Request for Proposals – Animated videos for new initiative At Interpeace

About Interpeace

Interpeace is an international organization for peacebuilding. With over 25 years of experience, it has implemented a broad range of peacebuilding programmes in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Interpeace was officially recognized as an international entity by the Swiss Federal Council in 2018.

Interpeace tailors its approach to each society and ensures that its work is locally designed and driven. Through local partners and its own local teams, it jointly develops peacebuilding programmes based on extensive consultation and research. Interpeace helps establish processes of change that promote sustainable peace, social cohesion, and resilience. The organization’s work is designed to connect and promote understanding between local communities, civil society, governments, and the international community. Interpeace also assists the international community – especially the United Nations – to play a more effective role in peacebuilding, based on Interpeace’s expertise in field-based work at grassroots level. Interpeace achieves this primarily by contributing innovative thought leadership and fresh insights to contemporary peacebuilding policy. It also assists the international community through ‘peace responsiveness’ work, in which Interpeace provides advice and practical support to other international organizations (especially those in the security, development, and humanitarian aid sectors), enabling them to adapt their work systemically to simultaneously address conflict dynamics and strengthen peace dynamics. Interpeace is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and has offices around the world.

Finance for Peace Initiative

The Finance for Peace Initiative aims to promote system-level solutions to challenges in peace financing through the creation of innovative financial models. The purposes of these innovations will be to attract new sources of funding, promote longer-term financial commitments, and foster efficient allocation and monitoring of funds.


Interpeace is seeking an animated video production team to develop 2 short animated videos about the new initiative. The animated videos will have to be tailored to appeal to a variety of audiences. The key purpose of the videos will be to provide an effective streamlined explanation of the new initiative’s innovations and projects.

The production team would work closely with the Head of Research & Senior Peacebuilding Adviser, as well as the Global Communications Manager.

They will ideally have prior experience in developing explainer videos on complex thematic areas. They will be expected to produce quality work under limited supervision, all the while maintaining a collaborative outlook and relationship with the Interpeace team. The production team will be trusted to provide creative direction for the production of an elegant explainer video accessible to a diverse audience.

Annex 1 Terms of Reference

Subject: Development of a visual identity, logo and visual style guide


Interpeace is seeking an animated video production team to develop 2 short animated videos about the new initiative. The animated videos will have to be tailored to appeal to a variety of audiences. The key purpose of the videos will be to provide an effective streamlined explanation of the new initiative’s innovations and projects.

They will ideally have prior experience in developing explainer videos on complex thematic areas. They will be expected to produce quality work under limited supervision, all the while maintaining a collaborative outlook and relationship with the Interpeace team. The production team will be trusted to provide creative direction for the production of an elegant explainer video accessible to a diverse audience.


The production team would work closely with the Head of Research & Senior Peacebuilding Adviser, as well as the Global Communications Manager.

Deliverables & Timeframe

Deliverables and Activities

Dates due

Development of the script and sketch ideas for the storyboard – By mid-September 2021

Upon feedback and finalization of the script, creation of the storyboard and subsequent iterations – By mid-October 2021

Production and final videos, including: illustrations, animation, soundtrack, voiceover recording, subtitles – By start of November 2021

Assignment and Objectives

The production team will be tasked with creating 2 animated videos which effectively present the initiative in a simple, but not simplistic, manner. The videos will be designed in such a way as to:

  • Provide a thorough yet accessible explanation of the new initiative’s projects and innovations, and situate them within the wider context of peacebuilding work
  • Appeal to a variety of actors by clearly communicating key messages
  • Engage discussion and interest among different audiences on the new initiative

The outcome of this assignment will be the production of:

  • One animated video of 5-7 minutes which thoroughly explains the new initiative
  • One animated video of 1-2 minutes which summarizes the initiative’s main concepts and key messages for use on social media or opening presentations.

Scope of Work

The production of the two videos will entail the following tasks :

  • Preparation and design of an agreed script in collaboration with Interpeace staff
  • Creation of a storyboard on the basis of the agreed script and subsequent iterations
  • Development of professional voiceovers in English
  • Development of subtitles in English and French
  • Development of soundtracks for the videos
  • Any other tasks which can be considered integrally related to the successful production of the two animated videos


The deliverables described in the timeline are submitted to Interpeace in electronic form.


  • An established track record in creating quality engaging animated content.
  • Demonstrated ability to illustrate complex ideas through an elegant video style accessible to a variety of target audiences.
  • Demonstrated ability to take initiative and work independently with limited supervision and within established deadlines.
  • Demonstrated capacity for collaborative, effective and timely communication.
  • Creative direction

How to apply

Preparation and Submission of Proposals

Interpeace invites qualified service providers to submit a bid to provide the services described in the attached Terms of Reference, and which form an integral part of the present Request for Proposal (RFP).

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its proposal, and Interpeace shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, whether direct or indirect, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the RFP, nor if the RFP is cancelled, altered or postponed for any reason. This includes, but is not limited to, any and all costs incurred for pre-proposal clarifications, oral presentations, site visits, and subsequent meetings and negotiations.

All offers shall be prepared in English. Offers shall comprise the following documents:

  1. Technical Proposal

The Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the services requested by Interpeace can be found in Annex 1. The technical proposal should include the following information:

  1. CV (if applying as a team, the CV of each team member) and brief description of the provider’s status and structure including legal status (firm or individual), registration/authorization to work as independent contractor in compliance with local regulations.
  2. Portfolio or at least 2 samples of past relevant high-quality animated video work
  3. Any other information that will facilitate evaluation of the service provider’s reliability and capacity to provide the services. This may include descriptions of previous work provided to similar organizations.
  4. Brief explanation of your approach to the design process and proposed detailed timeline for required project outputs. If you’re applying as a team, provide an outline of the roles and responsibilities of each team member.
  5. Financial Offer

This must contain a proposed all-inclusive fixed rate according to each project output (see deliverables table).

The cost of preparing a bid and negotiating a contract, including any related travel, is not reimbursable nor can it be included as a direct cost of the assignment.

All offers to provide the services described in this RFP must be submitted by e-mail to Elio Azar, Policy Support Officer, by email ( by 26 August 2021. All submissions must indicate “Animated Videos – Finance for Peace” in the subject line.

Only proposals under consideration will be notified.

Participation in this RFP indicates acceptance of the terms and conditions provided.

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