy Assistant of the France Mission carries out his/her duties under the authority of the Advocacy Lawyer and the Legal and Advocacy Officer. He/she works in collaboration with the WASH technical teams of the North zone to support local advocacy concerning access to WASH on the North Coast and the application of the right to water and sanitation in this zone.

List of main responsibilities:

Support the advocacy department and SI actions on the north coast in the development of capitalization actions with a view to advocacy, in particular:

  • Capitalize on IS data and that of our partners to support and highlight the situation of access to EHA;
  • Support inter-associative approaches to developing local advocacy actions in favor of access to EHA;


Support for the development of the observatory of access to EHA on the North Coast

  • Support and monitoring of the collection of qualitative data (taking testimonies) and quantitative data (data from IS teams and its partners) locally in order to bring out the reality of the needs of people with no or insufficient access to EHA;
  • Update and improvement of existing data analysis tools
  • Secondary data analysis (publication and reports);
  • Update data collection tools if necessary;
  • Drafting of the EHA access observatory and support for the report’s external dissemination strategy
  • Harmonization of primary and secondary data archiving methods internally.


  • Contribute to the calendar of advocacy and questioning opportunities for effective access to water and sanitation on the northern coast;
  • Participation in the identification of advocacy targets at local, national and European level;
  • Support for contextual analysis and media and legal monitoring of the local context and the application of rights to water and sanitation on the northern coast;
  • Participation in the updating of an internal context monitoring tool.


  • Drafting of advocacy documents, letters of appeal, internal and external publications;
  • Participation in the network of associative partners to promote the reporting of EHA information on the northern coast and its centralization by IS;
  • Take part in inter-association meetings with SI partners and ensure reports;
  • Participate in disseminating knowledge of the rights to water and sanitation applicable in the territory to partners and institutions;
  • Participate in the mobilization of national and international human rights protection mechanisms;
  • Support the Legal and Advocacy Officer in the use of legal tools to ensure respect for rights, particularly the right to water.


  • Participate in weekly and monthly meetings of the office and the various departments worked in;
  • Provide support to all areas based on demand.


  • Understand the relationships between the different stakeholders involved in the implementation of access to water and sanitation as well as the defense of this fundamental right in France;
  • Putting into practice humanitarian advocacy (here on the right to water) in connection with the projects of an NGO.


  • Position based at the offices of the Mission France of Solidarités International, at the third place Les Amarres, Quai d’Austerlitz, Paris 13th (Paris Austerlitz Metro) with travel to the field
  • Legal compensation of 5.59 euros/hour.
  • The gratuity is calculated in proportion to the actual hours of presence over the month (on average 1 month = 154 hours, or 22 days of 7 hours/day)
  • Restaurant vouchers (60%), transport tickets (50%) covered by the association
  • Starting date as soon as possible
  • Minimum BAC +4 level, with higher education in political science, social sciences, public policy or law;
  • With a keen interest and knowledge of the issues of exile, precariousness and poor housing in France;
  • Good writing, analytical and editorial skills;
  • A desire to work in a team;
  • Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite (good knowledge of Excel);
  • Experience in data collection and analysis desired;
  • Good synthesis skills and interpersonal skills;
  • Proactivity and critical thinking;
  • Organization and anticipation;
  • Ability to work under pressure;
  • Commitment to the principles and work of SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL.

Previous experience or knowledge of the context on the North coast will be valued.

Do you recognize yourself in this description?

If so, send us your CV and Cover Letter!

Applications containing only CVs will not be considered.

Solidarités International reserves the right to close a recruitment before the deadline of the announcement. Thank you for your understanding.

And to find out more about Solidarités International: www.solidarites.org

Solidarités International (SI) is committed to preventing and combating any type of abuse – any act of sexual exploitation, abuse and/or harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or its collaborators, harm to persons and/or property, fraud, corruption, undeclared conflict of interest, financing of activities that violate human rights – that could be perpetrated in the context of its interventions. SI applies zero tolerance to any type of abuse, particularly acts of SEAH.

Solidarités International is a fair employer that fights all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any remuneration in order to participate in a recruitment process.

Solidarités International (SI) is determined to prevent and fight all type of abuse – all act of exploitation, abuse and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or collaborators, fraud, corruption, violation of persons and/or property, funding of activities harmful to human rights – that could be perpetrated in the frame of its interventions. SI implements a zero-tolerance policy regarding acts of abuse, notably acts of SEAH.

Solidarités International is an equitable employer committed to finding all forms of discrimination. SI will never ask for any remuneration to take part in a recruitment process.

How to apply

How to Apply: Application URL: https://www.aplitrak.com/?adid=YXNzaXN0LnJlY3J1dC41MTk2MC4zODMwQHNvbGlkYXJpdGVzaW50ZXJuYXRpb25hbC5hcGxpdHJhay5jb20

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