RFQ FY25 – 194- State of the World’s Girls – Data Analysis At Plan International

Job Expired

More Information

  1. Background Information on Plan International

Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.

We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 85 years, and are now active in more than 75 countries.

Read more about Plan International’s Global Strategy: Girls Standing Strong at https://plan-international.org/strategy

  1. Background on the Project

Plan International are recruiting consultants to support their 2025 State of the World’s Girls research on Child, Early and Forced Marriages and Unionsfor a period of up to eleven weeks of part time work. This is a very exciting opportunity for those with specialised gender and research skills to take part in an international project and contribute towards several key research outputs. This consultancy will support coding of qualitative data collected as part of the ‘State of the World Girls’ research – carried out in 17 countries globally – and the findings of the technical report will feed into our Global Campaign Framework.

The countries participating in the research are Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Ecuador, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Niger, and Togo.

  1. Requirements

For both approaches, all interviews and focus group discussions will be recorded, transcribed and then translated into English (where applicable).

Consultant coders will be hired to code the data on Dedoose. All recruited coders will have a training prior to coding commencing and there will be weekly check-ins and spot checks done for coding comparison queries. The research team will undertake the analysis and write up once coding is completed.

Across the whole 2025 qualitative study, we are expecting the transcripts as follows:

Countries by region

Maximum anticipated number of transcripts
























Dominican Rep.





2-4 longer transcripts (focus groups)


Burkina Faso










Requirements (to be met in full):

The required person(s) will have the following experience:


  • Experience in coding gendered qualitative data
  • Previous experience using Dedoose for coding
  • Excellent research skills, including experience conducting qualitative gender related research and data analysis
  • A post graduate degree in a social science related subject


  • Contextual knowledge of any of the study countries, particularly around laws or restrictions around organisation or civil society space
  • Language abilities in Spanish, French or in local languages of any countries in the table above (while transcripts will be professionally translated there may be a need to cross check against original language transcript)

Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, while providing the Services the Contractor shall meet the following milestones and/or provide the following deliverables to Plan by the applicable deadline set out opposite it:

  • Attendance at 1.5-2 hour training prior to coding commencing
  • Code around 25-35 transcripts (per consultant) on Dedoose – the coding tree and framework of which to code against will be set up in Dedoose for you
  • You must be able to commit to approx. 20 days work within this period.
  • We ask that you add completed transcripts to a OneDrive folder as you go (the link will be sent to you) i.e. on a rolling basis.

Expected Timeline:

Start Date: 3rd March 2025

End Date: 2nd May 2025

  1. Evaluation of offers

Shortlisted suppliers may be invited to discuss their proposals in more detail at Plan’s discretion.

Plan International, at its sole discretion, will select the successful RFQ.

Plan international shall be free to:

  • Accept the whole, or part only, of any submission
  • Accept none of the proposals
  • Republish this Request for Quotations

Plan International reserves the right to keep confidential the circumstances that have been considered for the selection of the offers.

Part of the evaluation process may include a presentation from the supplier and a site visit by Plan International staff, to offices.

Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged or advancing gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace are especially encouraged to apply.

Value for money is very important to Plan International, as every additional £ saved is money that we can use on our humanitarian and development work throughout the world.

Plan Internationalmay award multiple contracts and all contracts will be non-exclusive.

  1. Contract Payment terms

Please note that, if successful, Plan International’s standard terms of payment are 30 days after the end of the month of receipt of invoice, or after acceptance of the Goods/Services/Works, if later.

8. IR35 Requirements – Only applicable for UK based or connections to the UK Consultants

As of April 2021, all Global Hub UK-based contractors (Consultant/personal service company/agency/intermediary) employing “people” in their chain to deliver serves to Plan International must follow a strict process of IR35 determination.

Plan Limited will conduct a CES tool on all relevant shortlisted proposers as outlined above to determine whether they fall inside or outside IR35.

9. Plan International’s Ethical & Environmental Statement

The supplier should establish environmental standards and good practices that follow the principles of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, and in particular to ensure compliance with environmental legislation

  1. Clarifications

The onus is on the invited companies to ensure that its offer is complete and meets Plan International’s requirements. Failure to comply may lead to the offer being rejected. Please therefore ensure that you read this document carefully and answer fully all questions asked.

If you have any queries in relation to your submission, or to any requirements of this RFQ, please email: procurement@plan-international.org

Thank you for your proposal.

How to apply

The offer must be sent via email to Procurement@plan-international.org.

Offers must be received before the deadline specified in the ‘RFQ FY25 – 194- State of the World’s Girls – Data Analysis’.

Pricing for services should be fixed.

For full RFQ document, please contact Procurement@plan-international.org.

  • This job has expired!
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