Safety and Access Consultancy – Myanmar National At Trócaire

About Trócaire

Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Trócaire was established to express the concern of the Irish Catholic Church for any form of human need, but particularly for the needs and problems of communities in the Global South. With our partners we work with some of the world’s poorest people, supporting women, men and communities for long-term change. In Ireland, we raise awareness about the causes of poverty through our outreach programmes in the education sector, through parish networks, and through our public campaigns and advocacy work. More information about Trócaire is available at

Context of Work

Trócaire works with partners (25 Partners) across Myanmar with an emphasis in the Kachin State. These national organisations work in a range of sectors from humanitarian response, women’s empowerment, to resource rights. As well as providing programme funding, Trócaire provides technical advice and capacity strengthening support, and aims to support partner organisations as they work in challenging conditions. We are committed to supporting our local partners’ security needs in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

Scope of the Work

The aim of this consultancy is to strengthen Trócaire’s and partner organisations’ safety in the current context in Myanmar.

Trócaire has internal security protocols in place and has provided security training and support for partner organisations. The ongoing security challenges in Myanmar require that Trócaire and our partners continue to improve our preparations.

Proposed Methodology

The following is an outline methodology to provide an understanding of the work required, however, it may be necessary to review as the consultancy evolves:

The Safety and Access consultant will complete a review of the recent study of Partner Needs. Expected output: Review document

Partner safety and security clinics provided along with tailored support needs as applicable. Further needs in relation to partner capacity on security maybe identified. Expected output: Training modules developed for partner training and delivered. Further training needs potentially recommended.

The Safety and Access Consultant will also review existing processes and procedures and advise the Country Management Team (CMT) on required mitigations in line with the context. The review should include a comprehensive focus on the context/actor analysis, threat identification and risk treatment. Expect output: Review document

It is also expected that the Consultant will take a lead role in advising of any significant changes to the context that may impact staff and partners and support the CMT in reacting accordingly. Expected output: Regular analysis/communications on the security context.

Specific needs identified through the review will require focus on contingency planning for high-risk scenarios, review and update of standard operational procedures (SOPs) for Trócaire and partner organisations as appropriate, based on a comprehensive review of the security risk assessment. Expected output: Updated SOPs

The consultancy is managed by the Country Director and will involve liaising with relevant management colleagues in the country and HQ teams.


The consultancy is for a period of three months, and it is expected that the consultant will begin work as soon as possible.



· Proven experience in working in the area of safety and security in a fragile/conflict environment

· Extensive knowledge of personal security risk management process and frameworks

· Higher level computer literacy and knowledge of spreadsheet applications

· Ability to communicate in both Myanmar and English Language is an advantage

· An in depth understanding of the Myanmar context

· Access to the office in either Yangon or Myitkyina

· Access to internet (within the current context)


· A formal qualification in Risk Management, Security, or related field

· Qualification in Digital Security

· Strong analytical as well as administrative and conceptual skills

· Experience of working with International INGO/UN/LNGO

How to apply



All Expressions of Interest should be marked “**Safety and Access Consultancy**” and to be emailed to by closing date – 07 September 2021

Any queries relating to this ToR should be directed by e-mail only to

Safeguarding Programme Participants Policy

Trócaire is committed to Safeguarding Programme Participants from Exploitation and Abuse and has specific policies on this commitment (including a Global Code of Conduct) which outlines the expected behaviour and the responsibility of all staff, consultants, and other organisational representatives. Any candidate offered a job with Trócaire expect to sign Trócaire’s Safeguarding Policies and Global Code of Conduct as an appendix to their contract of employment and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these documents.


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