Social Theatre Consultant At International Organization for Migration

Ref : ROWCA-HR-21-191

Position : Social Theatre Consultant

Duty Station : RO DAKAR

Contract Type : Consultancy

Length of Contract : 4-month consultancy

Estimated Start Date : As soon as possible

Closing Date : 21 July 2021


Migrants as Messengers is a peer-to-peer awareness-raising campaign that empowers young people in West Africa to make informed decisions about migration.

The campaign is carried out directly by returnee migrant volunteers who share honest accounts of their migration experiences with their communities and families. Through interviews and on-the-ground activities, these volunteers engage their peers so they too can share their stories. Authentic storytelling, peer-to-peer engagement, community activities, and dissemination through social media and messaging platforms makes these stories accessible to wider audiences, including local decision makers, community leaders, religious leaders and potential migrants.

Migrants as Messengers uses creative approaches in its awareness raising activities. Social theater is a strong awareness raising tool that can inspire young people, promote debate around migration, motivate social cohesion and facilitate migrants’ reintegration process. Socially engaged theater is a popular practice widely used in West and Central Africa region to promote awareness around sensitive topics through theater plays and sketches. MaM aims at developing and promoting social theater approaches to facilitate awareness raising and community engagement activities.

IOM is therefore looking for consultant to conduct a desk review of social theater approaches in the region, conduct interviews with theater professionals and develop learning resources for professionals and amateurs.

Objectives of the assignment:

The objective of this assignment is to: identify five main social theater approaches in West Africa; to develop a set of learning resources on these approaches; and to train others on how to use these resources. Specifically, this will include:

Conduct a desk review of social theater approaches in West Africa and identify five relevant for awareness raising and behavior change communication in the region.

Produce the following learning resources:

Five (5) Toolkits for each approach: Summarizing the main theoretical principles, practical steps and links to resources.

Produce 11 videos: 1 video about social theater, 5 videos of interviews with practitioners, and 5 videos of the theater performances on each approach.

  • Train IOM staffs and MaM Volunteers on how to use the resources produced through this assignment to develop drama plays for awareness raising purposes.


1. Participate in briefing with the IOM regional team at the start of the project and develop an implementation strategy approved by IOM which includes methodology explaining the work approach, a detailed work plan and timeline**.**

2. Conduct a desk review of social theater approaches in West Africa and identify five relevant for awareness raising and behavior change communication in the region, and which will be featured in the learning resources that will be developed.

a. The desk review should include a mapping of; a list of popular social theater approaches in West Africa and a list of practitioners operating in the region, with a specific focus on Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone. **

b. Once mapping is finished, choose in accordance with IOM Community Engagement Officer, five main approaches that are most relevant for awareness raising activities in West Africa. Ensure there is a good balance between anglophone and francophone countries. **

c. From the five approaches selected, identify five renowned artists (filmmakers, scriptwriters, theater experts…) across the West African region to be interviewed and ensure there is a good balance between male and female participants. **

3. Produce learning resources: **

a. Five (5) Toolkits for each approach: **

i. Each toolkit should include a summary of the approach, its theoretical principles, where and how it can be implemented and links to resources. **

ii. Each toolkit should be succinct and available in French and English. **

b. *Produce 11 videos*

i. Produce scripts (interview formats and content, drama)**

ii. Film and produce one (1) short video (1m) which introduces social theater and awareness raising. **

iii. Film and produce five (5) short videos interviews with the selected artists and/or practitioners who describe each one of the five approaches. **

iv. Film and produce five (5) long videos (3 to 5 minutes) with the selected artists and their theater troupes performing each one of the five approaches. **

v. Design visual identity that all the videos will adhere to, to ensure a unified format and quality of the content. **

vi. All videos in French must be subtitled in English and vice versa.**

vii. Draft a reference file with contacts of all partners (artists, theater troupes, videographers) who collaborated in this initiative. **

4. Reporting, restitution sessions (two online training session, and a conference)

a. Facilitate two online training sessions (one in French and one in English) for MaM staff to explain the process, the outcomes and the lessons learnt and walk them through the learning resources that were created. **

b. Organize a conference in Dakar with a Panel of experts on social theater and present the results of the study preferably with live drama performances. Organize every aspect of the conference, including but not limited to arranging audio visual coverage for the event and managing invitations.

c. At the end of the assignment, provide a report on how the assignment was conducted with recommendations for other avenues and improvements.**

Note: All content produced by the consultant will be used and shared with IOM missions and their partners and published on IOM online platforms.

IOM’s role

  • Review and approve the implementation strategy proposed by the consultant.
  • In collaboration with the consultant, IOM will select and approve the five approaches that will be featured in the learning resources.
  • If needed, IOM can support in identifying videographers and filmmakers in MaM countries.
  • Review and approve the scripts and profiles to be interviewed.
  • Review and approve the deliverables, including the visual identity guidelines for the toolkits and 11 videos that will be produced.
  • Disseminate the materials produced under this assignment.
  • Build a section highlighting the created materials on the MaM and/or Yenna websites.
  • Manage internal communications and coordination with MaM countries to facilitate the training sessions.
  • Support the organization of live event and panel discussion with theater experts by helping identify panel members, invite partners and returnees and assist in logistic tasks

Timeline and Deliverables (Dates to be adjusted based on the start date of the contract):

Activity 1: Start of contract / initial meeting

Estimated date / deadline (all in 2021) : 01 August

Activity 2: Implementation strategy by consultant is approved by IOM. Strategy to include methodology explaining the work approach adopted and a detailed work plan.

Estimated date / deadline (all in 2021) : 05 August

Payment Plan 1 : 25%

Activity 3: Desk review completed and five social theater approaches identified.

Estimated date / deadline (all in 2021) : 10 September

Activity 4: Identification of interviewees and theater troupes

Estimated date / deadline (all in 2021) : 20 September

Activity 5: First draft of video interviews and video performances shared with IOM

Estimated date / deadline (all in 2021) : 15 October

Payment Plan 2 : 50%

Activity 6: Final draft of video interviews and video performances shared with IOM

Estimated date / deadline (all in 2021) : 31 October

Activity 7: Conduct remote training sessions

Estimated date / deadline (all in 2021) : 15 November

Activity 8: Organization of a panel discussion

Estimated date / deadline (all in 2021) : 30 November

Payment Plan 3 : 25%

All activities under the current project need to be completed at the latest on 30 November 2021 (changes subject to the start date of the contract). Within this limit, the timeline above can be subject to change after discussion between IOM and the selected consultant.


The budget available to the selected consultant is $25.000 USD.

Any travel in the region and costs associated with featuring experts from the region need to be covered by the consultant.

Required Qualifications and Experience:

IOM is looking for a consultant with the following profile and experience:

  • A minimum of 5 years of relevant professional international expertise theater and video production
  • Previous experience working on theater or cultural activities.
  • Based in Senegal with proven experience in conducting research or performances in Senegal and/or around the region.
  • Respecting and promoting IOM’s values and the promotion of youth integration and Women.**


Capacity to work in French and English.


Appointment will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and security clearances.

Women with the above qualifications are encouraged to apply.

How to apply

Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications via email to copying indicating “ ROWCA-HR-21-191 Social Theater Consultant” on the subject line, by 21 July 2021.

Interested candidates should send the following documents by 21 July 2021:

  1. CV
  2. Technical proposal outlining:

o Work plan

o Explanation of the supplier’s suitability for the assignment (1 page) including names and contacts of three recent professional referees.

o Two examples of previous similar experience

o Names and CVs of individuals or team members proposed.

  1. Financial proposal including a Detailed budget breakdown (broken down by the deliverables listed above)

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Posting period: 7 July 2021 to 21 July 2021

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