SBP Counter Trafficking in Crisis Specialist Deployment At International Organization for Migration

Title : SBP Counter Trafficking in Crisis Specialist Deployment

Duty Station : Caracas, Venezuela

Duration : 9 months

Contract Type : Deployment

Start date : 15 November 2021

Closing Date : 03 November 2021


Established in 1951, the i**nternational Organization for Migration** (IOM) is leading inter-governmental organization providing services to governments and migrants in the field of migration. With 173 member states and offices in more than 100 countries, IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. IOM works in partnership with governments, the United Nations, international and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and development partners on all aspects of counter-trafficking responses – prevention, protection, and prosecution. Since the mid-1990s, IOM and its partners have provided protection and assistance to close to 100,000 men, women and children, who were trafficked for sexual and labour exploitation, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude, or for organ removal. Agriculture, fishing, domestic work and hospitality, commercial sexual exploitation, pornography, begging, construction and manufacturing are some of the sectors in which victims were exploited. IOM encourages the entire international community to engage in the fight against trafficking. It does so by participating in, and le, a number of regional and international multilateral processes, including the Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Anti-Trafficking in Humanitarian Action.

The Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Anti-Trafficking in Humanitarian Action has been co-led by Heartland Alliance International (HAI), IOM and UNHCR since its inception in 2017 and co-led by UNHCR and IOM exclusively since October 2020. The aim of the TT is to ensure that the risk of trafficking is mitigated and addressed from the earliest stages of humanitarian responses and that Protection Clusters take the lead on coordinating the response to trafficking to ensure crisis affected persons who become victims of trafficking are able to receive protection and assistance. In November 2020, the Task Team published an Introductory Guide to Anti-Trafficking Action in Internal Displacement Contexts which will support Protection Clusters in implementing anti-trafficking responses.

The Global Protection Cluster (GPC) is a network of NGOs, international organizations and United Nations (UN) agencies engaged in protection work in humanitarian crises including armed conflict, climate change related and natural disaster. Mandated by the IASC, the GPC is led by the UNHCR, with four specialized Areas of Responsibility (AoRs): Child Protection led by UNICEF; Gender-Based Violence led by UNFPA; Housing, Land and Property led by NRC; and Mine Action led by UNMAS. The GPC is governed by a multi-stakeholder Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) and serviced by a multi-partner Operations Cell supported by an Information and Analysis Working Group, a Donor and Member States Liaison Platform, and thematic Task Teams. In addition, the GPC collaborates with the broader IASC system, the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), various human rights treaty bodies and key development and peace actors, as well as international financial institutions and the private sector.

The GPC covers 32 operations including 25 field clusters/sectors and 7 working groups (15 in Africa, 4 in Asia, 1 in Europe, 5 in MENA, and 7 in the Americas), and supports them in their responsibility to coordinate an effective protection response. This year, in the face of COVID-19, the GPC and national protection clusters have worked to advocate for the rights of around 200 million people and provided specialized protection services and assistance to over 100 million people in its field operations.

The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, coupled with a political stalemate and devastating pandemic, have resulted in the deterioration of health care systems, lack of accessibility to basic non-food items and hygienic supplies as well as extreme food insecurity.

The constant and extreme fluctuations in the economy have resulted in severe economic deterioration, widespread instability, a consistent increase in vulnerability and poverty among a large portion of the population, massive internal displacement and the biggest migratory exodus in the Americas known history, also affecting indigenous populations of Bolívar, Amazonas and Delta Amacuro states. This migrant and refugee crisis constitutes the World´s second largest displacement crisis. An estimated 96.2% of the population lives in poverty, based on household income, and 79.3% of those living in poverty are categorized as experiencing extreme poverty, which means their income is insufficient to cover the food necessities. According to Venezuela’s Humanitarian Response Plan Humanitarian Needs Overview 2020, more than 7 million people, in Venezuela, need some form of humanitarian assistance.

The establishment of the humanitarian coordination architecture in 2019 facilitated the expansion of the humanitarian response. The Humanitarian Country Team includes eight active clusters and three sub-clusters. The Protection Cluster (PC), lead by UNHCR is a broad-based, participatory forum, comprising on an equal basis of United Nations, human rights and development agencies and actors, as well as local and international non-governmental organizations. The Protection Cluster englobes over hundred-member organizations, making it one of the largest in the cluster system of Venezuela. In addition to the national level, the Protection Cluster has sub-national structures with participation in the CCTs of Zulia, Táchira and Bolivar. UNHCR Heads of Field Office in Maracaibo, San Cristobal and Ciudad Guyana double-hat as Cluster Coordinators at sub-national level. The Protection Cluster also incorporates two Areas of Responsibility specifically dedicated to child protection and gender-based violence that are coordinated by UNICEF and UNFPA respectively. Also, these two AoRs have a sub-national structure in Zulia, Táchira and Bolivar.

In the context of the humanitarian coordination architecture, the role and mandate of the Protection Cluster in Venezuela encompasses the communities in which there is a presence of internally displaced persons and people at risk of displacement, prioritizing places where greater protection risks are observed. The key protection concerns as identified by cluster members are the increasing negative coping mechanisms, the fact that violence, conflict and political unrest are growing. Gender-based violence is increasing exponentially as well as xenophobia, racism, and stigmatization, and services are not reaching everyone equally.

The main protection risks reported by members of the Protection Cluster are violence and armed confrontations, restrictions on mobility, homicides, murders, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial and arbitrary executions, physical attacks, torture, sexual and gender-based violence, forced recruitment, family separation, trafficking in persons, confinement, harassment, intimidation, coercion and other human rights violations by the public forces and / or armed groups. These protection risks have motivated internal displacement and have affected displaced persons and their host communities.

The broader humanitarian response to human trafficking can be improved through a better knowledge of the route and the risks to which migrants and refugees are exposed through information windows and the strengthening of information and anonymous reporting lines.

There is a need to generate alliances with the media for communication about human trafficking and establish campaigns directed at the community level and a Registry and Assistance System for victims of trafficking at the regional level.

The successful candidate will undertake all necessary tasks to support the Protection Cluster in Caracas, Venezuela to enhance the ability across the humanitarian and protection community to strengthen capacity of the protection cluster to study, prevent and combat human trafficking and protect and assist trafficking victims in Venezuela.

She/he will work under the direct supervision of the IOM Chief of Mission, in close collaboration with the Protection Cluster Coordinator. She/he will also liaise biweekly with the Global Protection Cluster Task Team on Anti-Trafficking focal point in order to track challenges and developing practices.

Required tasks

In close coordination with the Protection Cluster Coordinator, IM officer, AoR Coordinators and Co-coordinator, country-level Protection Cluster members, hosting IOM mission, and other relevant humanitarian, development, and peace actors; The successful candidate will be responsible to:

· Support the Protection Cluster to finalize/ refine [AZ1] Counter Trafficking (CT) strategy and work plan, including evidence-gathering, reporting, within two months of starting the deployment.

· Provide strategic advice as to how to foster integration of trafficking issues into standard cluster responses and other relevant planning processes, including the HPC, National Development Plan, UN Common Country Analysis, United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF or ‘Cooperation Framework’), etc.

· Provide advice as to how to mobilize attention and carry advocacy work around CT.

· Communicate biweekly with the GPC’s Anti-Trafficking Task Team focal point to update on activities, needs, trends, and progress.

· Participate in country-level Protection Cluster meetings and dialogue, represent the Protection Cluster in liaising with other clusters, partners, and relevant government counterparts on counter trafficking issues, interventions, and initiatives.

· Provide inputs and advice to the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group and/or HCT as appropriate, on trafficking trends and responses.

· Coordinate the design and delivery of training and capacity building activities of the cluster and/or cluster members about CT and support them to write proposals to solicit funding for targeted CT humanitarian programming. Trainings of relevant partners; [or, if appropriate/logical, target social workers or other local service providers, judicial actors, law enforcement, government]. [This task is desired as per project commitments, but only if appropriate for the environment and working arrangement].

Optional tasks **

· Undertake activities to expand referral options for victims of trafficking, particularly within existing protection referral pathways established by the Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR) and the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (AoR), to enhance VoTs options for psychological support/counselling, livelihoods, family reunification (if appropriate), reporting channels (if safe and appropriate) access to judicial processes (if existing, safe, and appropriate), cash-based support and other support as required].

· Undertake a mapping of existing or pre-existing protection services (pre-crisis) in-country, both national and international, to determine options for referral and/or institutions or partners to support in anticipation of an eventual post-crisis context.

· Support cluster or partner organizations to detect victims of trafficking using the GPC Task Team on Anti-Trafficking Introductory Guide to Anti-Trafficking Action in IDP Contexts. Support trained individuals from the protection cluster or partner organisations to undertake screening of potential victims of trafficking, using the GPC Task Team on Anti-Trafficking Introductory Guide to Anti-Trafficking Action in IDP Contexts and IOM’s standard screening form, and will refer identified victims of trafficking for support services. [This task is desired as per project commitments, but only if appropriate for the environment and working arrangement].

· Provide support to cluster organizations to provide direct assistance to victims of trafficking [such as case management, data management, psychosocial activities, monitoring, identification and interview processes].

· Provide technical support and advice to the national authority on combatting human trafficking and support the implementation of the National Action Plan / National Guidelines / anti-trafficking legal framework

· Ensure targeted capacity building support to NGOs in their efforts to provide effective representation, advice and assistance to crisis-affected populations.

· Support transition and recovery initiatives by linking humanitarian CT responses to pre-existing local or development CT programming and support the re-establishment of referral chains.

· Support awareness-raising interventions in partnership with protection actors and/or other clusters as appropriate, for targeted populations regarding the risks of and/or potential signs of trafficking and exploitation.

Other task as desired by the local Protection Cluster, if not described here.

IV. Required Qualifications and Experience


· Master’s degree in humanitarian affairs, development studies, political sciences, gender studies, law or other relevant fields from an accredited academic institution with 5 years of relevant professional experience; or

· University degree in one of the above fields with 7 years of relevant professional experience.


· Extensive experience working with victims of human trafficking (in humanitarian settings an advantage)

· Experience in working with case managers, service providers and governmental counterparts involved in child protection, GBV, and TIP responses;

· Solid knowledge of Protection/GBV/CP/CT coordination mechanisms;

· Experience providing technical guidance, capacity building and/or mentoring on protection/GBV/CP/CT principles and approaches;

· Demonstrated ability to establish working relationships with governmental authorities, other national/international institutions and NGOs;

· Strong planning, coordination and people management skills;

· Strong interpersonal and communication skills, including ability to work in a multi-cultural environment;

· Demonstrated analytical, writing and reporting skills.

V. Languages


Fluency in written and spoken English and Spanish is required.

Other task as desired by the local Protection Cluster, if not described here.

VI. Competencies

The incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following values and competencies:


· Inclusion and respect for diversity – respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.

· Integrity and transparency – maintain high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.

· Professionalism – demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.

Core Competencies (behavioural indicators):

· Teamwork – develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.

· Delivering results – produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.

· Managing and sharing knowledge – continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.

· Accountability – takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work.

· Communication – encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.**

Managerial Competencies (behavioural indicators):

· Leadership – provides a clear sense of direction, leads by example and demonstrates the ability to carry out the organization’s vision; assists others to realize and develop their potential.

· Empowering others and building trust – creates an atmosphere of trust and an enabling environment where staff can contribute their best and develop their potential.

· Strategic thinking and vision- works strategically to meet the agencies goals and communicates a clear strategic direction.


The appointment is subject to funding confirmation.

Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances.**

How to apply

We invite all interested applicants to submit their CV together with covering letter to by Wednesday 03 November 2021 (23:59 CET Time). Please indicate the name of the position ‘CT deployment Venezuela” on the subject of the application.

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