Request for Proposals: Training content developer and workshop facilitator At Primary Care International


PCI is looking for two Arabic speaking Consultants to support Phases 2 and 3 of a project to “Strengthen Health Systems and Pandemic Response In Libya” (SHSPR). The consultants will co-develop primary care training materials and co-facilitate two x 5-day Primary Health Care Training of Trainer (ToT) workshops in Tunis, for groups of lead trainers from the Libyan Ministry of Health, Primary Health Care Institute (PHCI) and staff working at primary and secondary healthcare levels. They will also co-develop a supervision and mentoring plan for the trained lead trainers and facilitate remote supervision of the lead trainers as they cascade training to other colleagues working in primary and secondary level health care facilities. This work will be undertaken over the period September 2024 – February 2025.

The consultants will work closely with two PCI Project Leads who are providing technical guidance and leadership to the remaining two phases of the project. A National Libyan-based Consultant has supported the implementation of a baseline and needs assessment under the first phase of the project and will continue to support the roll out of cascade training by the trained lead trainers in Libya.

The main tasks for the two consultants being recruited is to:

  1. Drawing on findings from the Phase 1 needs and capacity assessment, develop a plan for producing appropriate training content for the two ToT workshops within an agreed timeframe (some material can be adapted, some will need to be written). Ensure that management principles and concepts to support gender sensitivity and inclusion are integrated into the training materials. (1 day)
  2. Draft the training materials (14 days) including:
    • Facilitator’s Manual
    • Participant’s Manual
    • Slide decks
    • Pre and post course quiz
    • Course Evaluation
  3. Adjust the materials in response to peer review feedback (2 days)
  4. Prepare for, co-facilitate and complete evaluation reports for two 5-day ToT workshops in Tunis planned for November 2024 (14 days)
  5. Develop a supervision and mentoring plan, tools, and database to capture data on, and support cascading of the training by lead trainers across Libya (2 days)
  6. Implement the supervision and mentoring plan in collaboration with the National Consultant (4 days)

Professional Qualifications / Experience required

  • Degree equivalent to Doctor of Medicine and/ or Masters in Public Health or Health Policy or Health Management from a recognised institution/university
  • Experience of producing content for primary care training and /or a good understanding of the content needed for developing the primary health care capacity of Minitry of Health and primary and secondary level health facility managers
  • Experience of writing and developing content for engaging and participatory face-to-face courses and producing manuals for facilitators and participants
  • Experience of facilitating workshops for healthcare professionals and using a Training of Trainers approach
  • Excellent Arabic and English language skills (spoken and written)
  • Good time management skills and proven experience of keeping to agreed timelines
  • Access to reliable Wifi and digitally literate and confident in the use of technology to carry out the task according to requirements. Able to use digital collaboration platforms
  • Must be able to travel to Tunis for up to 12 days for the workshops

How to apply

To apply, please provide the following information:

  1. Your Technical Offer including:
    1. Brief cover letter (1-2 pages) with a summary of how you meet the essential selection criteria and your relevant skills and experience
    2. Any comments you have on the Terms of Reference, including the tasks, timeline and your ability to meet these requirements
    3. A copy of your CV
  2. Your Financial offer including:
    1. Your total fee in pounds sterling (GBP) for all the tasks outlined in the Terms of Reference above.
    2. Your daily fee in pounds sterling (GBP) for any additional work that may be required

The successful consultants will have no claim to fully exhaust the working days outlined in this Terms of Reference. The number of working days and costs shall be agreed in the contract as ‘up to’ amounts.

Please send your proposal to Gill Price at in an email with the subject line: RfP, GIZ SHSPR Libya (YOUR NAME)

The deadline for receipt of proposals is Friday 6th September at 16.00 UK time.

Your technical offer will have a weighting of 80% and your financial offer a weighting of 20%. Bidders must pass/meet the specified minimum technical score to be considered as technically compliant and qualify for the financial evaluation.

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