Responsable Relations Bailleurs CONGO – RDC – H/F At ALIMA


THE ALIMA SPIRIT: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation and the alliance of organizations and individuals. We act with humanity, impartiality and respect for universal medical ethics and our environment. To access patients, we are committed to intervening in a neutral and independent manner.

THE VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action included in our CHARTER:

  1. The patient first
  2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine
  3. Responsibility and freedom
  4. Improving the quality of our actions
  5. Trust
  6. Collective intelligence
  7. Environmental responsibility

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach towards those guilty of acts of gender-based and sexual violence as well as towards inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. The protection of those benefiting from and impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Anyone collaborating with ALIMA commits to:

  • Respect the charter, the code of conduct, institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuse of power and sexist and sexual violence, the policy of prevention of corruption and fraud;
  • Report any violation of policies, framework documents and procedures to a superior, a superior, a referent, a referent

CARE – INNOVATE – TOGETHER: Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 13 million patients in 15 countries, and is now deploying its operations in 12 African countries and Haiti. In 2022, we developed 62 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects are carried out in support of national health authorities through nearly 511 health structures. We work in partnership, in particular with local NGOs, whenever possible to ensure that our patients benefit from expertise, whether in their country or in the rest of the world. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we are conducting operational and clinical research projects, in particular to combat malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.

THE ALIMA TEAM: More than 2,000 people currently work for ALIMA. The field teams, closest to patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capitals of the countries of intervention. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency and openings service team based at the operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams actively work on fundraising and representing ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams who work on behalf of other organizations such as the medical NGOs BEFEN, Alerte Santé, SOS Médecins, KEOOGO, AMCP-SP, the research organizations PAC-CI, Inserm, the Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen, the NGO Solidarités International and many others.

OUR COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Chad, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Haiti.

OUR PROJECT THEMES: Malnutrition, Maternal Health, Primary Health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Coronavirus, Lassa Fever), Research, Hospitalization, Emergencies, Gender-Based Violence, vaccinations, mental health, etc.).



ALIMA programs in the DRC

The DRC, a country in Central Africa, is one of the largest on the African continent with a population of around 100 million inhabitants spread over 26 provinces with 512 health zones.

The country, like many other African countries, is facing various and varied crises. The east of the country is the most affected by these crises which are characterized by repeated epidemics (Measles, Cholera, Ebola, Malaria, Plague, Monkeypox meningitis) and population movements due to chronic armed conflicts in large part and disasters.

The country has approximately 500 international and national NGOs operating in various fields in support of the Ministry of Health.

The main health problems in the country to date are characterized by: the food and nutritional crisis predominant in the eastern provinces, epidemics, problems of accessibility to health care, access to good water, hygiene and sanitation conditions.

In 2011, ALIMA intervened in the DRC for the first time as part of an Urgent Response to the Measles epidemic.

To date, ALIMA is present in 6 provinces in the DRC:

A-Kwango Province:

The DIGIPREW (Mobile Digital Preparedness and Response Without Borders) project aims to develop tools for the detection and management of epidemic threats. In the DRC setting, this project will test the use of the SORMAS (Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) software in collaboration with the Ministry of Health through the Directorate of Epidemiological Surveillance (DES).

B-Province of Maniema:

  • At the level of the ZS kaïlo: nutrition and maternal and child health project.
  • Tunda ZS: Urgent Response Project to Monkeypox Outbreak and Primary Health Care

C- North Kivu Province:

  • Oïcha health zone, Beni territory: health project, health-nutrition, protection and WASH with integrated rapid response mechanism
  • Kanyiaruchina Health Zone (Goma): Emergency response to the mass population movement following the M23 crisis.

D- Province of L’itiuri:

  • Irumu ZS RWAMPARA and Guetty Territory: BHA Health, WASH and Protection project with an RRM Response
  • ECHO Health and WASH project in the MANGALA, RWAMPARA, LITA ZS
  • Unicef ​​PCI/WASH project as part of prevention of the fight against EVD

E- Province of Tanganyika:

  • ZS de Kongolo: FH health project (PMA and PCA)
  • Zs de kongolo: Hilton project, emergency response, primary health care and nutrition

POSITION LOCATION: GOMA COORDINATION (with possible travel to other districts)


Level 3: As part of their duties, the position holder will be required to visit programs and be in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Consequently, a criminal record check or the presentation of a certificate of good character will be necessary. In situations where it is not possible to provide a criminal record or a certificate of good character, a sworn statement will be requested.


  • Hierarchical Manager: Head of Mission (based in GOMA)
  • Functional Manager: Landlord Representative – Desk 1 (based in Dakar)


Under the supervision of the Head of Mission, the Donor Relations Manager is responsible for implementing the financing strategy in line with ALIMA’s country action plan.

More specifically, he/she is responsible for mobilizing funding that will enable the implementation of projects. He/she maintains regular relations with donors, and actively seeks funding. He/she is the guarantor of the drafting of project proposals and reports to donors. He/she supports the monitoring of donor contractual indicators, in collaboration with the Project Coordinators and the Medical Coordinator.


Definition and monitoring of the country financing strategy

The Donor Relations Manager carries out an analysis of the donor strategy and the availability of funding for the country concerned, in order to maintain a high level of information and understanding of the issues. He/she identifies the funding needs on the mission in collaboration with the coordination team and proposes a relevant funding strategy for the mission. He/she assesses the issues and proposes the adaptation of the strategy according to the country’s operational action plan. During the mission, the Donor Relations Manager monitors the funding strategy and adapts it according to changing needs. In conjunction with the Head of Mission and the Donor Representative at headquarters, he/she supports the design and implementation of a strategy for acquiring grants and mobilizing resources.

Maintaining the relationship with donors

In conjunction with the Head of Mission, he/she ensures representation with donors and negotiates funding for ALIMA projects. He/she maintains relations with donors who finance the projects to ensure regular, high-quality communication. He/she coordinates donor visits to projects when the security situation allows, with the support of the Head of Mission.

Search for funding

The Donor Relations Manager, in support of the Head of Mission, conducts an active search for funding and identifies new donors to approach in order to ensure good knowledge of ALIMA and the projects implemented by its actors. He/she actively monitors the thematic priorities of donors and financing mechanisms in the country. He/she carries out donor mapping and information collection, and regularly informs the country coordination on this subject. He/she develops project sheets and brochures to ensure institutional communication throughout the year.

Support for operational planning in line with donor priorities

The Donor Relations Manager supports the Project Coordinators and the coordination team in designing interventions in line with the donors’ strategy. He/she ensures that interventions are aligned with the donors’ thematic and operational priorities, and that submissions comply with the formats required by the latter.

Production of concept notes and project proposals

In order to obtain funding, the Donor Relations Manager is responsible for submitting concept notes and project proposals within the deadlines imposed by donors. He/she ensures the writing of project documents to respond to opportunities with donors. He/she is responsible for the quality and compliance of the documents produced.

Disseminates key information on donor procedures, financing contracts and supports Project Coordinators in monitoring contractual requirements

The Donor Relations Manager is responsible for updating the coordination team on donor guidelines. He/she continually informs the teams of the evolution of donor procedures and requirements. In addition, the Donor Relations Manager supports the Project Coordinators in monitoring donor contractual requirements. The Donor Relations Manager monitors operational developments, including budgetary, in order to propose contractual modifications if necessary.

Data tracking to meet reporting requirements

The Donor Relations Manager develops and incorporates solid monitoring and tracking elements into reports in project monitoring tools and therefore participates, with the Data Manager and the Medical Coordinator, in the control and compilation of operational data. He or she ensures that data tracking tools are updated in connection with financing contracts, and anticipates reporting deadlines in order to ensure data completeness and quality analysis.

Ensure the production of accurate and analytical narrative reports within defined deadlines

The Donor Relations Manager is responsible for preparing interim and final reports for donors, according to the required reporting formats and rules. He/she is directly responsible for drafting the documents, based on precise, quantitative and qualitative information capitalized during the year. He/she establishes regular liaison with the Coordinators and project managers and, for the preparation of the reports, makes the link between the commitments to the donor and the reality of the projects and the fields. He/she ensures that deadlines are met and is responsible for the quality of the reports.

Ensure contractual management of financing contracts

The Donor Relations Manager is responsible for monitoring financing contracts with donors. He/she is in direct contact with the donor’s national representatives for contractual management issues. He/she ensures that he/she knows and respects the donor’s procedures and that these are known to the rest of the team. To do this, he/she has a common contract monitoring tool that he/she helps to update.

Ensure the application of standards in prevention against abuse

The Landlord Relations Manager must participate in training and awareness sessions. He/she applies the standards relating to the prevention of abuse in all the tasks he/she undertakes (e.g.: adding the theme in reports, project proposals, clause on the prevention of abuse, etc.). He/she contributes to creating and maintaining a fulfilling and protective environment.


  • Higher education diploma (Master’s level or equivalent) related to the position (development studies, public health, international relations, project management, etc.)
  • Excellent level of English and French, spoken and written
  • Good command of project management tools (project cycle, logical framework, project proposals, reporting, etc.)
  • At least one year of professional experience in reporting, design and/or project management, as well as field experience.
  • Excellent analytical, synthesis and writing skills
  • Autonomy, ability to take initiative, ability to work in a team and communicate
  • Rigor, motivation, desire to achieve project support objectives
  • Understanding and adherence to ALIMA’s values ​​and mission


Type of contract: Fixed-term contract under French law with possibility of renewal

Contract duration: 12 months

Job location: GOMA/DRC

Salary: According to ALIMA salary scale (level 10) + recognition of experience + Perdiem

ALIMA supports:

Travel costs between the expatriate’s country of origin and the place of assignment

Accommodation costs

Medical coverage from the first day of contract to one month after the departure date from the mission country for the employee and their dependents

Evacuation for the employee and their beneficiaries.

Start date: As soon as possible

How to apply


To apply, please send us your application file online.

Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. ALIMA reserves the right to close the offer before the deadline initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Cover Letter) will be considered.

Female candidates are strongly encouraged.

Application link:



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