Regional BaNEREI Field Technical Specialist – Middle East (for Nationals only)

Regional BaNEREI Field Technical Specialist – Middle East


Handicap International is changing his name and becomes « Humanity & Inclusion ». HI, Humanity & Inclusion, is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation with no religious or political affiliations operating in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

HI has offices in 63 countries; for further information about the association:**


Under the responsibility of the MEREP Regional Technical Unit Manager, and in coordination with the Syria Technical Unit Manager, the Regional EREI Field Technical Specialist contributes to the implementation of the HI mandate and the operational strategy of HI MEREP and HI Syria programs, in the field of Livelihood. He/she ensures optimal quality and impact of the projects implemented in the countries, through a delegation system with appropriate control mechanisms. He/she shares with all HI managers the responsibility of a sound management and successful functioning of the global organization, through paradigm changes.

The Regional EREI Field Technical Specialist will have functional technical supervision over other technical positions that support BaNEREI (Basic needs, economic recovery, economic inclusion) projects.

The Regional EREI Field Technical Specialist will also provide technical follow up of consultants, in her/his sector of expertise, to ensure they align with HI technical framework.

The position will support HI’s Middle East Regional Programme (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine) at 70% and HI’s Syria Programme at 30%.

HI’s Middle East Regional Programme (MEREP) coordinates missions in 4 different countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine). The programme is covering the full mandate of HI – emergency, mine action and development with a strong focus on continuum and resilience. The program has a total volume expected for 2021 of 12M Euros with 200 staff + 60 volunteers.

There are 4 main sectors of intervention: health, education, BaNEREI (basic needs, economic recovery and economic inclusion), and armed violence reduction. Most of the projects are implemented through local partners and local service providers.

The MEREP program currently implements diverse BaNEREI (basic needs, economic recovery, economic inclusion) projects interventions in Jordan, Egypt and Palestine-Gaza and is seeking to re-start interventions in Palestine-West Bank and to start interventions in Lebanon:

Jordan: the mission is currently supporting the inclusion of Jordanian job seekers with disabilities in wage employment, working with job seekers, OPDs and employers. The mission is also fundraising to support vulnerable Syrian refugees’ economic integration within host communities and vulnerable households’ economic recovery from COVID19 crisis, with a focus on persons with disabilities, through self-employment in traditional and non-traditional value chains.

Egypt: the mission is currently supporting vulnerable households affected by COVID crisis with CVA to meet basic needs and support for economic recovery; it is also supporting the economic empowerment of vulnerable women, with and without disabilities, through apprenticeships in social businesses. The mission has begun to support poor and vulnerable household to access non-traditional value chains.

Lebanon: the mission needs to develop its strategy to address the economic consequences of the crisis which is causing a huge percentage of its population to fall under the poverty line. The future intervention will have several objectives: a) responding to immediate basic needs of most vulnerable and persons with specific needs; b) Support MSME at risk of collapsing to recover/continue operations in order to maintain livelihoods and ensure provision of essential goods and services for the population; c) support economic recovery through inclusive value chains.

Palestine: the mission in Gaza is supporting vulnerable households affected by COVID crisis with CVA to meet basic needs and support for economic recovery. The mission is also fundraising to pilot a disability inclusive graduation from poverty model in Gaza, with a component to support poor and vulnerable households with disabilities to access non-traditional value chains. The mission is also fundraising to continue an intervention (ended in January 2020) that support the inclusion of Palestinian job seekers with disabilities in wage employment, working with job seekers, OPDs and employers, in West Bank.

Main technical needs are:

  • Consolidate/further develop the capacity of national staff and partners in disability inclusive wage employment that has been developed in Jordan, Egypt and Palestine;
  • Position HI as an actor of CVA and develop the capacity of the program to quickly deploy CVA’s interventions;
  • Support innovation (within HI intervention) with focus on intervention that support self-employment in non-traditional value chains and that collaborate/support social businesses
  • Improve HI visibility as expert in inclusive livelihood

HI’s Syrian crisis response :manages a large humanitarian program from three different hubs (Beirut, North-West and North-East). The program has a total volume expected for 2021 of 15M Euros.

There are four main pillars of intervention including: 1. Global Rehabilitation (physical and functional rehabilitation/MHPSS); 2. Humanitarian Mine Action (mine risk education, non-technical survey of hazardous areas,…); 3. Inclusive Humanitarian Action (training and technical support to other humanitarian actors on the inclusion of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable persons in the humanitarian response, with a special focus on accessibility, inclusive health and inclusive livelihoods); 4. Economic Inclusion (direct livelihoods activities and technical assistance to livelihood INGO’s to promote inclusive practices).

These interventions are based on a mix of remote management of national teams, remote partnerships with local structures and organizations, and direct implementation programs.

The Economic inclusion related intervention has been developed since 2018 through a combination of basic needs response, economic recovery and economic inclusion.

Today there are 3 main type of activities: cash for work, vocational training and businesses development support. Those activities are targeting vulnerable population including persons with disabilities

Main technical needs for the Syria response are:

  • Start to develop the capacity of national staff and partners in disability inclusive livelihood activities
  • Finalize the design of Standard Operating Procedures related to the project livelihood modalities of intervention
  • Support innovation (within HI intervention) with focus on multipurpose cash assistance
  • Develop consortium with existing Livelihood agencies



The position has 3 main objectives to reach:

Expertise: bring multi-country technical expertise in each project he/she will work. Guide and define technical standards based on international guidelines, HI policy papers and technical divisions’ strategies (STRATECH). Ensure relevance of technical practices in project under implementation, design stage of new projects and strategy development. He/she will also have the objective to harmonize practices within the region facilitating exchanges, lessons learnt and support between projects and professionals, and potential mutualisation of relevant HR (consultancies, training, etc). He/she will also lead or support the development of technical documents and tools and support situation analysis and researches. He/she will also have the objective to promote and contribute to inter-sectorial activities, especially linking BaNEREI projects with inclusive education IE projects (pool of regional expertise and know how, team sensitisation and training, research) and projects supporting rehabilitation and MHPSS. He/she will also contribute to mainstream HI Disability, Gender, Age Policy and protection principles in BaNEREI projects.

Influence: create effective network with other technical actors in the region and support missions to foster partnerships.

Business Development: be up-to date on the last international practices and directions and opportunities in the area of livelihood. Use this knowledge to guide the regional programme towards new and more relevant and efficient technical programming (locally and regionally). Ensure relevance of technical practices at project design stage and on strategy development.

1. Expertise

Responsibility 1:

Contributes to the regional strategies in line with the global strategies:

  • Provides sectorial technical input to the Operational Strategy (StratOps) of the Programme within his/her scope and in his/her sector, in line with the global technical divisions’ strategy (StraTech) and ensure relevant follow up

Responsibility 2:

Ensures technical support to projects in line with the global technical frameworks and standards in his/her sectorial scope

  • Provides adequate technical guidance and support to Project Managers when relevant (adapt standards to PM’s tools, contributes to proposal writing and reporting in line with strategies, standards and mandatory transversal approaches
  • Ensures adequate support to multi-sector responses within projects, in line with the other specialists
  • Ensures a local sectorial watch, best practices to adopt within his/her sectorial scope
  • Contributes to recruitment and briefing when relevant

Responsibility 3:

Ensures technical learning from projects

  • Contributes to projects’ capitalization and ensures technical learning from projects within his/her sectorial scope

Responsibility 4:

Ensures the control & monitoring of the technical quality and the relevance of HI’s activities under his/her scope

Ensure regular technical quality control of projects and issue warnings and recommendations

Monitor the implementation of audit recommendations, if applicable, in his/her sectorial scope

Responsibility 5:

Ensures compliance of the technical proposition with nexus stakes

Responsibility 6:

Contributes to the development of research and innovation projects in the region when relevant, in his/her sectorial scope

  • Suggests and steers technical innovation projects
  • Identifies the priorities of Research and Studies and steers R&S


Contributes to the Technical Divisions professional channel animation

  • Contributes to the global animation of the professional channels under his sectorial scope coming from the Technical Divisions (community of practices…)
  • Animates a local talent pool in his sectorial scope (carry out technical interviews of candidates and produce recommendations, identify needs regarding trainings)

2. Influence

Contributes to the local external prestige and influence of HI’s expertise in his sectorial scope

  • Represents the technical expertise of HI throughout the local relevant networks
  • Contributes to advocacy on specific themes in line with the global advocacy priorities
  • Contributes to communication messages locally in line with the global communication priorities

3. Business development

Ensures the development of major opportunities or new projects in the region under his sectorial scope

  • Contributes to the context analysis in his sectorial scope
  • Contributes to the design and writing of new projects in the region and when asked in other countries within the Geographic Division
  • Identifies & transforms major opportunities in the region under his scope
  • Contributes to the conception of major projects (multiple countries, one theme) or of new projects in the region
  • Identifies & develops local partnerships and/or consortium with NGOs, Institutions, Companies on technical priorities or important topics in the region under his sectorial scope


Ø Confidentiality is required in all these responsibilities.

Ø Movements to the field are requested upon request


· Bachelor degree, preferably in a relevant field such as : economics, development aid, public policy

· Master degree in a related field (Preferable)

· Minimum 6 years of field experience in the international aid sector in chronic and complex crisis contexts.

(Previous experience working in the Middle East (Preferable)

· Minimum 5 years of experience as project manager and/or technical specialist in projects related to livelihoods and economic inclusion(Previous experience with HI/(Preferable))

· Minimum 2 years of experience as project manager and/or technical specialist in projects related to Cash and Voucher Assistance

· Previous experience with programs inclusive of person with disabilities ((Preferable))

· Practical experience in market based programming.

· Advanced skills in strategy design, project design.

· Advanced skills in proposal writing in English.

· Ability to develop guidelines and SOP.

· Ability to design and provide technical training.

· Excellent communication skills Proactive, solution maker, strongly positive, constructive and dynamic personality


HI workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in HI Code of conduct. In accordance with these values, HI operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti-fraud, bribery, and corruption.

Initial contract will be for a period of 12 months ( renewable) and the position is based in Amman

Basic salary range for the position: 1641- 2310 JOD (salary commensurate with experience and according to internal salary grid).

How to apply

Handicap International is an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from persons with disabilities

Closing date: 22/09/2021**

Kindly send your CV to : .Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Application should include CV and motivation letter.

Incomplete motivation letters and applications received after the deadline will be disregarded.

The applications will be treated confidentially.

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