Open to Internal and External Candidates
Position Title: Settlement Research Consultant
Vacancy Notice : CFA/IOMSO/001/2021
Duty Station : Homebased with possibility of travel to Somalia
Classification : Consultant
Duration of Contract : Six months
Estimated Start Date : As soon as possible
Closing Date : July 13, 2021
Established in 1951, IOM is a Related Organization of the United Nations, and as the leading UN agency in the field of migration, works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants.
Somalia features a unique humanitarian context where multiple displacement and movement factors are concurrently in place. This includes new displacement due to environmental or manmade shocks, proliferated urban migration into the country’s urban areas, and protracted displacement in Somalia’s urban centres. These competing displacement phenomena are increasingly becoming entangled with one another creating difficulty for humanitarian agencies to target those with acute needs with humanitarian services. Furthermore, these three displacement and movement factors have created a conflation of what an IDP is within Somalia; urban migrants, the protracted displaced and newly displaced are often perceived as one unified caseload loosely deemed ‘an IDP’. This has created an environment where it is tremendously difficulty to differentiate one group from the other, leading to humanitarian services and durable solutions likely not targeting those who have the greatest vulnerabilities. For example, due to a lack of clear information concerning the IDP status of such populations, the current IDP site master list for Somalia includes over 2,400 IDP sites, many of which are informal settlements containing urban migrants or protected IDPs who have lived in these settlements for over 25 years – can they still be called IDPs? Therefore, there is a need to analyse government policies and to understand the protection concerns for all populations living within these three settlement groups, leading to enhanced clarity on how the humanitarian community can revitalize its beneficiary selection criteria to target too most vulnerable and marginalized. This study aims to provide much needed evidence on the perceived status of such population groups, their corresponding needs, and tangible ways to mitigate COVID-19 cases at the site-level.
Objective: The overall objective of this initiative is to capture data from newly displaced and protracted IDP sites and other urban settlements that are categorized as IDP sites by local authorities or humanitarian stakeholders to further ascertain the current status of individuals living in these settlements.
Target: the study will investigate the following conceptual questions:
- Are individuals living in such settlements considered Internally Displaced based on both global definitions for IDPs, contextually modified definitions for IDPs utilized by the humanitarian community and legislation and policy documents (National Policy of IDPs) enacted by Federal Government and Member States?
Justification: There continues to be insufficient data about the nature and characteristics of individuals living in IDP settlements: newly displaced, protracted displaced and urban migrants.
1.This study will largely provide a much-needed layer of evidence about the range of vulnerabilities that individuals have who reside in these settlement types Moreover, the study will look to spur further action via targeted assessments by durable solutions stakeholders and other relevant partners.
- Are there key recommendations for how the humanitarian community should modify its beneficiary selection criteria and targeting based on the assessment findings? Can these recommendations be incorporated by humanitarian actors and durable solutions partners to reconceptualize targeting these settlement types?
- Do individuals living in targeted settlements self-identify as IDPs and have such individuals established social networks, livelihood activities, access to services, legal documentation and the alleviation of protection concerns within their respective settlement/neighbourhood/urban area? Additionally, are informants perceived as IDPs based on international standards or national policy documents, self-identification, and being ascribed a status from the community or community leaders?
4.When is an IDP no longer and IDP in protracted settlements and when are IDPs in protracted settlements seen via self-perception of residents and the international community as having ‘successfully integrated’ into the community at large?
5.Are there similarities or differences in the needs that individuals have who are living in informal urban settlements (urban migrants), protracted IDP sites or new displaced/established IDP sites?
6.What community-led initiatives can take place at the site-level to address overcrowding and minimize the threat of communicable diseases spread, such as COVID-19?
7.What specific challenges do minority groups, women, youth, and persons with disabilities (PwDs) face when accessing services, or in changing their status as IDP? Are there structural barriers such as accessing loans for land purchases that are preventing such groups from changing their displaced status?
Core Functions / Responsibilities:
- Facilitate a short inception report to detail the study’s approach, finalized tools, field work schedules and overall workplan with the CCCM cluster and other respective stakeholders.
- Generate a desk review gathering important information about the IDP context within Somalia highlighting various humanitarian/development initiatives, government policy and local knowledge that exists regarding the legacy of protracted IDP sites and IDP settlement composition as well as reviewing global IDP policy initiatives and emerging practices.
- Conduct field research in the four aforementioned urban areas targeting a diverse degree of IDP sites that both have new arrivals, urban migrants, and protracted displaced populations.
- The aim of this research will be to uncover the various protection concerns and characteristics of settlements residents with data collected via group discussions and key informant interviews. In total, analysis should take place in a total of 50 settlements within the four targeted districts with 20 sites targeted (10 in Hodan, 10 in Hawl Wadaag Mogadishu).
- Sites that are targeted for the assessment should have equal representation of the three categories of urban settlements discussed in the above background section and when possible, settlements with a known large composition of individuals with minority clan affiliation should be targeted.
- The consultant will produce questionnaires and interview tools in close collaboration with important relevant partners such as the CCCM cluster, Protection Cluster, Durable Solutions or Resilience consortiums (BRCiS, Danwaadag, etc) World Bank and the United Nations Durable Solutions Unit. The questionnaire produced should focus on questions and data categories that pertain to the general research topic while also mainstreaming elements of gender, age, and diversity inclusion (GAD) and disability inclusion.
- Produce a detailed report inclusive of analysis that was conducted via the desk review and interviews with key humanitarian and development stakeholders. This analysis should highlight the findings of the field research that was conducted in Baidoa, Kismayo, Hodan/Hawl Wadaag and Hargeisa IDP sites illustrating the overall self-identification of IDP site residents and the characteristics of such individuals against the global definition of a displaced person.
- These findings should articulate what the main protection risks that such targeted beneficiaries currently have, their intentions for either staying within their current settlement or returning back to their area or origin, and the networks that these communities have established in/within the neighborhood of the assessment.
- Following the completion of the detailed report, the consultant will be responsible for facilitating a workshop where the study, it’s intentions and key findings are presented to respective stakeholders. During this workshop, the objective will be for participants to validate preliminary findings and to further pledge concrete next steps for adapting findings when necessary. If feasible, this workshop should take place in Mogadishu with key stakeholders from OCHA, IOM, UNHCR, Cluster Coordinators, United Nations Durable Solutions Unit, key humanitarian agencies and possibly members of federal government authorities such as NCRI, SBS, MoHADM and the MoPIC.
- It may also require a similar workshop for stakeholders in Somaliland based on findings from Hargeisa. The consultant will also be tasked with presenting the survey in its entirety to members of the ICCG and HCT via a virtual platform.
- The consultant should make her/himself available for bi-lateral meetings and strategic discussions with various stakeholders up to one month after the presentation of key findings through the Mogadishu workshop and ICCG/HCT presentation.
- Tangible and measurable output of the work assignment: The creation of a final report which draws upon interviews and analysis from the desk review, in addition to data analysis from the household-level interviews in targeted IDP sites. This report will highlight key findings and recommendations for the humanitarian/durable solutions communities on the definition of displacement in Somalia settlements. Realistic delivery dates and details as to how the work must be delivered:
- The consultant will be expected to operate for six months’ time starting in early-July with work concluded in early-January (please note the start/end date of the assignment may change due to unavoidable circumstances in which case a revised timeframe will be drawn up with the mutual agreement of both parties).
- It is up to the discretion of the consultant to manage a workplan that is conducive to the meeting the said deliverables completing them prior to the conclusion of the consultancy timeframe. Based on the approach and plan for execution established by the consultant, it is essential that the project’s workplan is agreed by the lead consultant and the CCCM cluster with monthly update meetings facilitated between these two partners (with attendance during such meetings not limited to these two partners). Performance indicators for evaluation of results (value of services rendered in relation to their cost).
- Perform such other duties as may be assigned.
Required Qualifications and Experience
• An advanced university degree (masters or equivalent) in development/humanitarian studies, urban planning/development, political policy, or a related field.
• Minimum seven years of experience leading the design, execution, and/or management of humanitarian related studies in international contexts. Strong research design skills, including capacity to prepare research methodologies, report writing, and the presentation of research findings.
• Ability to integrate different experiences, methodologies, and approaches from a diverse range of stakeholders, organizations, and technical experts from multiple sectors, through adapting research techniques.
• Experience in large research projects on issues related to displacement phenomenon’s and urban/displacement policy in humanitarian contexts.
• Willingness and ability to travel to the field to conduct assessments and gather primary data.
• Ability to lead complex stakeholder interviews and condensing multiple data sources into concise and readable reports.
• English speaking/writing proficiency is required; prior experience of facilitating multi-stakeholders’ workshops and dialogues.
• Proficiency in using data collection specific software such as STATA, SPSS, Microsoft Office, and ArcGIS
Fluency in English is required (Oral and Written). Somali speaking is desirable.
Note: Position requires travel to Somalia.
Required Competencies
• Inclusion and respect for diversity: respects and promotes individual and cultural differences; encourages diversity and inclusion wherever possible.
• Integrity and transparency: maintains high ethical standards and acts in a manner consistent with organizational principles/rules and standards of conduct.
• Professionalism: demonstrates ability to work in a composed, competent, and committed manner and exercises careful judgment in meeting day-to-day challenges.
Core Competencies
• Teamwork: develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
• Delivering results: produces and delivers quality results in a service-oriented and timely manner; is action oriented and committed to achieving agreed outcomes.
• Managing and sharing knowledge: continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
• Accountability: takes ownership for achieving the Organization’s priorities and assumes responsibility for own action and delegated work.
• Communication: encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex matters in an informative, inspiring and motivational way.
Any offer made to the candidate in relation to this call for applications is subject to funding confirmation.
Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment and verification of residency, visa and authorizations by the concerned Government, where applicable.
How to apply
How to apply:
Interested candidates should submit CV and a cover letter indicating the Consultancy Notice Number (CON No.), Position Title and the Duty Station with three professional referees and their contacts (both email and telephone) to:
Posting period:
From: 30.06.2021 to 13.07.2021