Request For Proposals – Consultancy Services To Conduct Job Evaluation At Pcea Kikuyu Hospital At Christian Health Association of Kenya

More Information




11th Feb 2025

Closing date

4th March 2025


The Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) Kikuyu Hospital is one of the oldest hospitals in Kenya, having been founded in 1908 by Scottish Missionaries.

  • The hospital has four units namely, the General, Eye, Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Unit and Dental unit. In addition, the hospital has a School of Nursing which offers training services and a satellite clinic located at Matasia in Ngong.
  • The total number of outpatients that visit our facility is about 139,700 annually. The total number of admissions and surgeries done per year is 4800 and 7900 respectively. The hospital has a fulltime workforce of 475 two thirds of whom are Medics/Nurses with 39 consultants and one third support services. It is situated in Kikuyu, Kiambu county, about 20km from the City of Nairobi.
  • The hospital is a recipient of Golden Jubilee Award year 2013 awarded by His Excellency Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, President and Commander- in- Chief of the Amed Forces of the Republic of Kenya.
  • PCEA Kikuyu Hospital is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Vision 2050

A World-class Mission Hospital.

Vision 2023-2028

The Preferred Mission Hospital in Kenya and Beyond


To provide quality, affordable healthcare and training services driven by Christian values.

PCEA Kikuyu Hospital (PKH) is seeking to hire a consultant or Consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive Job Evaluation.

Core Values

  1. Customer Focus
  2. Integrity
  3. Teamwork
  4. Professionalism
  5. Innovation
  6. Christ-centredness


The objective of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive job evaluation at PKH to ensure that all management and non-management positions in the institution are appropriately classified and aligned to achieve internal and external equity.


The scope of this assignment shall involve the following key activities:

  1. To review and recommend an appropriate organisational structure aligned to the strategic/business plan with clear departments and sections
  2. To carry out job analysis exercise, revise and update job descriptions and specifications for all existing and planned positions.
  3. To conduct a comprehensive job evaluation exercise and design an internally equitable and externally competitive salary structure based on market benchmarks with comparable organisations.
  4. To carry out a salary and benefits survey with comparable organizations and recommend a competitive salary structure.
  5. Review the performance appraisal system and make appropriate recommendations.
  6. To carry out staff establishment and needs assessment and recommend an appropriate establishment for each respective functional area.
  7. To prepare and submit detailed and final report outlining process, output and recommendations.
  8. Make recommendations for maintaining the proposed job evaluation system.


The work to be undertaken by the Consultant or Consulting firm in the preparation of the outputs should include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: –

  1. Interviews with Management and Staff of PCEA Kikuyu Hospital.
  2. Collection and Review of Relevant Data on:
  3. Compensation structure of PCEA Kikuyu Hospital as well as other related organizations
  4. Review relevant literature internally and externally including but not limited to the:

a) Salary scale of PCEA Kikuyu Hospital and other comparative organizations

b) Job descriptions/job specifications of PCEA Kikuyu Hospital and comparative organizations.

c) PCEA Kikuyu Hospital Human Resource Policy Manual

d) PCEA Kikuyu Hospital Organizational structure

d) PCEA Kikuyu Hospital Vision 2050

e) PCEA Kikuyu Hospital Strategic Plan 2023-2028.


At the end of this assignment, the following deliverables are expected from the Consultant:

  1. A revised organizational structure aligned to the mandate of the Hospital
  2. Revised and up-dated job descriptions and specifications for all jobs
  3. An internally equitable grading and salary structure
  4. An externally competitive salary structure designed and recommended to the Hospital Board for approval, taking cognisance of the ability of the Hospital to pay
  5. Recommendations on the suitable performance appraisal system(s)
  6. Recommendations on the optimum number of staffs in each work station
  7. A Job Evaluation Manual containing guidelines for use in the current and the future evaluation of jobs in the Hospital
  8. A revised grading structure based on the outputs of the Job Evaluation exercise
  9. Scheme of Service for each cadre of staff.
  10. Revised/proposed compensation and benefits structure subject to;
  11. Affordability and sustainability of such compensation for a period of 5 years
  12. Performance Management System (PMS) evaluation tools in line with corporate objectives and competitiveness
  13. Salary survey/Comparative market survey report and recommendation of an appropriate salary scale with minimum and maximum levels.
  14. A comprehensive report containing details of the processes, outputs and recommendations
  15. Make presentation of final reports both to Management and Hospital Board.


During the assignment period, the consultant will report to the Chief Executive Officer through the Joint Job Evaluation Committee. The assignment will be coordinated by the Chair of the Committee.


This assignment is expected to last for a period of ninety (90) working days.


a. Summary

PCEA Kikuyu Hospital invites sealed proposals from interested eligible firms to tender for Consultancy services to undertake Job Evaluation. Interested bidders can visi te hospital website via the link below for more details.

b) Information to Consultants

  1. Introduction
  2. Preparation of Proposals

PCEA Kikuyu Hospital will select a firm among those invited to submit a proposal, in accordance with the method of selection detailed under this section. The consultants are invited to submit a Technical Proposal and a Financial Proposal for consulting services required for the assignment named. Please note that: (i) the costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the Contract, including any visit to the Client are not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment; and (ii) the Client is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted.

The Consultant’s proposal shall be written in English language and submitted in an electronic format.


The proposal from eligible Consultant(s) should include the following:

  1. Technical proposal
  2. Any comments or suggestions on the Terms of Reference, a list of services and facilities to be provided by the Client.
  3. A description of the measurable goals, objectives and methodology, and work plan for performing the assignment.
  4. The list of the proposed staff team by specialty, the tasks that would be assigned to each staff team member and their timing.
  5. Documentation such as Curriculum Vitae of the Consultant(s) and other staff members.
  6. Estimates of the total staff input (professional and support staff-time) needed to carry out the assignment.
  7. A detailed description on staffing and monitoring of the assignment. The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information.
  8. Statement of relevant experience i.e. similar assignments executed in/under execution in the last five years

In preparing the Technical Proposal, a Consultant is expected to examine the documents constituting this RFP in detail. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested may result in rejection of a proposal. The Technical Proposal shall provide the following information:

2. Financial proposal (inclusive of all administration costs including transport and telephone costs, printing, posting, copying, presentation, etc.)

  1. The Financial Proposal should clearly identify as a separate amount, the local taxes, duties, fees, levies, and other charges imposed under the law on the consultants, the sub consultants and their personnel.
  2. The Consultant shall express the price of their services in Kenya Shillings. The Financial Proposal must remain valid for 180 days after the submission date.

(a) Mandatory Criteria

The mandatory criteria will be evaluated on a pass-fail basis.

  1. Company profile
    1. Certificate of business incorporation
    2. A list of shareholders/partners and the directors with contact details
    3. Valid tax compliance certificate
    4. All printed pages of the tender document must be numbered and serialized by the tenderer.

The tenderers who do not satisfy any of the above requirements shall be considered non-responsive and will not be evaluated further.

(b)Technical Capacity Evaluation

Eligible Consultants should have the following qualifications:

  1. At least ten years relevant experience in providing job evaluation and compensation consultation services or as a reward specialist.
  2. Good knowledge of Job Evaluation methodology.
  3. Experience in organizational review and/or design would be an asset.
  4. Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Business Administration/Human Resource Management or related field and Certified Human Resource Practitioner (CHRP).
  5. Ability to manage assignments effectively – consistently ensuring timeliness and quality of work with minimum supervision.
  6. Excellent communication and presentation skills.
  7. Highly motivated and committed to the values of transparency and integrity.
  8. Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments.
  9. Indication of availability to carry out the Consultancy during the period from 1st April 2025

(c) Financial Evaluation

Tenderers will be expected to quote in Kenya Shillings inclusive of all taxes.

Work Description Amount (KShs)

Consultancy Fees for conducting Job Evaluation –

Miscellaneous Expenses –

Disbursements (if any) –

Total –


Payment to the Consultant(s) for the provision of deliverables outlined in Clause 5 above will be according to the following schedule:

Mobilization fee on signing of contract 20%
Acceptance of the First Progress Report 10%
Acceptance of the Second Progress Report 15%
Acceptance of the Draft Final Report 25%
Acceptance of the Final Report 30%
TOTAL 100%

The payment schedule will form part of the contract for the winning tenderer.


All documents and data collected in the process of the consultancy will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate the consultancy assignment. All information to which the consultant shall receive access to shall at all times be treated as the property of PKH and shall not be disclosed save for where express permission has been granted as such.


The PCEA Kikuyu Hospital invites interested experienced consultants (individuals and firms) to tender for the facilitation of job evaluation service. Tender documents with detailed specifications can be obtained from the Hospital website upon payment of a non-refundable fee of KES 5,000.00, payable via M-Pesa Pay bill Number 4094481Account Number: Name of the company.

How to apply


Interested Consultants should submit completed Technical and Financial Proposals with supporting documents through the email address not later than 4th March 2025 at 10:00 am. Tender documents shall be opened immediately thereafter at the Hospital Boardroom. The Hospital reserves the right to accept or reject any tender either in part or in whole and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, or give reasons, for the decision taken.

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