RFA: Civil Society Organization/ Coordinator of territorial activities – State of Mexico AT Magenta FZE


State of Mexico, with availability to travel to Mexico City.

Report to:

Local SBC Coordinator

Activity start date:

January, 2024


8 months


Sub-award / Socia implementadora

Total budget:

30,000 USD

Application deadline:

December 18, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.


MAGENTA is a Social and Behavior Change (SBC) research and communications agency that specializes in understanding human behavior and designing communications solutions to positively impact social development. . It is a global agency that works in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. Through theory on social and behavioral change; designs and implements evidence-based communication strategies and campaigns.

Our client base includes United Nations agencies, international non-governmental organizations, cooperation agencies, governments and the private sector. We seek to recognize the importance of local actors, as well as contribute our expertise at an international level and our methodological rigor. To do this, we collaborate with civil society actors, creative agencies, media and academics to design innovative and relevant solutions that impact today’s most challenging problems.

The MAGENTA team in Latin America and the Caribbean works throughout the region on a series of projects that include research, strategy development, implementation of SBC interventions and their evaluation. We currently work in countries such as Mexico, Honduras, Brazil, Venezuela and Paraguay.

Context of the initiative

Rates of technology-facilitated gender violence (TFGBV) in Mexico are among the highest in the world, putting women, adolescents and girls at risk. This form of violence is part of the very high rates of gender violence and feminicide in the region.

Until now, the most common response regarding TFGBV has focused on the criminalization and sanction of the behaviors that constitute it; However, there are important areas of opportunity in terms of prevention.

En este contexto, MAGENTA ha diseñado un programa enfocado y dirigido localmente para reducir las barreras que impiden a las mujeres navegar en línea y usar la tecnología digitalcon seguridad en México. Este programa se implementará junto con organizaciones locales de la sociedad civil.

El programa prevé la realización de las siguientes actividades con un enfoque territorial en los estados de Oaxaca y Estado de México:

  • Componente 1: Investigación formativa para profundizar en la comprensión de los factores de comportamiento que impulsan la TFGBV.
  • Componente 2: Diseño e implementación de una campaña que fortalezca la seguridad digital y promueva el cambio de normas sociales.
  • Componente 3: Creación de un grupo de trabajo de dedicado a realizar actividades de promoción y una estrategia de incidencia.

MAGENTA está en búsqueda de una organización de sociedad civil local radicada en el Estado de México que pueda convocar y coordinar los esfuerzos de diversas organizaciones en el terreno para participar en las tres actividades del proyecto de prevención de violencia de género facilitada por la tecnología.


Se le concederán recursos a una organización local para trabajar en colaboración con otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil local, para desarrollar las siguientes actividades:



Fechas indicativas*

Actividad 1. Investigación formativa para profundizar en la comprensión de los factores de comportamiento que impulsan la TFGBV.


A1.1 Plan de trabajo

A1.2 Apoyo en el levantamiento de información en campo

Coordinación de las actividades de investigación en el Estado de México.

Para ello, se debe desarrollar un plan de trabajo metodológico que debe incluir:

  • Propuesta de trabajo para el levantamiento de información en 4 grupos de discusión y 10 entrevistas individuales.
    • Se espera puedan convocar a personas afromexicanas, personas indígenas, personas con discapacidad y personas de la comunidad LGBTTTIQA+.
  • Reclutamiento de participantes para los grupos de discusión y entrevistas.
  • Pago de incentivos y gestión de transporte para participantes.
  • Prever la logística, lugar, cronograma, servicio de cafetería, etc. Para los grupos focales y entrevistas.
  • Co-implementación de grupos focales.
  • Apoyo en la difusión de los resultados de la investigación.

Enero – febrero 2024

Actividad 2. Diseño e implementación de una campaña que fortalezca la seguridad digital y promueva el cambio de normas sociales.


A2.1Creación de contenidos a nivel local y comunitario

A2.2 Divulgación y difusión de la campaña

Siguiendo las pautas marcadas por MAGENTA, la estrategia de comunicación co-diseñada y bajo la guía de la OSC encargada de la coordinación nacional de la campaña en las siguientes actividades:

  • Actuar como punto focal para la coordinación de las actividades en el Estado de México.
  • Participación en el taller de co-diseño de la campaña en la Ciudad de México.
  • Creation of content generated by the community and by users of low-cost production social networks (such as audiovisuals, images, texts, etc.) for social networks and other media that are relevant and culturally appropriate for the community.
  • Dissemination of content for three months (duration of the campaign) through publications on social networks and holding community events and activities that favor the involvement of the target audience in the field.

March – June 2024

Activity 3. Creation of a civil society working group dedicated to carrying out promotional activities and an advocacy strategy.


Local coordination and participation in civil society working group activities for advocacy

Under the leadership of the organization in charge of the Civil Society Working Group, participate in activities for the creation of an Advocacy Strategy regarding the prevention of gender violence facilitated by technologies:

  • Act as focal point for the coordination of activities in the State of Mexico.
  • Attendance at work tables, writing materials for advocacy, among others.
  • Participate and ensure the participation of other local organizations in activities for the development of a prevention advocacy strategy.
  • Scheduling advocacy events and local meetings.
  • Collaborate with actors on the ground to guarantee involvement in activities.

June – August 2024

*Indicative dates depend on approval and review – which may delay implementation times.

MAGENTA’s work requires that these activities be carried out incorporating the approaches of:

  • Communication for changing social norms
  • Gender transformative approach
  • Community focus
  • Victim/survivor-centered approach
  • Intersectionality and human rights


Key competencies

  • Be a Civil Society Organization, Civil Association, non-profit Association and/or groups, collectives led by women with a feminist focus (it is not essential that they be legally constituted).
  • Have an internal policy respecting human rights, intersectionality, diversity and inclusion, preferably from a feminist perspective.
  • Extensive experience coordinating and managing the efforts of various civil society organizations in the local context.
  • Relevant experience in carrying out activities to influence policies on gender violence, with special attention to prevention.
  • Ability to work with diverse population groups and victims/survivors of the TFGBV.
  • Availability to travel to Mexico City for training and other events.

Presentation and shipping

Applications must include:

  • CSO profile, addressing all key competency areas identified above.
  • Details and evidence of achievements in project efforts on issues related to gender violence facilitated by technology in Mexico.
  • Reference to at least three previous projects, including the client’s name, description of activities, contract amount and dates.
  • CV of the CSO and key personnel.
  • Proposed budget for the project based on the previously described activities, taking into account the aforementioned guidelines.

Take into account that proposals that do not include all the required documents will be disqualified.



Limit percentage

USD amount

A1.1 Work plan

The budget for this activity should not exceed 10% total.

3,000 USD

A1.2 Support in collecting information in the field

The budget for this activity should not exceed 10% total.

3,000 USD

A2.1Creation of content at local and community level

The budget for this activity should not exceed 10% total.

3,000 USD

A2.2 Dissemination and dissemination of the campaign

The budget for this activity should not exceed 55% total.

16,500 USD


Local coordination and participation in civil society working group activities for advocacy

The budget for this activity should not exceed 15% total.

4,500 USD



30,000 USD

How to apply

Nominations must be sent to mikel@magentaconsulting.org and nicole@magentaconsulting.org before December 18, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

Pre-selected CSOs and/or collectives could be invited to a brief meeting of approximately 30 minutes for each party to answer any clarifying questions.

Note. The general conditions of MAGENTA are attached to this form.

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