Readvertisement Guard – حارس (إعادة إعلان) -Idleb-SYNAT At GOAL

General Description of the Programme:

GOAL has been working in Syria since 2013, responding to the acute needs of conflict-affected communities. GOAL is working in Idleb Governate, both through direct implementation and through partners, delivering food, non-food programming to highly vulnerable populations, and provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) through support to Water units, as well as emergency support to recently displaced households.

GOAL has been working in North Aleppo Governate since 2019, through direct implementation and through partners, delivering food, non-food programming to highly vulnerable populations, as well as emergency support for recently displaced households.

General description of the program:

GOAL has been working in Syria since 2013, responding to the urgent needs of communities affected by the conflict. GOL works in Idlib Governorate, whether through direct implementation or through partners, in providing food and non-food programs to the most vulnerable populations, providing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) through support to water units, as well as emergency support to recently displaced families.

GOL has been working in northern Aleppo Governorate since 2019, through direct implementation and through partners, providing food and non-food programs to the most vulnerable populations, as well as emergency support to newly displaced families.

Job purpose: the purpose of the work

Duties, objectives and competencies

  • Prevent any unauthorized access to the property by controlling the entry points.
  • Patrol the fence line or boundary of the property to ensure that it is intact and that there has been no cutting or entry into the compound. To make frequent visits outside the compound to check the perimeter especially when staff are arriving and departing.
  • Check the identity of all persons wishing to gain entry and clear such entry with the staff member or representative at the premises. No one should gain entry into the GOAL Office/Compound without prior authorization from GOAL senior staff.
  • To issue identity passes to all persons entering the GOAL premises.
  • Maintain a log of all visitors and vehicles entering the compound.
  • To receive a duly signed gate pass for all items leaving the premise and forward such gate passes to the Access officer.
  • Check the security of the doors, locks, windows and security lights to ensure they are fully functional and report any defects to the Access officer.
  • Maintain vigilance in and around the premises and report anything suspicious or any suspicious person loitering within or around the premises to the Access officer.
  • Ensure the early warning alarms are in place and functional.
  • Raise the alarm by using the appropriate signal or applying the panic button in an emergency.
  • Provide a written report to the incoming guard when coming off duty.
  • Keep a check on the outdoor.
  • Maintain keys and deliver them in accordance with the applicable key policy
  • Ensure the readiness of security and safety equipment during the shift.
  • Control of vehicle access/parking in the Garage.
  • Check the incoming materials if it is authorized to enter the compound or not.
  • Works in a good manner in fire prevention, detection, & response (evacuation/firefighting)
  • Respond to incidents as possible; the Security Guard’s job is to reduce the chance that a security incident will happen, and to reduce the impact of any incident by reacting quickly and efficiently.
  • To monitor the Safety & Security equipment on a regular basis: (1) Inspect the fire extinguishers to ensure that the needle shows in the green segment; (2) inspect the sand buckets to make sure that the sand is dry; (3) Check the batteries in the Security Guard torches; (4) Check that the alarm system or CCTV system is working correctly; (5) check that all security lights are working.
  • Any other duties as required.

الواجبات، الأهداف و الكفاءات

  • منع اي وصول غير مرخص الى البناء عن طريق ضبط نقاط الدخول.
  • تفقد خط السياج او حدود المبنى للتأكد انه سليم و لم يكن هناك أي قص أو دخول الى المجمع. أن يقوم بزيارات متكررة خارج المجمع لفحص المحيط خاصة عند وصول و ذهاب الموظفين.
  • التأكد من هوية كل الأشخاص الذين يرغبون بالدخول و الحصول على اذن رسمي من الموظف أو ممثل المبنى.لا احد يجب أن يدخل الى مجمع أو مكتب غول بدون تفويض مسبق من موظف بمنصب عالي في غول.
  • اصدار بطاقات تعريفية لكل الأشخاص الذين يدخلون الى مبنى غول.
  • الاحتفاظ بسجل لكل الزوار و المركبات التي تدخل المجمع.
  • الحصول على تصريح دخول موقع حسب الأصول لجميع العناصر التي تغادر المبنى و تحويل هذه التصاريح الى مسؤول الوصول.
  • تفحص أمن الابواب، الأقفال، النوافذ و أضواء الأمن للتأكد أنها تعمل بشكل كامل ونقل أية أعطال لمسؤول الوصول.
  • الاحتفاظ بمراقبة شديدة داخل و حول المبنى و نقل أي شيئ أو شخص مشكوك به يتجول ضمن أو حول المبنى لمسؤول الوصول.
  • التأكد من أن أجهزة الانزار المبكر تعمل و في مكانها.
  • رفع التنبيه باستخدام الاشارة المناسبة أو استخدام زر الخوف في حالة الطوارئ.
  • تقديم تقرير خطي للحارس القادم عندما يكون هو قد أنهى نوبته.
  • التفقد المستمر للمحيط الخارجي للمبنى.
  • الحفاظ على المفاتيح وتسليمها وفقا لسياسة المفاتيح المعمول بها
  • التأكد من جاهزية معدات الأمن والسلامة أثناء فترة المناوبة.
  • التحكم في وصول/وقوف السيارات في المرآب.
  • التأكد من المواد الواردة إذا كان مصرحاً لها بالدخول إلى المجمع أم لا.
  • التصرف بطريقة جيدة في مجال الوقاية من الحرائق واكتشافها والاستجابة لها (الإخلاء/إطفاء الحرائق)
  • الاستجابة للحوادث في حدود الإمكان؛ مهمة حارس الأمن هي تقليل احتمالية وقوع حادث أمني وتقليل تأثير أي حادث من خلال الاستجابة بسرعة وبكفاءة.
  • مراقبة وفحص معدات السلامة والأمان بشكل منتظم: (1) فحص أجهزة إطفاء الحرائق للتأكد من أن الإبرة تظهر في القسم الأخضر؛ (2) فحص دلاء الرمل للتحقق من أن الرمل جاف؛ (3) التحقق من بطاريات كشّافات حراس الأمن؛ (4) التحقق من أن نظام الإنذار أو نظام كاميرات المراقبة(CCTV) يعمل بشكل صحيح؛ (5) التحقق من أن جميع أضواء الأمن تعمل.
  • أية واجبات أخرى حسب الحاجة.

Requirements (essential)

  • Intermediate certificate as minimum / Secondary School as maximum
  • Lives at MaaretTamasrin city for two years at least.
  • At least one year of previous guard or security experience in the current context for recognized employer. Attend relevant training in the field of security.
  • Able to work in rotating shifts.
  • At least 6 months of work experience in the humanitarian field in any position
  • Good mannered, respectful.
  • Health body and reliable character

المتطلبات( الأساسية)

  • شهادة تعليم أساسي كحد أدنى / الثانوية العامة كحد أقصى
  • مقيم في مدينة معرة مصرين لمدة سنتين على الأقل**.**
  • سنة واحدة على الأقل من الخبرة السابقة في الحراسة أو الأمن في السياق الحالي مع صاحب عمل معترف به. حضور الدورات التدريبية ذات الصلة في مجال الأمن**.**
  • قادر على العمل في نظام نوبات**.**
  • ما لا يقل عن 6 أشهر من الخبرة في العمل في المجال الإنساني في أي منصب
  • حسن الخلق ومحترم**.**
  • صحة جسدية جيدة و ذو شخصية موثوقة.

Requirements (desired)

  • Clear communicator and willing to work outside of normal working hours.

المتطلبات (المرغوبة)

  • متحدث واضح وعلى استعداد للعمل خارج ساعات العمل العادية**.**

How to apply

Interested? Then apply for this position via clicking on the “apply now” button and fill out the application form. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application deadline is 5 February 2024 .

اذا كنت مهتم يمكنك التقديم على هذا المنصب عن طريق الضغط على زر ’ قدم الأن’ واملأ استمارة طلب التوظيف. سيتم فقط التواصل مع قائمة مختصرة من المرشحين. “نشجع بقوة المرشحات المؤهلات على التقديم.”

آخر موعد للتقديم 5 شباط 2024

Please note that GOAL does not charge a fee of any kind or any other financial obligation at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training, induction) or other fees, or request information on applicants’ bank accounts. GOAL does not work with intermediary institutions and individuals or employment agencies during the recruitment process. If any fee or payment requested from you at the application or any stage of the recruitment process, please do not respond.

“Please note that GOAL does not charge any fees of any kind or any other financial obligation at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training, induction) or other fees, nor does it request any information about applicants’ bank accounts. On vacancies. GOAL does not work with intermediary institutions, individuals or recruitment agencies during the recruitment process. If any fees or dues are requested from you during the process of applying for vacancies or at any stage of the recruitment process, please do not respond.

General terms and conditions


Children and vulnerable adults a must be safeguarded to the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that GOAL shows this on-going commitment to safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.

General terms and conditions


Children and vulnerable adults must be protected to the greatest extent possible from intentional or unintentional acts and errors that put them at risk of abuse, sexual exploitation, injury or other harm. One way GOAL demonstrates this ongoing commitment to protection is by including rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.

Accountability within GOAL

Alongside our safeguarding policy, GOAL is an equal opportunities employer and has a set of integrity policies. Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability:

  • Comply with GOAL’s policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding, Code of Conduct, health and safety, data protection and confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols.
  • Report any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or any wrongdoings within our programming area.
  • Report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a GOAL staff or partner.

Accountability within Goal

Along with our safeguarding policy, GOAL is an equal opportunities employer and follows a range of integrity policies. Any candidate for a job offer with GOAL is expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability:

  • Comply with GOAL policies and procedures in relation to safeguarding, code of conduct, health and safety, data protection and confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behavior protocols.
  • Report any concerns about children or vulnerable adults or any wrongdoing in our program area.
  • Report any concerns about inappropriate behavior by a GOAL employee or partner.

This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change this document. Any published closing dates are estimated. Due to the nature of GOAL’s work we aim to fill vacancies as quickly as possible. This means that we will close adverts as soon as we have found the right candidate and this may be before the published closing date. We would therefore advise interested applicants to submit an application as early as possible.

This job description is only to be used as a guide to the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change this document. Any advertised expiry dates are estimated. Due to the nature of GOAL’s work, we aim to fill vacancies as quickly as possible. This means that we will close advertisements as soon as we find the right candidate, which may be before the advertised end date. Interested applicants are therefore advised to apply as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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Maiduguri Borno State Nigeria

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